Chapter 101 Demon Race Heaven Court Stands! Hongjun bestows purple gas!

“Di Jun will not humiliate his life!”

Emperor Jun immediately expressed his position and accepted the canonization of Hongjun.


Seeing this, Hongjun nodded happily.

He waved his sleeves, and there was a cloud of celebration in the sky on the Thirty Third Stage.

There are 108 palace buildings born out of thin air, among them there are 36 heavenly palaces and 72 palaces, which are arranged in the number of heaven and earth.

Due to its proximity to Star and Chaos Space, this Heaven Court is very rich in Spiritual Qi, far better than the prehistoric.

Practicing here is comparable to the immortal mountain spirit island on the prehistoric, and even worse.

Seeing this in the Zixiao Palace, the three thousand grandmasters couldn’t help but his eyes became hot.

Emperor Jun had this opportunity to establish Heaven Court. From then on, the demon race might be able to prosper again.

The situation where the Wu clan is strong and the monster clan is difficult to use will also be rewritten!

Some people even sighed in their hearts, this Yaozu and Dijun are really good luck.

The Lich War was repeatedly suppressed by the Patriarch of the Styx, but was also repeatedly rescued by Dao Patriarch and Heavenly Dao. Every time it decays, it will usher in greater prosperity.

Zhen Yuanzi looked in his eyes, but also felt a little bitter in his heart.

This ancestor Hongjun knew that the Patriarch Styx was at odds with Emperor Styx, and now he has established Heaven Court to cultivate Emperor Jun so that he can be in charge of the primordial immortals. Isn’t it a tit-for-tat confrontation with Patriarch Styx?

“From now on, you are the Demon Emperor and the Heavenly Emperor!”

Hongjun said loudly, with a thrilling sound.

“Dijun, Xie Daozu bestowed the title!”

Dijun bowed to Hongjun, but his heart was surging.

In the past, Prince Nadong was only given the title of the head of male immortals, and many immortals belonged to him.

Now that he is the Heavenly Emperor, isn’t it because Wanxian came to the dynasty?

Di Jun couldn’t help but twitched his eyes twice when he thought of the end of the Eastern Prince.

At this time, the three thousand mighty powers in the Zixiao Palace were already ready to go, and wanted to come forward to pay a visit to Emperor Jun, and many of them naturally wanted to join the Heaven Court power.

“The old way has six grandeur and purple auras here.”

Just when the attention of all the mighties fell on Di Jun, Hong Jun brought them all back with a single sentence.

Hongmeng Ziqi!

I saw Hongjun stretched out a palm, and six purple auras hovering on it, the purple light was shining, almost illuminating the entire Zixiao Palace, which contained the good fortune of heaven and earth and the rules of the great road, which made all the great energies enthusiastic.

This is the foundation of the great avenue, a chance for sanctification!

In this sermon, Hongjun revealed that if he could refining the Harmony Purple Qi, the road to sanctification would be twice the result with half the effort.

If you want to be Sage without the grandeur and purple spirit, it will be difficult to reach the sky!

Even the two of Sanqing and the West showed longing gazes at this time.

The emperor Jun Taiyi, Kunpeng Daoist, and Zhenyuanzi Hongyun were all fanatical in their hearts.

As long as there is no one who is cultivating the Tao, there is no one who does not yearn for the grandeur!

Feeling the ardent eyes of everyone, Hongjun smiled rather than smiled:

“This magnificent purple energy can only be obtained by the generation with great chance. And the one sitting on the jade futon is the one with great chance!”

Hearing this, the three thousand purple skiers were shocked and looked at each other.

It turns out that Hongjun set up this white jade futon, not only to listen better, but also to have such a great opportunity!

Seeing this, Kunpeng couldn’t help the color on the ground sinking, and his eyes turned sullen when he looked at Hongyun.

He also calculated that this white jade futon had a hidden opportunity. He thought it was just a better place to listen to the Dao and to be able to worship Hongjun.

Who could have imagined that this grandeur and purple energy could be harvested!

If he Kunpeng has this cosmic and purple energy, he will make a breakthrough in the future and achieve Sage, it will definitely be just around the corner!

It’s all to blame for this red cloud. It’s just a good old man to give up his seat, and he dragged himself into the water. Damn it!

Di Juntai’s face was also a little ugly.

That being said, the two of them won’t be able to get this magnificent energy.

If they can advance to Sage, even if there is only one, and join hands with Daozu Hongjun, how can Styx be able to make waves again?

During this time, Hongjun had already bestowed the five primordial purple qi.

Sanqing and the West each got one and said in unison: “Thank you, Master, for the opportunity to be holy!”

At the same time, all the great abilities in the Zixiao Palace are bright.

Hongjun took out a total of six Hongmeng Ziqi, and the Sanqing and the Westerners each took one, isn’t there one left?

The remaining purple qi was still in Hongjun’s hands at this time.

Hongjun glanced around, and said calmly, “Originally, this Magnificent Purple Qi was prepared for that Nuwa. Now it seems that it has to be given to someone who is predestined. Let this Magnificent Purple Qi seek the Lord by yourself!”

Having said that, Hongjun let go of this grand purple qi.

I saw the Hongmeng Purple Qi slowly drifting out, wandering in the Zixiao Palace.

Emperor Taiyi, Kunpeng, Zhenyuanzi Hongyun… These great abilities are staring at this grand purple qi, wishing to take it down immediately.

But Dao Ancestor made a statement in advance that no one dared to act rashly.

Seeing Hongmeng Purple Qi drifting by in front of him, Tai Jun’s expression turned blue.

Hongmeng purple air drifted towards Kunpeng.

Kunpeng was excited and was ready to laugh.

However, he never thought that this great purple energy passed over his shoulders and finally got into Hong Yun’s hands.

Hong Yun looked at this grand purple qi, and immediately showed excitement and ecstasy: “Thank you Dao Zu, thank Dao Zu!”

Hongjun narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a faint smile:

“This white jade futon was originally what you got, although you give up your seat, maybe it’s destined!”

When Hongyun heard it, he was happy and excited to share the joy with the people around him.

It’s just that the powers around him, except for Zhen Yuanzi, all have different faces.

And in Kunpeng’s eyes, there is even more hidden murderous intent.

Hongyun gave up his seat, and Kunpeng gave up his seat, so why did he choose Hongyun’s servant?

At this time, Kunpeng’s heart became more and more dissatisfied, and he wanted to kill Hong Yun on the spot to relieve his hatred!

Tai Jun Taiyi looked at Hongyun’s eyes, which was also quite unkind.

It is rumored that this Hongyun had a good relationship with Patriarch Styx, and now he has this last cosmic purple energy…

Speaking of which, the Calabash that Xiantian was on the vine in the past, this red cloud also got one.

This opportunity is so profound, and I don’t know if there is a blessing to be received!

Just as Hongyun was so complacent, Hongjun spoke again:

“The three sermons are over. Daddy, Yuanshi, Tongtian, Jiuying, Zhunti. Although you have worshipped in my sect, but you are only registered disciples, now it is time to officially enter my sect!”

Hearing this, Sanqing did not hesitate to salute all together: “Master, please be respected by the disciples!”

But the lead and quasi mention, looked at each other, but it was a bit embarrassing.

Seeing this, Hongjun couldn’t help but sneered in his heart.

He deduced the secret, knowing that these two people have not seen much ability, but their ambitions are not small. In the future, he will not only establish another door, but also exclude his authenticity.

If it wasn’t for the red cloud to give up its seat, coupled with his crusade against Luohu during the Devil Dao dispute, which made the West barren and owed Karma, how could he treat the two of them so favorably?

But Hongjun remained calm and seemed to have planned for a long time. He just smiled and said:

“Since you two have unspeakable concealment, then you can be a named disciple!”

Upon hearing this, the two Westerners bowed to Hongjun: “Master is enlightened!”

Zhunti sighed in his heart. If he really became Hongjun’s official disciple, no matter how hard he two would fight in the future, they would not be able to escape from the shadow of Hongjun Xuanmen.

That Pangu Sanqing is Hongjun sincerely optimistic, and his two Westerners are just a mistake.

Moreover, Hongjun was fighting with Styx, and as a formal disciple, he couldn’t shirk forcefully.

In the last Lich War, the two Westerners lost a lot of money. Although they have recovered and are even more energetic, who can predict what will happen in the future?

However, Hongjun, on the contrary, underestimated them, which is really not worth it!

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