Chapter 460

On the way, Ye Liusu gave Lu Chen the feeling that he was curious about everything, wanted to study everything, and always maintained a curious attitude. At this moment, Lu Chen understood why Ye Liusu was so powerful in refining medicine. It was almost always there. Scholars who want to acquire knowledge.

But just went astray, and actually embarked on the route of the bomber!

The two of them talked while walking along the way, relying on two teleports, plus half a day of rushing, finally came to the area where the “black light barrier” was located.

At this time, Lu Chen waved his hand and summoned his own corpse, ready to fight.

After all, as long as the King Xuanyuan was cautious, he would definitely not allow the same thing to happen twice, and he would most likely send troops to garrison.

Seeing the more than twenty corpses summoned by Lu Chen, Ye Liusu’s curiosity returned again, and he stepped to one of the corpses and began to look curiously.

“It’s amazing, it turned out to be a half-step Da Luo Realm, and now there are not many human Taiyi Xuanxian level strengths, you actually have more than 20 half-step Da Luo, invincible!” Ye Liusu was a little excited.

Lu Chen rolled his eyes: “These are my brothers, don’t touch them!”

Ye Liusu nodded, then turned to look at Lu Chen, and said with some expectation: “Plague God, can I learn how to refine a corpse?”

Hearing this, Lu Chen, who was about to answer “no problem”, suddenly realized something and coughed twice: “Ahem, this is nothing to learn, it’s very hard, and if you don’t have enough mental quality, you will be scared to death.”

“I think my psychological quality is pretty good!” Ye Liusu blinked.

“Good, your uncle!” Lu Chen cursed secretly in his heart.

If it was someone else, Lu Chen wouldn’t say anything, but for Ye Liusu, he really didn’t want to teach him corpse training skills.

After learning about Ye Liusu’s deeds, he knew that this kid refining things couldn’t be described as unreliable, it was completely ruining things.

He was afraid of teaching Ye Liusu’s corpse refining skills, and he could play a “self-explosive corpse corpse” routine, and the sign of the heir of plague would be smashed into his hand by that time.

So Lu Chenyi refused righteously. The reason was for your own good, for fear that you would be scared to death!

Even though Ye Liusu wanted to refute this, he was still a little forced, and he had to withdraw the request with a bitter expression.

Although Ye Liusu always felt that refining medicine and corpse refining were different after all.

Maybe it will explode…

Returning to the area where the black light barrier was again, Lu Chen couldn’t help but become vigilant.

This time he no longer chose the center of the barrier that he had destroyed before, but changed the direction to prevent accidents.

“Keep up!”

Looking at Ye Liusu who was looking up at the black light barrier behind him, Lu Chen felt his brain hurt, and he still felt that this guy was not very reliable.

“Oh.” Ye Liusu immediately followed Lu Chen’s shout.

The two walked to the barrier, Lu Chen first took out the dagger and began to explore the location of the center of the next barrier. After determining the position, he took Ye Liusu towards the center of the barrier. Rushed away.

Half an hour’s journey, when approaching the center of the barrier, Lu Chen suddenly stopped, and then quickly pulled Ye Liusu and squatted down.

“What’s wrong?” Ye Liusu asked in a low voice after squatting down.

“There are soldiers garrisoned in front, right next to the barrier point, as expected!” Lu Chen said solemnly.

“Then what to do?” Ye Liusu was also a little nervous when Lu Chen said.

“Explore their strength first, as long as they are not at the Golden Immortal level, I can handle it!” Lu Chen pushed aside the withered yellow weeds beside him, quietly stretched out his head, and cast his eyes on the soldiers stationed in the distance.

“How about it? Is the opposite strong?” Ye Liusu asked nervously, shrinking his head.

“I can’t see clearly, but why do you seem to be a little scared?” Lu Chen looked at Ye Liusu and said with a curled mouth.

“I don’t fight very much!” Ye Liusu replied immediately.

“The people who bombed Hangu Pass don’t fight much!?”

“Yes, if you don’t fight well, even the prehistoric continent will be blown up together!”

Lu Chen suddenly felt that how did he feel so shameless when he said this from Ye Liusu’s mouth. He was obviously a plague god, and he wanted to put on a kind skin as a disguise.

Is there any king?

Hearing this, Ye Liusu’s face suddenly became bitter, and he stopped talking, but his heart was extremely wronged.

At this time, Lu Chen said: “You wait for me here first, I will check the situation and wait for my news.”

Ye Liusu nodded and continued to shrink.

Upon seeing this, Lu Chen first put all the corpses behind him into the “corpse bag”, and then the cat began to slowly leaned forward.

The closer Lu Chen gets to the area where the soldiers are stationed, the more nervous they are. After all, their time is running out, and the consequences of missing this opportunity are very serious.

Although there were dozens of people on the opposite side, the strongest of them was the Xuanxian late stage, which was very easy for Lu Chen to deal with.

This time he didn’t panic anymore, stood up slowly, and walked towards the garrisoned soldiers.

The moment he appeared, the soldiers swept their gazes at him, with a vigilant look on their faces.

“Who!” The captain headed towards Lu Chen shouted and asked from a distance.

Lu Chen did not answer, and continued to walk forward calmly.

Seeing Lu Chen’s attitude, the faces of the soldiers garrisoned were wary.

They are not stupid. Since the King Xuanyuan sent them to garrison, it is obviously dangerous. Although Lu Chen is only a person, if he doesn’t have the strength, how dare he come so calmly.

“This is my king, the domain of King Xuanyuan, you are welcome no matter how much you dare to approach us!” the headed school lieutenant shouted angrily.

At this moment, Lu Chen calmed down a group, and his more than 20 younger brothers were all at the half-step Golden Immortal level, and the abuse of these Profound Immortals was not enough.

As a result, the heart burst into pride, and the wind lightly continued to walk forward.

This undoubtedly made those garrison soldiers more nervous.

“Do you want to send a signal!” one of them said at this moment.

To be on the safe side, although every enchantment point is garrisoned by Xuanxian, every garrison captain has a magic talisman to convey a signal. As long as he smashes the magic talisman, the King Xuanyuan in Xuanyuan City will receive the news, quickly Come to support.

Seeing Lu Chen approaching at this moment, Bingjia couldn’t help but ask the captain nervously.

“No hurry, test his strength!” As the captain pointed the staff in his hand at Lu Chen, he muttered a curse.

Circles of black light emerged from the tip of the staff and struck towards Lu Chen.

Seeing them do something, Lu Chen did not hesitate, and decisively summoned more than 20 own younger brothers.

The appearance of these corpses really scared the soldiers stationed there.

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