Chapter 112 Styx Kills the Evil Corpse! Sudden change!

Hearing Nuwa’s silver bell-like laughter, Styx also smiled in his heart.

Nuwa also stopped disturbing Styx, and went to the Feng clan land in Penglai for the first time, and officially took Feng Ning as a mount.


The Feng clan cast envious glances at Feng Ning.

It stands to reason that their noble postures of the Feng Clan are unwilling to succumb to others and become mounts.

But with the phoenix dancing pearls and jade in front, after serving as the Styx Patriarch’s mount, it was actually a good fortune extraordinary. Not only did he become a prehistoric quasi-saint power, it also dazzled the entire Feng clan.

It is shameful to be reduced to a mount, but to become the mount of the Patriarch of the Styx is the supreme glory.

And Nuwa is the chief disciple of the Styx Clan, and he is loved by the Patriarch of Styx. Now he has been instructed by Styx to accept Fengning as a mount. Naturally, these Phoenix races are very longing for it.

“Fengning, you follow Nuwa fellow daoist to practice well!”

Even Yuanfeng nodded happily, Nuwa was extraordinary and powerful, and now she is the first person under the Styx in Penglai. It was Fengning’s chance to become her mount.

What’s more, the relationship between Nuwa and Fengning, she has witnessed with her own eyes, it is a good destiny.

“Yes, mother queen!”

Feng Ning is dressed in a golden feather dress, and her eyebrows are similar to those of Feng Wu. There is a bit of extravagance in her innocence and purity, and she has a lingering glow of light and fire. In terms of aptitude for feet, it is almost the same as Feng Wu.

Subsequently, Nuwa said goodbye to the people of Penglai, and rode Fengning to leave Penglai for a tour.

Along the way, Nuwa witnessed the various sentient beings in the predicament, and felt quite emotional.

The biggest of them is the knowledge of the current Lich Family.

Nuwa traveled all the way and found that many of the witches that he met, seemed to have low intelligence, and liked to use force to solve problems.

For example, when she met two men of the witch race, in order to compete for a sister of the witch race, she directly fought, but the sister failed to persuade her to fight, and even directly joined the battle…

If it weren’t for Nuwa, one would have to die in the end, or even two.

This is still the case within the Wu Clan, and the situation when facing the Yao Clan can be imagined.

As for the monster race, the overall intelligence is obviously higher, but most monster races believe in the natural law of The Weak are Prey to the Strong, bloodthirsty, and firmly believe that a big fist is the last word.

Even Nuwa met on the way, there was a monster who can eat with one another, just for the Ascension Cultivation Base.

Of course, this is not to say that the second family of Lich is not good at all.

The witch race has honest and kind people, and the demon race also has innocent creatures who are indisputable in the world.

Just for comparison, Nuwa is the Ashura clan who prefers the creation of Styx. Not to mention that they are born strong. They are all handsome men and beautiful women, and they have good minds. Basically, they only seek hard practice. The enemy does not offend me or I do not offend.

“It’s a pity that the Ashura clan is not the protagonist of the heavens and the earth, living in a sea of ​​blood, and if the Lich clan can be like the Ashura clan, this predicament must be much more peaceful.”

Nuwa secretly sighed that after seeing the style of the Lich Clan, she admired Styg even more.

With the power of one person, creating a new race in a filthy place like the sea of ​​blood is even better than the second family of Lich, who is completely natural and the protagonist of heaven and earth. It shows how extraordinary the master is.

Since the last Lich War, the two families of Lich have converged a lot, but because of their nature, small-scale battles have never stopped.

“The fighting between the two families of the Lich is not limited. In addition to their nature, there is also a reason why two tigers cannot be tolerated. If I can create a race like a master, it can be used to balance the two races, and even improve the nature of the second race…”

Sitting on Fengning’s back and thinking hard about Meditation, Nuwa’s eyes gradually brightened, and she had a bold idea!

At the same time, Nuwa felt inwardly. If this idea can be put into practice, it will be a great opportunity for her!

In order to perfect the own idea, find the basis and method to create a race, and make full preparations, Nuwa traveled everywhere.

A hundred years passed in a flash.

In Penglai Island, Styx finally condensed his own evil thoughts, Heart’s Demon!

As soon as Heart’s Demon came out, Penglai didn’t know how many tens of thousands of miles of space was shrouded in darkness in an instant, as if the end of the world had come.

At this time, Styx slowly opened his eyes, looking at Heart’s Demon indifferently.

I saw that Heart’s Demon looked the same as him, but he was completely dark, without white eyes, purple lips, and a gloomy and enchanting temperament.

Heart’s Demon looked at Styx, and the evil smiled and said, “Everything is evil by nature, and you and I will be extremely evil! I would rather take the world under the people, not let the world take me!”

As he said, Heart’s Demon waved, and countless illusions appeared in front of Styx’s eyes.

One of the gluttonous illusion, Styx saw that he slaughtered creatures, not for hunger, just to satisfy the appetite, and endless, and even the Ashura clan that he created by himself would eat it, but it was devouring the world. No grass left!

The second is greedy illusion. Styx saw that he was fighting in all directions for treasures, calculating everything. There were countless treasures piled up in the Penglai Mountain, but they were still plundering. The disciples of the disciples persuaded him to slaughter them, and finally piled up the treasures around him. Full, but empty!

The third illusion of laziness, when Styx saw that he only knew how to eat, drink and play, and was abandoning his practice, the original prosperous Penglai became desolate, and finally ushered in a major enemy. The disciples of the disciples died in battle, and he died in regret!

The fourth illusion of anger. When Styx saw that it was just because of a small matter, it roared and fought, slaughtered innocent cultivators, and even disciples. In the end, it was all rebellious and the same enemies were attacked by all living beings, and ultimately destroyed the land and its own strength. Fight to death!

The fifth arrogant illusion, Styx saw that he was defiant and regarded all beings as ants…

The sixth evil illusion, Styx saw that he was doing whatever he wanted, and the predicament was in chaos and unsightly…

The seventh jealous illusion, Styx sees himself…

With the evolution of the illusion, the evil thoughts in Styx’s heart are constantly growing, and even a mysterious and mysterious power is generated, which will affect everything around it.

It’s just that Stygian is more experienced than last time, and has already planted Restrictions to confine the power of the evil thought Heart’s Demon within the Immortal Cave.

This is so, the spiritual practitioners who are tens of thousands of miles around still feel the malicious malice of Styx, and they shudder.

“What the hell is going on!”

All sentient beings are trembling, and if the malice of Patriarch Styx is true, I am afraid that they are already dead!


Everyone in Penglai also squeezed a sweat. Although they didn’t know what Styx was doing, they must be at a very dangerous moment.

Fuxi’s deduction of the divination is also extremely frightened, knowing that Styx is confronting Heart’s Demon with the intention of cutting off the evil corpse.

“If the master is enchanted, it will be an infinite calamity!”

Fuxi couldn’t help shuddering even if it was only deduced to a very small possibility.

On the side of Styx, under the influence of the evil thought Heart’s Demon, ink-stained black appeared in the white of his eyes, which was a manifestation of being corroded by the evil thought.

Seeing that Styx was about to be completely eroded by evil thoughts, the benevolent corpse walked out of him, turning his hand to sacrifice the ten second-rank white lotus.

Under the white light of the pure world, the darkness in Styx’s eyes ceased, and the expression in his eyes also recovered a little clear, showing a little calmness.

I had already arranged it to get rid of this evil Heart’s Demon, but it was only a matter of time.

“Not enough! Not enough!”

Heart’s Demon suddenly roared, and that indescribable evil force was constantly climbing.

The pure white light of Jingshi Bailian began to fluctuate.

The spotless good corpse with a smile on his face also began to corrode like ink.

All of a sudden, Shan Zhe’s face changed drastically.

Even Styx frowned slightly, how could this Heart’s Demon be so powerful?

“Could it be!”

Suddenly, Styx’s eyes condensed, and he thought of an amazing possibility!

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