Chapter 122: The Weaving Clan! There are Chaos!

“Thank you, Father!”

Suiren was overjoyed, and immediately bowed down and worshiped.

The people around are also paying homage and calling for the apparition of the Holy Father and Mother.

“Shan, there is another thing this time.”

Stygmy smiled faintly and looked at the cave not far away.

At this time, the Suiren clan also noticed that the Holy Father and the Virgin Mary had appeared, but the woman had not even been there.

“What is she doing? What is more important than the Father and Mother?”

Suiren thought to himself, but didn’t dare to interrupt Styx.

Stygian joined Nuwa and walked into a cave with the people. It happened to see the woman playing with a few animal skins, a spicule, and a ligament taken from a deer.

The woman will sew animal skins with spicules and ligaments, which is actually the first set of human clothing.

“You are looking for blades to hide the shame of the people, and now you are sewing clothes. You are indispensable. Today I gave you the name of the knitting clan! The bone needle in your hand is the knitting needle!”

With that said, when Styx raised his hand, millions of merits were divided into two strands, one submerged into the body of the Zhiyi clan, and the other into the knitting needle.

With the merits entering the body, the breath of the Zhiyi clan turned straight, and in a blink of an eye, he rushed to the Suiren clan and came to the Realm of the Daluo Jinxian.

And the bone spicules that were originally yellow in her hand became white and flawless at this time, revealing mysterious golden light, and advanced into a spiritual treasure of merit.

“Thank you, Father, and see the Virgin!”

Zhiyi’s weaving clothes forgot, and at this time he was surprised and happy, and then he came back to his senses, and bowed down in fear.

“You two have made great contributions to the human race, and you are indispensable, and they are in good agreement. Today I will be the master, presided over the wedding for you two, and let you formally become a husband and wife!”

Stygmy smiled.

“Thank you for the grace of the Father!”

The Suiren clan and the Zhiyi clan were overjoyed, and immediately joined hands to worship Styx again.

In this way, the Suiren clan married the Zhiyi clan, and the whole clan celebrated for several days.

Observing the human race, it is inevitable to see the reproduction, watching it, Nuwa can’t help but become red:

“Husband, could this be the unity of body and soul you said?”

Seeing Nuwa’s shy appearance, Styghe only found it very interesting, and joked: “This matter is justified, Nuwa, you don’t need to be too cautious. When the human race is stable, you and I will fulfill the dao companion reality and have a real dual cultivation. !”

Hearing Styx’s words, Nuwa’s face turned pinker, and she gave Styx a little bit of embarrassment.


The surging holy prestige is agitated, but the sky and the earth change color, and the entire predicament is shaken.

“Ahem, Nuwa, even though you are sanctified, you should become familiar with Sage’s power as soon as possible.”

Stygian coughed twice, and in my heart Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, this Sage dao companion is not so good to behave, the ordinary big Luo Jinxian, gently touch Nuwa like this, I am afraid that it has been wiped out.

“Husband…” Nuwa owes her heart, but she wants to say nothing. She secretly made up her mind and can only make up for it later!

The Suiren clan of the Terran tribe drills wood to make fire. From now on, they will no longer need to drink blood and eat cooked meat.

There is flame lighting at night, and the time for human activities also increases.

Humans have woven garments, which can resist the cold and protect the flesh.

In addition, both of them were rewarded with the merits of the Styx, and both became the Daluo Jinxian and became the great self-protection power of the human race.

For example, one night, a group of wild wolves came and was directly condensed by Sui Ren with a fire stick, burned a large area, and fled.

The night attack failed, but instead left a lot of food and fur on the human race.

And Styx rewarded the Suiren clan and Zhiyi clan, also inspiring a lot of people.

As long as you can make a great contribution to the human race, you can be promoted by the Holy Father and Mother, and become immortal. Who doesn’t want it?

After the Suiren clan and the Zhiyi clan became the Golden Immortals of Daluo, they can be said to have ascended to the sky in one day, with superb status and powerful strength. At the same time, they are almost immortal and immortal, which is obvious to all races.

Therefore, everyone is doing their best to contribute to the ethnic group.

As the human race multiplies, the already crowded caves become more and more difficult to meet the needs of living.

Upon seeing this, Styx attracted a bird that is good at building nests for the humans to learn from.

Soon, there was a human race that used birds to build a nest and built a nest on the tree by using dead branches, animal skins, and fluffy grass.

“With this nest, from now on, our human race can no longer be crowded in the cave, suffering from the bite of insects and ants, and there is no need to worry about the accumulation of water in the cave after the rain, and there is no need to worry about beasts attacking at night!”

The celebrity looked at the lair he had built, and said with enthusiasm.

“Very well, you are good at building nests and provide shelter for the human race. I will give you the name of the nest. And your nest, you have a nest house!”

The figure of Styx appeared in the clouds, raising his hand, another million merits were sprinkled, and it was submerged on the top of the nest’s head and the nest.

The breath of the Cultivation Base of the Chao clan rose sharply, and he was also like the Suiren clan, becoming a big Luo Jinxian.

The lair was originally rough and crude, but once the merits were washed away, it immediately became magnificent and magnificent, as if it was already a treasure of merit.

“Thank you, Father!”

You Chao was overjoyed, and immediately bowed to Styx again and again.


Styx’s figure dissipated.

At this point, the three human clans have been established.

Just as the Chao family said, with the nest as a residence, the human life has been greatly improved, and there are more energy for hunting and production.

For a time, the Terran climate began to develop and began to flourish.

Although Styx controls all of this behind the scenes, it is also the result of human self-improvement.

“Husband, should we pass on the cultivation method of the human race?”

Nuwa watched the gradual development of the human race, and she couldn’t help but feel a sense of accomplishment in her heart, but now, except for the three Daluojinxians of Suiren, Zhiyi, and Youchao, the rest of the human race is still not able to cultivate.

“When the human race develops and grows, they will find the method of cultivation on their own. You and I don’t need to be too hasty. Besides, the human race has its own set of methods for practicing.”

Having said that, Styx smiled meaningfully.

He naturally has the Cultivation Technique suitable for the Human Race, but if it is passed down now, it will undoubtedly have a great interference in the development of the Human Race.

Especially with the prestige of his holy father, the Cultivation Technique handed down might be regarded as a standard by the human race, when all races will cultivate the same kind or several kinds of Cultivation Technique.

Then the human race will bloom, and the vigorous vitality of the race will probably be weakened a lot. This is something Styx does not want to see.

Nuwa nodded: “Everything is as the husband said.”

Seeing that the human race is developing steadily, Styx left the corpse to observe the human race and left with Nuwa.

“Nuwa, since you are sanctified, it’s time to set up another palace.” Styx said nonchalantly.

Nuwa reluctantly said: “Husband, can’t Nuwa continue to stay in Penglai? I have known that, I can’t make this Sage!”

Stygmy smiled faintly, and explained to Nuwa that as Sage, it is natural to have own palace. As for Penglai, she can come anytime.

After hearing this, Nuwa was relieved:

“That’s good, but I don’t know where there is a place of well-being that can be compared with Penglai.”

When Styx heard the words, his eyes moved, but he pointed upwards with a smile:

“Naturally it’s thirty Third Stage days away!”

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