Chapter 107 Zhen Yuanzi’s breakthrough quasi-sage!

“Slay this dog, seize the grandeur and purple energy, and divide his treasures!”

The great powers and the crowd were indignant, as if they were all predecessor and righteous people.

Seeing this, Hong Yun was very angry, because he saw that among the mighty powers that besie him, many of them had been blessed by him!

Especially the two Westerners, if they hadn’t given up their seats that day, how did these two Westerners have their current prestige?

“Incitation, quasi mention! In the past, I gave up my seat to the two of you, which made you happen. Now that you treat me like this, don’t you be afraid of being condemned by the gods!”

Under Hong Yun’s upset, the operation of Calabash was stagnant.

“Haha,” Zhunti smiled coldly, “Hongyun, as disciples of the Taoist ancestors, are we right and wrong? Your favor, we naturally remember, it’s just that you are so obsessed with the righteousness, how can we act favoritism?”

Hearing that, Hong Yun was so angry that he spit out a mouthful of blood, almost losing control of Calabash.

Today, he Hongyun finally understands what is meant by prehistoric and sinister!

“It’s a good time, I think it’s a good time!” Zhen Yuanzi was also furious, feeling disgusted with these two westerners.

Zhunti’s face was slightly ugly, and when he flipped his hand, he slammed into the red cloud with a fierce spell, which caused a turbulence in the light of the book:

“These two won’t last long, so don’t keep your hands!”

Under Zhunti’s call, the great powers are still seizing the opportunity of Hongyun to distract themselves, chasing and fighting vigorously.

For a time, the two of Hongyun fell into a desperate situation.

On the Zixiao Palace.

Haotian boy and Yaochi boy observe this.

Hongjun Closed Door Training is about to fit Heavenly Dao, so Haotian and Yaochi inspect Honghuang. If there is a situation, report it as soon as possible.

“This red cloud really deserves it. It’s lucky for someone like him to be able to cultivate to such a Realm!”

Haotian looked indifferent, showing contempt for Fortune.

“That’s the case with Zhen Yuanzi. At this time, what’s the point of guarding Hongyun firmly?”

Yaochi watched this scene, but her eyebrows frowned, and he sighed: “Hong Yun and Zhen Yuanzi’s friendship is really true and sincere. It would be a pity if it were to fall like this.”

“Huh! I’ll report this to the ancestor.”

Haotian was a little dissatisfied with the benevolence of women in Yaochi, but he didn’t say much.

Not long afterwards, Haotian returned, pouting his lips and said: “The Dao Ancestor has something to say beforehand, he will not get involved in prehistoric things!”

After Yaochi heard the words, he crossed the Zixiao Palace and looked towards the chaos, and a figure suddenly appeared in his mind.

If Daozu doesn’t care about it, will he just ignore it?


Fuxi was sitting cross-legged, and suddenly felt a little upset. Under the deduction, he couldn’t help being surprised:

“Hongyun fellow daoist is trapped in the robbery, and Zhen Yuanzi’s fellow daoist’s fate is also ambiguous!?”

Fuxi met these two people a few times, and he was commensurate with fellow daoist, and she also admired them very much.

Thinking of the two befriending Penglai, Fuxi reported to Styx the first time.

However, at the Closed Door Training, Styx just said “I know it is known to the teacher”, and then there is no more sound.

On the Hongyun side of Zhenyuanzi, it is less than ten thousand miles away from Wanshou Mountain.

But in the face of everyone’s siege, Hong Yun could no longer support it.

In fact, if it weren’t for the best treasures like the Book of the Earth and Calabash, they wouldn’t be able to get here at all.

At this time, Hongyun was struggling to support it.

Zhen Yuanzi was sitting cross-legged, eyes closed.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes abruptly, and there was a burst of intense light in his eyes.

In an instant, the civil road and the space avenue evolved mysteriously behind him. The sun and the moon cycled, the mountains and the sea were inverted, and the power of the quasi-sage swept across the spot, causing many powers to be slightly suffocated.

“Zhen Yuanzi, it turns out that you are going to make a breakthrough!”

Hong Yun was surprised and happy, no wonder Zhen Yuanzi asked him to sacrifice Calabash to resist, and he meditated at this critical moment.

I thought that Zhen Yuanzi was going to restore some magic power, but I didn’t expect that he would break through the quasi-sage in this battle!

But Hong Yun quickly sank and felt distressed:

“No! Zhenyuanzi, you are forcing a breakthrough, which is detrimental to the foundation of Dao!”

Zhenyuanzi’s quasi-sage is extremely majestic and tyrannical.

In fact, with Zhenyuanzi’s heels and talents, he should make a breakthrough in the Zixiao Palace, but he hopes to imitate Nuwa and be able to practice the avenue and mood to the extreme, and then step into the Realm.

It’s a pity that he has to make breakthroughs in advance.

If this is not the case, when he advances to Quasi-Saint, he is bound to be stronger than he is now.

In short, in order to protect Hongyun and himself, Zhen Yuanzi sacrificed his own potential!

“What a Zhen Yuanzi!”

Seeing Zhen Yuanzi’s breakthrough quasi-sage, the emperor Jun Taiyi and others all looked down.

Before Zhen Yuanzi broke through the quasi-sage, he teamed up with Hongyun and was undefeated for a while with the help of the ground book defense. Now it is even more difficult to break the quasi-sage!

“The night is long and dreamy, fellow daoist, join me!”

Seeing Zhen Yuanzi’s breakthrough Quasi-sage, variables suddenly appeared, Zhunti felt very uncomfortable, and immediately urged Magic Treasures to evolve the supreme road in the West, and headed towards Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun.

Tai Jun Taiyi, Kunpeng and others also went all out.

In a flash, the mountains and rivers are broken, the sky is dim and the earth is dark, and the sun and the moon are dark.

With so many quasi-saint powers, it was actually a posture to reproduce the prestige of the Lich War.

In order to kill Hongyun and Zhen Yuanzi as soon as possible, these great abilities even spent all kinds of Blood Essence and merits, which can be described as unscrupulous!

But this is the case, Zhen Yuanzi relied on a deep Cultivation Base Dao law and powerful defense from the ground book, and together with Hong Yun, he forcibly smashed a bloody way back to Longevity Mountain.

But at this point, Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun were also sluggish, reaching the end of the force.

Fortunately, after entering the Longevity Mountain, the two finally got a breath.


The Taoist boys of Wuzhuang Temple stepped forward to greet the two of them, with great anxiety and concern in their hearts.

After learning about the cause and effect, he was even more aggrieved, and stomped his feet with anger: “Their style is worthy of being called a great power?!”

Without giving the audience in Wuzhuang too much time for indignation, the offensive of the powerful outsiders was swift and violent, and the entire Wanshou Mountain was turbulent. With the cracks in the protection formation, Wanshou Mountain began to become fragmented.

Zhen Yuanzi sighed in his heart when he swore to the death to resist under the control of the ground book.

Now he and Hong Yun are facing two Westerners who are disciples of Hongjun, Emperor Taiyi who represents Heaven Court, and the extremely powerful Rogue Cultivators Kunpeng Daoist!

Such a battle can be described as one of the most unsolvable offensives in the prehistoric times.

If you want to crack this game, it’s a big one, I am afraid that only two people can come forward.

Daozu Hongjun’s figure and his indifferent expression just flashed through Zhen Yuanzi’s mind.

The last thing that freezes the frame is the existence that is extremely powerful and unfathomable, but always with a faint smile.

“Patriarch Styx, if you feel intimidated, please help us solve this massacre! Disciple Zhen Yuanzi in this life and this life, I am willing to be a bull and a horse for you, and I will do my best!”

Zhen Yuanzi felt sorrowful in his heart, and hoped to heaven.

It’s just that Patriarch Styx is far away in Penglai, even if he knows about this, can he still come in time?

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