Chapter 114 Patriarch is really a man of temperament!

“Pure sun shines through the sky!”

The benevolent corpse’s eyes condensed, and the majestic and endless righteousness gushing out of his body, it actually converged into a ray giant sword in a blink of an eye. The righteousness was abundance, forming a confrontation with the surrounding devilish energy and darkness.

This is the Heaven-Through Pure Yang Sword, originally the unique magical power of the Eastern Prince, but after the Eastern Prince fell, he reunited into Xiantian Pure Yang Qi and was refined by the good corpses.

Therefore, the good corpse also masters this strong god-tier skill. The Xiantian pure yang energy itself has a strong restraint on the evil spirits. At this time, the sacrifice and the response to the immediate situation are effective.

As the deity, Styx naturally also has this supernatural power, instantly condensing another sword of pure sun through the sky.


With both swords down, they slashed at Heart’s Demon fiercely, trying to suppress it on the spot!

“Do not!”

Heart’s Demon stretched out his hands and turned into two huge demon claws, grasping the Tongtian Pure Sun sword, but it was painful. Under the creak, the demon claws melted at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Xiantian’s pure yang righteousness is already very strong against evil like Heart’s Demon, and with the blessing of the law of Styx power, Heart’s Demon is simply unable to resist, it can only be supported by hard work!

“Negative Yu stubbornly resist! Whether you are the real Luohu or Heart’s Demon. Today, use this sharp spear to kill the corpse!”

Stygian thought, and the Spear of Killing appeared in his hands. The Dao of Devil evolved, but it was full of murderous and demonic energy, as if Styx was the master of Devil Dao at this time!

“Killing the Great Spear! You are in complete control!”

When Heart’s Demon saw this, he was terrified, Yazi was about to split, and his tone was angry and unwilling.


Styx screamed, but it was a spear thrust out.

After being strangled by the Gunslinger, Heart’s Demon died in a struggle and distortion.

This Xiantian treasure is meant to hurt the soul of Sage, so how can Heart’s Demon be able to resist it?

With the destruction of Heart’s Demon, the demon energy that circulated tens of thousands of miles around Penglai also vanished in smoke.

That Heart’s Demon turned into a pitch-black thing, which is the source of evil thoughts.

With a movement of Styx’s mind, the source of the evil thoughts was directly absorbed into the body.

I don’t know if it’s because of the lessons learned, or Hongjun fits Heavenly Dao’s lack of skills, in short, Heavenly Dao didn’t embarrass herself any more this time.

Styghe breathed a sigh of relief, but the corpse was cut today, far more dangerous than he thought.

But risks and benefits coexist, and everything is worth it.

Whether it is Heart’s Demon or Luo Huo, any obstacle to his Styx Avenue can be destroyed!

Immediately afterwards, Styx took a rest for a while before condensing the clone of the evil corpse.

The evil corpse came out of Styx’s body, with white eyes and a pair of purple gold magic pupils with a wicked smile. Its appearance is no different from Heart’s Demon, but now it is also the same as the good corpse. It is concentric with the Styx alien. A big help.

“The evil corpse, you will be in charge of the Killing Spear and the World Destroying Black Lotus!”

With a thought in Styx, he recalled the exterminating black lotus in the air, and pushed it against the evil corpse with the sharp spear.

The evil corpse rose up into the sky, stepped on the black lotus of annihilating the world, held a sharp spear in his hand, and evolved into the Dao of Demons. Its master of Devil Dao’s demeanor was actually not lost to the former devil ancestor Luo Hu.

Its quasi-sage pinnacle breath swept across all directions, shaking the world, and drew the spiritual practitioners within tens of thousands of miles into fear and worship.

After killing the corpse, Styx’s own Cultivation Base is also more advanced.

At this time, Styx already had a hunch, as long as he cut the corpse again, he would immediately become a holy.

Even now, if he blesses himself with merit, he can force breakthrough.

But none of these can satisfy Styx. The Sage Realm that everyone longs for is no longer his goal. The Xeon Sage is!

Sensing the strength of the corpse of the Styx, Dao Zu Hongjun couldn’t help but his eyelids twitched slightly.

I don’t know whether it was the influence of the devil ancestor Luo Hu. Styx was a blessing in disguise, and his evil corpse was incredibly powerful, and it was the pinnacle of the quasi-sage Cultivation Base when he was born!

At Kunlun Closed Door Training, Sanqing tried to slay the corpse, but his heart was shaken, Dao heart was shaken.

Hongjun said that they cut three corpses to become a holy method, but now that one corpse has not been cut, it is very difficult, but he did not expect that Styx has cut off the two corpses, and its evil corpse is so powerful, Cultivation Base Realm can actually be three with them. The Qing deity is shoulder to shoulder…

When the two westerners felt this, they also glanced at each other, showing bitter smiles.

“This… is over?”

Everyone in Penglai, as well as the powerful people who are coming or have already arrived, were slightly taken aback after sensing the incident.

A moment ago near Penglai was still devilish, a scene of doomsday, but now it is clear and sunny again…

Jin Yuanzi, who was halfway, couldn’t help but stop, touched his nose, and said with a wry smile: “It’s me who worry too much. The ancestor has great magical powers, and the evil corpse is just a handful.”

Yaozu Heaven Court.

Emperor Taiyi, demon master Kunpeng, and various demon gods have gathered together, and are still discussing countermeasures fiercely, but suddenly discovered that the corpse of Styx has been killed!

At the same time of shock, all the great powers fell into silence for a long time.

Knowing that the beheading of the corpse had had a great impact on Penglai, Styx immediately left the customs after strengthening the Cultivation Base and welcomed everyone to celebrate.

Seeing that everyone in Penglai faced the crisis, they dealt with it properly, and immediately rewarded them with merits.

The twelve ancestor witches, the goddess of Taiyin, the Queen Mother of the West, Zhen Yuanzi and others who came one after another were also treated to a banquet.

During the dinner, Queen Mother of the West hesitated extremely, always thinking about how to better attach to Styx.

Just as Queen Mother Xi made up her mind and walked towards Styhe, she saw Chang Xixi and her second daughter. She came to Styhe’s side and said with a bit of shyness:

“Husband, you don’t often come to Taiyin Star. Now my sisters are here, there are some difficulties in cultivation…”

When Styx heard the words, he immediately understood it and couldn’t help laughing.

“Everyone, you can stay in Penglai and continue to be guests, or you can leave on your own. I have something important to Styx, so I won’t send it off!”

Having said that, Styx hugs left and right, and returns to Immortal Cave.

Queen Mother West laughed dumbly and suffocated her stomach, she could only swallow it abruptly, but she couldn’t tell.

“The ancestor is really a man of temperament!” Zulong looked at Styx’s back and couldn’t help but nodded slightly, eyes reveal admiring the meaning of yearning.

When Yuan Feng saw this, his expression changed slightly, but after all, he didn’t say much.

“The problem on cultivation? Why didn’t the master give public guidance?” Xuechi raised his brows, and said suspiciously.

Feng Wu blushed and coughed twice, and then softly explained in the snow pool ear.

Listen and listen, Xuechi’s white face was also blushed.

Afterwards, everyone dispersed.

“Master asked me to travel through the wilds, but I turned back without authorization. I don’t know if Master will blame me. But I miss Master and Penglai…”

Nuwa lingered near Penglai.

Feng Ning snickered when he heard the words, “Nuwa Big sis, you miss the ancestor if you miss the ancestor, why bother to bring Penglai?”

Hearing that, Nuwa couldn’t help but turn red, and said a little strangely: “Don’t talk nonsense!”

“Don’t worry, Patriarch loves you the most, and definitely won’t bear the heart to punish you!” Feng Ning thought of Patriarch Styx, and couldn’t help showing his admiration.

At this moment, Styx’s voice suddenly sounded:

“Who said that being a teacher can’t bear the punishment?”

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