Chapter 438

At this time, Qing Lin suddenly stopped the Demon Flood Dragon: “Devil Flood Demon King, what do you think is our winning rate in this battle?”

Demon Jiao frowned: “What do you mean!”

“The victory rate in this battle is up to 30%! If we lose our monster clan alliance will be destroyed, at this moment Xia Han has made a choice, it is up to us!”

Qing Lin’s words suddenly made the atmosphere of the scene serious.

I have to say that Qing Lin’s words moved everyone’s heart.

They are compelled to be loyal to Yuan Qing, but now they have a chance to break away from Yuan Qing. As long as Yuan Qing dies, they will continue to have freedom.

Their idea of ​​restoring the ancient monster race was shaken at this moment.

If you don’t send troops to help at this moment, then Yuan Qing’s chances of surviving must be slim, and the monster alliance will collapse again and it will be a foregone conclusion.

But if they sent troops to help and tried all means to rescue Yuan Qing, their chances of winning would be only 30%. This multiple-choice question seemed to have an answer in the hearts of Qing Lin and others.

But at this time, the Demon Jiao slammed a fist on the table: “I know what you are thinking! But you have to remember one thing, the respect you get in the outside world is given by the leader, without him, we I can’t squeeze into the ranks of the top forces on the coast of Bohai Sea. I also know the pros and cons, but I also know one thing. In any case, we are all monsters. Even if Yuan Qing becomes the leader, he will be our own!”

After Demon Jiao finished speaking, he glanced at everyone present, and then left angrily.

The rest of the people at the scene looked at each other. At that time, Mo Jiao was the last to agree to allegiance to Yuan Qing, but now he has become the most persistent one.

They all understand the truth, but they have lived for tens of thousands of years. What they value has always been profit. When they suddenly heard the demon Jiao say that they are all monsters and their own people, they originally felt ridiculous, but they thought about it carefully. Are silent.

If Yuan Qing is not his own, will they surrender?

If it is only force coercion, will any force stronger than them surrender them will go to seek refuge? This is obviously impossible, so they have to admit that the original “personal” factor was indeed involved in Yuan Qing’s return.

“What do you think?” Qing Lin looked at everyone.

“The monster race used to be the overlord of the prehistoric, but now we are down and down. This is probably the last chance. If you lose, then you really lose. Maybe there will be no chance to restore the glory of the ancient monster race in the future. It’s better to survive than to fight to death!” At this moment, the timidest snake said these words, which surprised everyone present.

“Either glorious or dying, it’s really a difficult choice! But daddy chooses dying especially, this battle has started, don’t leave any regrets!”

“Yes, if we can’t rise in this battle, then even if we choose to live, we will gradually become lonely. I choose to join the war!”

After expressing their opinions, several people stood up and prepared to go to assist Yuan Qing.

At this time, a general suddenly rushed from the outside and knelt down on one knee after entering the inner hall: “You commanders, the Great Spirit Gate Alliance Army is invading. They are gathering overseas and seem to want to block the sea!”

Upon hearing this, several people looked very solemn.

“Sure enough, they had already made perfect preparations, and they had already considered that we would send troops away!” Qing Lin’s eyes suddenly turned red.

“Then what to do, although the leader is strong and can last for a long time, we can’t make it at all now!” Wang Snake also looked anxious.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry, let me think… By the way, Hangu Pass!” Qing Lin suddenly raised his head.

“Yes, right, everyone at Hangu Pass, they have this ability to support!” Wandering snake quickly continued.

“Snake, you go and inform the people in Hangu Pass, let’s assemble our forces against the coalition forces!”

“Okay!” The snake hurriedly responded, then his figure floated into the air, and suddenly shot towards the void.

Time is running out, and several leaders are busy at this moment.

Whether Yuan Qing is alive in this battle is the key factor for the future war. In this case, they can only pin their hopes on the people at Hangu Pass, and there is no other way to come.

After an hour, all the people at Hangu Pass were basically gathered in the tavern.

Because they got a terrible news.

Yuan Qing is going to hang up!

“This afternoon, a few fellow daoist and I were just preparing to harass the Julingmen coalition army stationed here on the border of the Bohai Sea, and it turned out that the coalition army had actually withdrawn.”

“At that time, we were still very surprised. We didn’t understand how to withdraw our troops, so we continued to sail forward for a certain distance, and then we met the leader of Yuan Qing’s subordinate snake. He told us that Yuan Qing had encountered an ambush and was now desperately resisting. It will be over!”

“Moreover, their current forces are all constrained by the Union Army of the Great Spirit Gate, and there is no strength to support them. Now they need our help. What do you think?”

A young Daoist took a sip of wine, slammed it on the table, and said with some grief.

“Lying grass, we haven’t pulled him over yet! It’s almost gone, this is unbearable, come right away!”

“These dog-legged creatures of the Giant Lingmen want to murder Yuan Qing. They are really deceiving people too much. They take us for nothing, go to war, go to war!”

“The rescue plan is launched, call the army of Hanguguan, it’s time to take action!”

“We can save Yuan Qing, and Heavenly Dao can’t keep it, I said!”

“Boss Yuan Qing hold on, and the Hanguguan army will immediately join the battlefield and call all Hanguguan tribes to join the battle!”

After telling each other, almost all the people in Hangu Pass received the news that Yuan Qing was about to die.

The people at Hangu Pass actually didn’t have the slightest hatred for Yuan Qing, after all, in their opinion, they would not die.

So when they knew that Yuan Qing was ambushed and was about to fall, everyone at Hangu Pass couldn’t sit still.

At this moment, Hangu Pass’s army assembled again.

After the rescue operation of Yuan Qing was officially launched, due to the tight time, everyone at Hangu Pass did not gather in the boundless seas. They planned to find another opportunity to integrate their forces on the coast of the Bohai Sea. They all drove the big ship straight to the unknown on the coast of the Bohai Sea. islands.

Many people in Hangu Pass who wandered in the Boundless Four Seas also set off directly after receiving the news.

Even so, the number of Hanguguan troops participating in the joint operation this time is far more than before.

After all, this time is different. Time is of the utmost importance. Yuan Qing may fall at any time, and even many people from Hangu Pass who are not good at fighting will join them.

Now they can only pray that Yuan Qing can support it until the moment they arrive.

At the very least, you can’t die now, absolutely can’t die, or everything will be lost.

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