Chapter 449 I think he seems to see me not pleasing to my eyes

As soon as Lin Han walked out of Luoxiaguan, he saw a black wind blowing on his face, instantly rolling him into the air.

Lin Han was shocked, struggling to get away, but the raging black wind became more and more violent.

Soon Lin Han was killed by the black evil wind.

Looking at the fading line of sight, Lin Han was completely stunned.

Before he died, he could still see the red eyes of the blood-robed ancestor.

Lin Han was even more confused, completely unable to understand why the blood-robed ancestor wanted to kill him, after all, their human race now and the blood-robed ancestor were “owners”.

After pondering for a while, Lin Han came to a conclusion that it may be that the blood-robed ancestor, his old man, may have accidentally harmed him while experimenting with a certain ability.

At this time, Lin Han felt that only this reason could be explained, after all, he had never offended the blood-robed ancestor.

Although he was very depressed, Lin Han could only recognize him, after all, he was just an insignificant little human race, and it was unrealistic to seek revenge from the blood-robed ancestor.

I said hello to King Yama from the Jifu…

After returning, Lin Han walked out of Luoxiaguan again and headed towards the swamp.

At this time, Lin Han still believed that the previous Death was just an accident. If the blood-robed ancestors massacred at the entrance of the village, the human race would have turned the sky already, how could there be no movement.

However, before Lin Han ran out of the village entrance, a black gust of wind struck again, lifting him up into the sky.

This frightened Lin Han and couldn’t help but began to howl: “The blood-robed ancestor! Blood-robed ancestor, stop!”

“Huh? Do you know it’s me?” The blood-robed ancestor hiding in the dark looked surprised, and his figure slowly emerged in front of Lin Han.

“My blood-robed ancestor, I didn’t offend you.”

Looking at Lin Han with a look of horror, the blood-robed ancestor also felt a bit of a headache. He didn’t know where he was showing his feet, such a vague assassination would be exposed.

But Human Race is a subordinate of own after all, and they have already been discovered.

But at this moment, the curiosity of the blood-robed ancestor has not been satisfied… It is very uncomfortable!

“Blood-robed ancestor, did you make a mistake, let me go!” Lin Han shouted with aggrieved expression.

“Oh, yes, I made a mistake, I’ll let you go!” The blood-robed ancestor nodded suddenly, took the excuse that Lin Han gave, and then waved his hand, the black evil wind dissipated, so Lin Han went straight Falling from a height of hundreds of meters.

Lin Han: “…”

This time Death made Lin Han feel very aggrieved. He just shouted to let go. He didn’t expect the blood-robed ancestor to let go so straightforwardly.

Lying on the grass, it’s a few hundred meters high in the sky, don’t you know, bastard! Also, if you make a mistake, don’t you know how to apologize, ***** (omitted)

After escaping into the underworld, Lin Han couldn’t help yelling.

Although it was the second time that the blood-robed ancestor killed him, Lin Han still didn’t think it was the blood-robed ancestor deliberately targeting him, because he and the blood-robed ancestor did not have any grudges, let alone intersection. Lin Han is certain of this. of.

Lin Han, who felt unsafe, began to discuss with everyone after his resurrection was cold.

Lin Han found that none of the other human races had such a situation.

This made him even more sure that the blood-robed ancestor had made a mistake.

Therefore, this time Lin Han shrank and frustrated in the pass for a long time, but in the end he boldly walked out of Luoxia Pass.

After all, staying there is not a solution.

After walking hundreds of meters, Lin Han, who had not been swept away by the black wind, finally felt relieved.

However, at this moment, the black wind appeared again.

Looking at the black evil wind, Lin Han wailed: “Blood-robed ancestor, why are you targeting me!”

“Because you used your left foot to step out of the landing pass!”

The blood-robed ancestor, who could no longer find an excuse for murder, could only answer in this way.

After being resurrected from the underworld again, Lin Han was stunned, and stepped out of the barrier with his left foot? ? ?

About to be killed? ? ? ?

Your reason is really fresh and refined!

Immediately, he also realized that something seemed to be wrong, and hurried to the tavern used by Humans to communicate, and as soon as he entered the door, he ordered a plate of peanuts and began to tell everyone about his miserable experience.

“I think the blood-robed ancestor seems to see me not pleasing to my eyes!” Lin Han said helplessly.

Everyone looked back slightly, with a hint of surprise in their eyes.

After all, now they and the blood-robed ancestors can be regarded as the same root.

No matter how the blood-robed ancestors are, they won’t be unpleasant to them, right?

These people are the dearest subordinates of the blood-robed ancestor.

And it’s still the kind that is not afraid of death.

“Brother, if you want me to tell you, don’t be kidding. Old blood is okay. That time it wasn’t the spirit treasure provided by the family, and the army of King Xuanyuan was killed. The Monster core was kicked in our own pockets, right? Didn’t say anything?”

“Why is it bad for you?”

“Yes, I also think the blood head is good, it sounds approachable.”

“It’s a pity, it would be great if the blood head had taken refuge in the Heavenly Dao Sect.”


Listening to the people’s unconscionable words, Lin Han almost cried and said miserably: “I was killed by the blood-robed ancestor four times, four times!”

After being killed four times in a row, Lin Han’s mentality almost collapsed.

He felt that he was quite regular and didn’t offend others. On the battlefield, he wanted to kill enemies with Monster Core’s fierceness and fearlessness, but now he is being targeted by the blood-robed ancestor.

Hearing this, everyone seemed very surprised at what happened to Lin Han, and they all began to ask Lin Han what happened, and even questioned whether he did anything to offend the blood-robed ancestor.

In the face of everyone’s doubts, Lin Han repeatedly assured that he had never done anything out of the ordinary, and even specifically explained his daily schedule for this.

Lin Han’s pledge made many human races begin to believe what he said.

However, the human race has also had contact with the blood-robed ancestor, although they don’t know him particularly, but they also know the character of the blood-robed ancestor.

Now that Dajun Guan is one of the most important subordinate forces of the blood-robed ancestors, there is no one.

Therefore, the blood-robed ancestor’s act of killing Lin Han made everyone feel a bit abnormal. For a while, people all speculated, and some people even proposed the blood-robed ancestor’s conspiracy theory, and there was a lot of noise around.

This incident naturally attracted Lin Changhe’s attention.

He always feels something is wrong!

His brows were frowned, and there was a thick surprise in his eyes.

Lin Changhe patted Lin Han’s shoulder lightly, frowned and said, “Brother, I don’t know about this. I’ll ask, maybe the blood-robed ancestor made a mistake!”

“In other words, it’s just a bad mood and I want to find someone to vent.”

“Or, maybe you really offended the blood-robed ancestor. In short, I’d better ask first.”.

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