Chapter 110

“No need to be polite, the Devil Dao dispute, I also owe you a Karma.”

Styx said indifferently, and he was not surprised by Kunpeng’s gratitude and admiration.

Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun were dumbfounded when they saw this. They had never seen any Kunpeng Daoist respecting anyone so much.

Although they are not in harmony with Kunpeng, they are not qualified to act, and they should not intervene.

“Hong Jun… Heavenly Dao!”

Kunpeng has obtained the complete memory of Hunpeng. His previous life and this life are considered to be a fusion. The Dao heart and temperament of the whole person also seem to have undergone a qualitative change.

This kind of qualitative change, compared with the heel-to-foot Ascension, brings more benefits.

Only when he mentioned Hongjun and Heavenly Dao, a cold light and gloom flashed in his eyes.

Looking back now, he could finally see clearly that in the past Devil Dao dispute, he and those ancestors were completely calculated and used by Hongjun!

The biggest beneficiary of the Devil Dao dispute is undoubtedly Hongjun.

At the beginning, he was also attracted by Hongjun.

After Hongjun became Heavenly Dao Sage, he almost ignored him.

On the contrary, it was Styx, who helped him out over and over again. Kunpeng naturally kept this kindness in his heart.

“Kunpeng, you join the monster clan…”

Styx speaks.

In the first few words, Hong Yun and Zhen Yuanzi could hear clearly, but gradually disappeared afterwards.

“Disciple Kunpeng understands.”

Kunpeng nodded solemnly, but then the corners of his mouth raised slightly, smiling a bit evil.

Seeing this, Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun felt stunned.

This Kunpeng is obviously stronger than before, and even more unpredictable.

However, it can be seen clearly that Kunpeng is more respectful and respectful to Styx, and is actually a self-proclaimed disciple.

According to the generational status during the Devil Dao dispute, Hun Peng and Styx were considered fellow daoists, and now they are both quasi-sages at the Cultivation Base, and they should sit on an equal footing.

But Kunpeng still surrendered in front of Styx. This was not only a recognition of Styx’s strength, but also out of respect and awe for Styx.

“The grievances between you will be wiped out.”

Styx was noncommittal.

Kunpeng also nodded when he heard the words: “Zhenyuan fellow daoist, Hongyun fellow daoist, I have been offended before.”

Seeing Styx dissolved Kunpeng’s hatred for them, Zhenyuanzi and Hongyun couldn’t help but glance at each other and accepted the reconciliation happily.

Of course Styx knew how attractive Kunpeng was to Hongmeng Purple Qi.

And it is precisely because of this that Kunpeng is willing to let go of his grudges so easily.

In his Styx’s hands, there are still a few more lines of Harmony and Purple Qi, these are all bargaining chips.

After handling the Kunpeng matter, Styx opened his mouth and looked at the red cloud.

“Hongyun, what’s wrong with you?”

At this time, Hong Yun’s joy and joy of coming back from the dead had cooled down, and he had already understood his own situation, and said rather heavily:

“The Patriarch Tongxuan brought my disciples back to life, but now that my origin is exhausted, I am no longer one-tenth of what I used to be, and Cultivation Base is also gradually declining. If this continues, let alone continue to seek the truth, I am afraid that even the Da Luo Jinxian Realm will not be able to stabilize. .”

As Hong Yun was talking, his voice was getting lower and lower. In this way, he was not dead, but he was also abolished.

Upon hearing this, Zhen Yuanzi felt a pain in her heart: “Then you eat more ginseng fruit, is it useful?”

“Zhen Yuanzi, I don’t feel uncomfortable for you to say this. I didn’t expect Hongyun to be a blessing in disguise, so I can ask for more ginseng fruit from your stingy hand in the future?”

The haze on Hongyun’s face was swept away, and he laughed heartily.

But his heart is clear, even the ancestor of Styx can not save his origin with god-tier pass, but eating some ginseng fruit may not help.

Feeling Hong Yun and Zhen Yuanzi’s eager gaze, Styx spoke slowly:

“Your origin will continue to decay, let alone Da Luo Jinxian, it’s only a matter of time before Dao’s death is a matter of time. You and Kunpeng’s situation is different, and I can’t figure it out. But I have a solution, but I’m afraid your cultivation. The road must be restarted.”

Hearing this, Hong Yun immediately bowed down in front of Styx: “Patriarch! If he can save his disciple’s life, how dare the disciple complain?”

“Please save Hongyun’s life!” Zhen Yuanzi also bowed.

Styghe nodded: “The time for this method is not yet ripe, Hongyun, I have to seal you in this Calabash. If this method can be achieved, it can also help you avoid killing and robbery.”

As Zhunti said, he can protect Hongyun for a while, but he cannot protect his life, but if he can use this method, Hongyun can avoid this disaster!

“Thank you Patriarch!”

Hongyun worshiped and worshiped.

“Master, let Hongyun eat the ginseng fruit again, I don’t know when he can eat it later!”

Zhen Yuanzi greeted the boy to fetch ginseng fruit and entertained a few people.

After eating ginseng fruit, Styx turned the red cloud into a cluster of red clouds, sealed it in Calabash, and put it away.

“Zhen Yuanzi, with this method, Hong Yun will no longer remember you, and you don’t know how old you will not see him. You have to endure the suffering of lovesickness.”

Styx was noncommittal.

“Thank you Patriarch for perfection!”

Zhen Yuanzi’s shoulders trembled when he heard the words, but he bowed respectfully to Styx.

As long as you can save Hongyun and endure the pain of missing you, what is it?

Seeing this, Kunpeng was a little curious about what Styx said, but he was silent.

After all, Hong Yun ended up like this, and he couldn’t get rid of it.

Later, Styx looked around the Wanshou Mountain and Wuzhuang Temple.

After a fierce battle, Spiritual Qi has already leaked here, and it is in dilapidated condition.

Nian Zai Zhen Yuanzi respected herself. Styx was based on the Avenue of Life, supplemented by wood and water, and sprinkled a lot of merits and three-light divine water, which restored the place to life in a blink of an eye.

“Patriarch’s supernatural powers! Patriarch’s supernatural powers!”

Regarding Styx’s methods, Zhen Yuanzi admired the five bodies.

Had it not been for the help of Styx, his Wanshou Mountain Realm would not have been able to recover to this level even after thousands of years had passed.

This move by Styghe naturally attracted the attention of nearby spiritual practitioners.

Wanshou Mountain was the place where they depended for survival. It was originally destroyed. Many spiritual practitioners have planned to leave and find another place to live. Now they all dismissed their thoughts. They are grateful for the Styx and worship, and admire it very much.

At this moment, Styx noticed that a cloud of white light emerged from Zhen Yuanzi’s head, hanging high in the sky, and then in the Longevity Mountain, large and small light spots continued to converge, finally forming a white jade ball, floating towards him. Come.

“The belief of all beings…”

Feeling the power of these beliefs into the body, Styx’s eyes moved slightly.

Last time, he and Hongjun discussed the Tao in a distance, invisibly benefited the predominant sentient beings, and obtained a massive amount of power of faith.

The purpose of these powers of faith is no different from merit, and they are also excellent resources.

However, it is worth mentioning that the current source of merit, apart from their own system rewards, seems to be Heavenly Dao rewards for others.

The power of faith comes from every living being.

Stygian vaguely felt that there must be some difference, but it has not been developed yet.

After all, the power of faith is a new thing that only appeared after the prehistoric age matured.

Later, Styx stepped on Shattering Void and returned to Penglai.

Kunpeng did not return to Beihai, but went straight to the Yaozu clan and took the initiative to visit Emperor Jun!

Zhen Yuanzi was sitting alone in the Wuzhuang Temple, seeing the empty jade plate containing ginseng fruit, which made him feel a bit lonely and melancholy.

But when he thought that Hongyun had finally escaped the murder, Zhen Yuanzi was silent for a long time, and his heart gradually became relieved.

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