Chapter 383

“Not yet sanctified, how come you have such strength!” The figure in the void seemed surprised.

“It’s coming, it’s coming!!” Xu Xian laughed, his figure disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already beside the golden figure.

“Infinite Buddha Kingdom!” The golden figure seemed very shocked.


Xu Xian shook his fist, and his right arm instantly turned black, and violently collided with the surrounding kingdoms of Buddha.


The black water-dirty thunder went straight through the periphery of the Buddha country, and immediately afterwards, only a row of black, silt-like electric arcs were suddenly washed out, and they suddenly wiped out the believers who were constantly chanting Buddhist scriptures around them.

Immediately afterwards, thousands of Buddha kingdoms fell, and the golden light scattered around them.

I saw it suddenly grabbed the golden figure by the neck.

At the same time, a phantom of Pan Wang Dongyong suddenly appeared behind Xu Xian.

“Jie Jie Jie!”

“Pan King Dongyong!” Daoist immediately changed his expression.

“Boom!” Xu Xian’s right arm burned with thunder, grabbing Daoist and falling toward the ground like a meteor.

This strike is like a comet hitting the earth, and the whole mountain is shaken.

When Xu Xian’s figure reappeared, his left hand was holding Daoist, while his right hand was inserted into his chest, and then with a sharp twitch, a lavender breath suddenly came out.

The body that attracted Daoist couldn’t help but began to twitch, and the golden light on his body suddenly disappeared.

At this time, Xu Xian showed a hideous face, and then swallowed that magnificent purple qi in one mouthful.


His voice pierced through the clouds and cracked rocks, resounding through the world, and the whole body was ignited with golden flames, continuously burning his body, causing dense cracks on his body surface like dry earth.

At this time, the lightning flashed and thunder, Xu Xian slowly got up, staring at the lead Daoist lying on the ground.

With a cold snort, he said disdainfully: “Sage really is Sage. It is Sage Realm who has extracted the Harmony Purple Qi. It is interesting and interesting. It seems that this Harmony Purple Qi is not the key to sanctification!”

As the voice fell.


A huge crack across the sky appeared on the sky curtain, and a series of expressions emerged from the crack. Eyes reveal looked at Xu Xian, who was still in a state of transformation, in shock.

“Hurt me the Western leader?!” Daoist, headed by Zhunti, looked very solemn.

Zhunti Daoist flipped his palm, and the Qibao Miaoshu suddenly came out and fell towards Xu Xian.

Seven Treasure Tree (Daoist)——The Seven Treasure Tree is made of chaotic green lotus petals. The two Western masters, Zhun Tiao Daoist, are made by combining the seven treasures of gold, silver and colored glaze with the Western Bodhi wood. Mention Daoist’s Magical Item for reference. It is called “Nothing but No Brush”, and it is called Qibao Miaoshushu.


Xu Xian fisted the infinite Fahua: “Heavenly Dao’s running dog, also known as Sage, is really funny?!”

At this time, Xu Xian’s face showed a crazy smile.


Zhunti Daoist’s eyes widened, the heavenly magical flowers lingered, countless magical flowers condensed into a pale golden cloud, and the plasma surged inside, shining thousands of arcs.

“Rumble~ Click!”

Thunder suddenly appeared, a thick lightning fell suddenly, and the sky was instantly illuminated by purple brilliance.

A fist mark also rose into the sky at this moment and collided with Thunder.

The two Fahua rubbed sparks between each other, the air was ignited, and a dense space crack was quickly formed.

“Kacha!” The thunderclouds in the sky surged, and several thunders fell again.

This time the fist mark could no longer be blocked and was instantly shattered.

The thick thunder merged in the air, turned into a larger thunder pillar, and slammed on Xu Xian’s body fiercely.

When the purple brilliance dissipated, Xu Xian’s figure appeared.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

Buddha Yun Jie Lei, as if it is the end, the whole world is trembling in the thundercloud, and Zhunti Daoist also uses this method to announce the arrival of own to the prehistoric, with force to frighten it.

At the same time, Yuanshi Tianzun, who was behind him, also raised his hand slightly, offering the sword of Zhanxianzhu God, and followed the countless Buddha Yun Lei Tribulation, bombarding Xu Xian.

Zhan Xian Zhu Shen Bao Dao (Yuan Shi Tian Zun)-this Bao Da Luo is a thing of Xiantian, Xuan Tong good fortune. Even if Hun Yuan Da Luo Jin Xian is also afraid of this knife three points, it can be said that Da Luo Jin Xian who practiced for less than ten thousand years encountered this The treasure knife will also disperse, it is the supreme Divine Armament in The Three Realms.

Facing the thunder that struck again, Xu Xian slapped his backhand, and the thunder was floating in his palm, and the surrounding area turned into a swamp of thunder.

The dirty water thunder contaminates the Buddha’s rhyme and thunder robbery, instantly assimilating it and transforming nothingness.

Xu Xian wanted to raise his hand to resist, but he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Watching the Zhanxianzhu God Sword rushing forward, his complexion was ugly.

“Ah! Dare to move my mate!”

“Die me!”

At this time, the white snake who was lying next to Xu Xian suddenly turned into a woman holding two swords and rushed forward.

However, just as the Zhanxianzhu God Sword approached in front of him, a purple phantom appeared behind him, roaring up to the sky, and a huge roar pierced through Thunder, instantly dissolving this wave of offensive.

“Xu Xian, my Heavenly Gu Yuan roundworm can only protect you this time, and the rest is up to you!”

“Go to Chu Feng, he can save you!” Pan Wang Dong Yong’s virtual shadow gradually faded, looking at Xu Xian and said solemnly.

“Ahem…Thank you, old friend”

As he said, he clenched his right fist, and then slammed a punch to the sky. The huge dirty water thunder turned into a python in the air, circling up, smashing the falling thunder, and ramming into the void. .

The python immediately turned into chains, wrapping the entire surrounding void, and the wind and cloud suddenly stopped surging.

Zhunti Daoist’s expression changed, because he suddenly realized that he didn’t seem to feel this world anymore.

“This is…Taiyin water dirty thunder???! You are the true fairy of Taiyin, Xu Xian???” Zhunti Daoist was frightened and angry.

Who is Xu Xian? He is the top powerhouse who once threatened Sage’s status, and once used his own power to fill the entire prehistoric continent with dirty water and thunder.

Xu Xian looked back slightly, and said to Bu Zhoushan behind him: “Old friend Panwang, dare you follow me to slaughter the saint??”

As soon as these words came out, the Heaven Gu Yuan roundworms that had dissipated suddenly gathered here, and gloomy smiles appeared in a radius of a hundred miles.

“Tu Sheng??”

“I like this!”

Immediately afterwards, behind King Pan suddenly appeared a strange lavender butterfly figure, coming slowly, deep into the air, staring at Yuanshi Tianzun hiding in the dark clouds, and said quietly: “Original, but Dare to fight?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was taken aback, and their hearts trembled.

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