Chapter 475: Counterattack

In the last battle, there will be no more Northern Hou from now on, so use your life to illuminate the last glory of the Northern Hou brothers.

Many of them have followed the North Hou brothers and witnessed the rise of the North Hou brothers.

Liang Zhoujun!

A name that once brought him supreme glory.

This glory belongs to the Northern Hou brothers, and they also belong to them who have always followed the steps of the Northern Hou.

Death is hovering around him, swinging his sickle to reap his own life at any time, courage is precious.

But at this moment, no one of the Northern Warriors chose to retreat.

This is war. We gamble on our own future, the lives of thousands of soldiers, and even the battle of infinite glory and glory.

There is never right or wrong in war.

The judgment of right and wrong is naive to this world, because “right and wrong” only applies to a peaceful and orderly world.

Here, there are only strengths and weaknesses, and never admit right or wrong!

This is even truer in the battle of the big domain, which only starts because of strength, and will never be judged on the basis of right or wrong.

Cruel and real.

The bloody war scene touched the people watching the battle. At this moment, no one laughed.

All races originally came here with the mood of watching a theater, but at this moment, who is not shocked.

Luo Rulie’s body was penetrated again and again under the frantic attacks of each other.

However, with the blessing of physique, Luo Rulie’s body was reorganized again and again, and he was always able to recover as before.

However, Chonghou Tiger was covered in blood, and even his body had been beaten and twisted.

But he still did not retreat, attacking Luo Rulie with the only remaining strength.

When the golden wheel behind the demon cloud condensed light again, and the beam of light penetrated the body of Chonghou Tiger, Chonghou Tiger finally stopped attacking.

At this moment, he stood sluggishly on the spot, supporting his own body with ice thorns and not falling down.

His sight has been obscured by bright red, he wants to gather strength, he still wants to fight…

So tired!

Is the era of Beifang Hou over…I am really unwilling…

Chonghou Tiger slowly raised his head.

At this moment, he seemed to see the picture of his brothers choosing to join the army that year and determined to become the strong, and he seemed to see the picture of their bloody killing of the enemy and the magnificent military exploits, and the picture of them fighting for hegemony in Liangzhou…

“No one can underestimate the North Hou…” Chonghou Hu muttered, the vitality in his body was completely exhausted at this moment.

“With the blood of the enemy, send the king to Samsara!” At this time, the battlefield rang out with the hysterical roar of the soldiers of the Northern Warlord.

The Northern Hou era is over, now it is time to draw an end to it with the blood of the enemy.

All the soldiers of the northern army roared at the enemy.

The war is not over yet, because they have not fallen yet!

Although Jun is dead, our northern warrior is also a member of the northern marquis and can also represent the northern marquis!

Burning the last moment of Northern Hou with their lives, at this moment, the human race watching the battle could not help clenching their fists.

At this moment, the human races finally couldn’t help it.

“Fuck your uncle, there are too many bullies and fewer people, shall I go to your Yongzhou!”

“Northern Hou deserves to die, but it must die in our hands. What are you Yongzhou Army!”

“Brother Beibeihou, get along for half a year, today daddy killed a few soldiers from Yongzhou to see you off!”

“Go to you, Heavenly Dao, for being like an ant to the North Hou Qizhi, Heavenly Dao is really ruthless!”

At this moment, the human race roared down the hillside and rushed to the battlefield.

This time they are also not right or wrong, just want to see off their opponents who have been fighting for half a year!

At the moment when his life was exhausted, the blood-stained Bei Hou still maintained a standing posture, supporting his body with the ice thorns in his hands not to fall down.

In the last moments before leaving the world, he left his own obsession.

“No one can underestimate Chongshi!”

Death was actually as expected. After the brothers died, how could he live alone.

Because Liang Zhou has always been their brother, not him alone.

Therefore, he did not retreat, and used his life to hold on to Chengruo, fighting until the lamp was dry.

When the Liangzhou soldiers used the blood of the enemy to see off their “jun”, the human races who watched the battle in the distance were deeply shocked.

At this moment, someone shouted a roar of “seeing off the opponent for half a year”.

Then all the races couldn’t help but rushed to the battlefield.

This time, without asking right or wrong, it was just to see off the opponent, using the blood of the soldiers of the Yongzhou Army to send parting blood to the Northern Hou era.

The battle begins.

The mountains and plains rushed from the hillside to the battlefield, without a formation, let alone a command.

The appearance of the human race immediately attracted the attention of the Liangzhou Army and the Yongzhou Army.

This is an army that has always been despised by them, but has never fallen.

When their figures rushed into the battlefield and killed the soldiers of Yongzhou Army with Liangzhou Army, all Liangzhou soldiers were shocked.


They don’t know why these human races will help them, shouldn’t they hate them?

In fact, every human race has a clear answer to the answer to this question.

At this moment, they just wanted to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy.

Countless figures poured into the battlefield.

The soldiers’ bodies shone brightly.

Under the impact of fists and fists, sweat and blood slipped…

Countless spells cut through the sky, blooming in the enemy group.

The ghostly figure wanders on the battlefield, using the gorgeous Movement Technique and sharp dagger to bring a touch of blush.

The legendary movement of the Northern Hou era is drawing to a close.

What Human Race has to do is to play the final elegy for it.

“Why?” Looking at the human race who rescued himself from the enemy group, a leader of the Liangzhou Army asked in astonishment.

“Don’t ask, it’s just these Yongzhou grandsons that make us unhappy!” The celebrity grinned, and then ran to the Yongzhou warrior in front.

Such inquiries abound on the battlefield.

But Terran’s answer is always so similar.

“Unhappy in my heart, I want to kill!”

“Although Liangzhou deserves to die, it can only die in the hands of our human race!”

“Yongzhou damn it!”

The human race at this time didn’t need a reason at all, but was uncomfortable and wanted to vent.

The appearance of Terran also shocked the forces of Yongzhou.

Even the big Elder in the army couldn’t help frowning.

“Hangu Pass?” He muttered softly.

In fact, he never put this weak Hangu Pass in his eyes.

He was only afraid of Lu Ya Daoist, because he was a strong man who could not be resisted by Emperor Yongzhou.

Even Heavenly Dao is afraid of it.

As for the people at Hangu Pass, he had only one impression.

The defeated generals of Liang Zhoujun!

In his eyes, these people are just weak forces that are lingering on the Heavenly Dao Sect under the oppression of the Liangzhou forces.

So he didn’t understand this scene very much.

Obviously Liangzhou is over, why did everyone in Hangu Pass do this?

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