Chapter 472

Upon seeing this, Luo Bin immediately activated his strongest power.

Many crimson characters appeared on the surface of the body in an instant, and the strength suddenly rose.

At this moment, Chong Heiyun suddenly appeared beside him, hit Luo Bin’s head with a punch, and blasted him into the ground in an instant.

Combining offense and defense, the four brothers let more than ten people present at a disadvantage.

This is the guarantee that their brothers can become kings.

After tens of thousands of years of battle, they have experience in dealing with any battle.

The brothers started in Weimo, starting from an ordinary soldier, using battles to prove themselves, step by step, behind their rich experience and skills, there is a sea of ​​blood and corpses floating behind them.

In their battle, fighting for the ultimate move, like eating and drinking water, has become a part of their lives.

Coupled with the absolute trust and tacit cooperation of the brothers, they will be fearless in a joint shot.

At this moment, although Earl Yongzhou has more than ten people, he is obviously at a disadvantage.

As the fighting time passed, two more were beheaded by the four brothers Chong Heiyun.

Such arrogant use of the power of four people to fight against more than a dozen Xuanxians, this is the hearty and hearty that their brothers want.

The panic and fear on the enemy’s face is exactly the spoils they want to see most.

This scene was also captured by the big Elder who was behind the Yongzhou Army.

At this moment, he slowly said: “It seems that the long-term peace has caused them to lose too much.”

“Yes, how can their fighting style be compared to us at the time. At that time, even the weakest people in Yongzhou Dayu were much stronger than them, let alone compared with the two of us.” Luo Rulie stared at the battlefield and said in a deep voice.

“It seems that if they continue to fight like this, none of them will survive.” Big Elder frowned slightly.

“Let me go, after all, this is my sacrifice!” Luo Rulie smiled grimly at this moment.

“Your strength can reach the Profound Immortal level…”

“Okay, Realm doesn’t mean everything, don’t forget… the name I used to be, I was called the Demon Emperor!” After speaking, Luo Rulie’s figure turned into a black streamer and headed towards the center of the battlefield.

Looking at Luo Rulie who was going away, Elder couldn’t help sighing.

He was not worried that Luo Rulie could not deal with Chong Heiyun and others.

Although his strength is only in the early stage of Xuanxian, as Luo Rulie said, he used to be the Sky Demon Emperor, even if he loses his power, he still holds the power of Tao.

At his peak, he even understood the power of the law.

In the face of Chong Heiyun and others, Luo Rulie was absolutely impossible to lose.

What he sighed was that the road against heaven that Luo Rulie took was almost a mortal end.

Facing the offensive of Chong Heiyun and others, Luo Bin and others were extremely nervous.

With almost magical means, they couldn’t predict the next attack point of Chong Heiyun and the others. They could only cope with it. Under this kind of battle, they were beaten without the power to fight back.

But they did not dare to step back.

Because they may become the monarch of Yongzhou in the future.

At this moment, they are the focus of the soldiers in Yongzhou. If the people who may become kings in the future run away, how will they serve the people in the future.

So even if they were determined to die, they had to gritted their teeth and tried their best to resist the Chong Heiyun four, thinking about how to fight back.

When another Earl of Yongzhou was torn apart, Luo Bin finally couldn’t help it, and he urged Magic power with all his strength to attack Chong Heiyun, wanting to fight with his life.

At this moment, a figure appeared in front of him, and then he only felt that his eyes were dark, his eyesight retreated quickly, and his body was hit on the ground.

Luo Bin quickly got up, looked into the distance, and suddenly found a familiar figure.

Crimson’s hair and bronzed skin look like pouring steel, shimmering in the sun with a dark luster, and the naked upper body is also outlined with dark red lines, a very oppressive sight.

Luo Rulie!

For this person, Luo Bin doesn’t know very well, only knows that this person seems to have a great relationship with Elder.

When Elder said that this person also joined the battle for Emperor Yongzhou, Luo Bin had only one idea, and that was the household.

Because Luo Rulie has never shown his own strength, and he has no prestige to match it among all races. All the Earls of Yongzhou, including Luo Bin, dismissed this person, let alone think that this person would be their own opponent.

But just now, Luo Rulie kicked him and he didn’t even have time to react, and the huge force shocked him even more.

Then, a scene that shocked Luo Rulie more happened.

A crimson mark slowly appeared on Luo Rulie’s forehead, and the dark red lines on his body glowed with scarlet luster.

“Three flowers gather together!”

The shock in Luo Bin’s eyes who saw this scene could not be compounded.

Looking at Luo Rulie’s disdainful eyes, Luo Bin gritted his teeth secretly.

However, Luo Rulie’s gaze suddenly turned to the right at this time.

Immediately, Chong Qingyun’s figure appeared on his right side, reaching out and grabbing his right arm.

Suddenly, Chong Heiyun, Chonghou Jackal, and Chong Heibao appeared all around him at the same time, each grabbing a part of his body.

“Die!” Chong Qingyun’s arrogant laughter emerged.

Immediately, the four of them used force at the same time, preparing to tear Luo Rulie into pieces.

Then a scene that surprised them happened.

Because Luo Rulie’s body has not been torn apart, he still stands in place.

“Dead!” Chong Heiyun roared again and began to tear hard.

However, Luo Rulie just stood there calmly, letting them pull.

A powerful physical body, even if he only has the strength of Xuanxian’s early stage at this moment, it is still not something that Chong Heiyun and others can shred.

At this moment, the hearts of Chong Heiyun and others were beating wildly, and Luo Rulie’s face showed a disdainful smile, then turned around and grabbed Chong Qingyun, grabbed his hair and pressed it to the ground.


Chong Qingyun’s head was stuffed into the soil.

Seeing that Little Brother was under control, Chong Heiyun’s hearts became fierce, and once again swiped their fists towards Luo Rulie’s neck.


Luo Rulie opened his arms, and a demon cloud suddenly appeared behind him, and instantly bounced Chong Heiyun and the others out.

“This… how is this possible, the power of the law!” Looking at the terrifying demon cloud behind Luo Rulie, Luo Bin and others looked dull.

Such a scene has shocked them beyond the reach.

Because in the entire Yongzhou region, there is no one else but Elder who masters the power of the law.

But at this moment, this duke, who they considered to be a relationship household and least likely to succeed, showed the power of the law.

Luo Bin and others were in unbelievable shock at this moment.

A guy with no race and no racial origin, he has always been better than them!

“Dead!” At this moment, Chong Heiyun and others bullied again and launched a crazy attack.

However, Luo Rulie just stood on the spot, enduring an offensive like a violent storm. When he left, Chong Heiyun and others were knocked out again.

“Sky demon!” Luo Rulie muttered softly.

The flames of crimson swept through his body, the demon cloud swayed behind him, and all the faint bugs were looming.

Seeing this scene, the human race watching the battle in the distance was in a state of stunned.

“Fuck, boss, isn’t this the power of King Pan?” Xiao Hei, who was also watching the battle, suddenly turned his head and looked at Chi You and said.

Chi You also looked stunned: “I also remember that King Pan’s boss used this ability when he fought with the demon master Kunpeng. Why would he do it too?”

“Could this guy also be a disciple of King Pan, your brother?” Xiao Hei said immediately.

“No, I think it should be King Pan and his old man who also cultivated the Heavenly Demon Dao!” Looking at Luo Rulie in the distance, Chi You guessed with a solemn expression.

Luo Rulie, who suddenly appeared in the center of the battlefield, stunned Luo Bin and other competitors from Yongzhou Jun.

The strength he showed even shocked Chong Heiyun and others.

Even if Xuanxian was in the early stage, as Luo Rulie said, he used to be the Sky Demon Emperor, the existence that obtained the inheritance of the demon god Kunwu.

The height he has reached is the top that others have longed for but couldn’t reach and can only look up to.

This is his confidence!

With a strong physique, based on this alone, he can be invincible among the armies.

“It’s a pity, there are only a few of you left, Brother Beifang Hou.” Luo Rulie’s mouth turned slightly upwards as he watched Chong Heiyun and others with an incredulous expression on his face.

“Kill you enough!” Faced with such a provocation, the grumpy Chong Qingyun took the lead, drawing a blue trajectory like lightning, and suddenly appeared beside Luo Rulie, with blue ice crystals appearing in the center of his palm.

“Big brother, no!” Chong Heiyun immediately said that he wanted to block, but Chong Qingyun had already bullied Luo Rulie, and it was too late to block.

“Dead!” The moment Chong Qingyun swung his right arm down, the strength of Chong Qingyun’s whole body condensed, and he slashed towards Luo Rulie’s neck fiercely.

At this moment, Luo Rulie, who had been standing still, finally made a move. The gu worms of the demon cloud behind him joined together in front of him, and a round of golden sun appeared in the back of his head.

“Buried!” Luo Rulie muttered softly.

All the Gu worms condensed in an instant, turned into substance, and shot towards the approaching Chong Qingyun.

“Dead!” Chong Qingyun shouted hysterically, slashing at Luo Rulie’s neck fiercely.

However, this strike did not cause any damage to Luo Rulie as before. At the same time, the beam of light suddenly fell, and instantly penetrated Chong Qingyun’s body.

“Wow!” Blood burst out from Chong Qingyun’s mouth.

“Dead…dead!” Looking at Luo Rulie who was almost invincible, Chong Qingyun’s eyes were full of resentment. He trembled and raised his hand again, slapped Luo Rulie weakly.

“Bang!” The demon cloud flickered, and Chong Qingyun was flew out like a broken kite.

Chong Heiyun and the others immediately stepped forward and caught Chong Qingyun that was flying upside down.

Placing Chong Qingyun flat on the ground, the anger in the hearts of Chong Heiyun and others surged.

At this moment, a large circular hole appeared in Chong Qingyun’s chest, and his internal organs had already been destroyed under Luo Rulie’s attack.

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