Chapter 367 I’m Still Alive, Are You Angry

“Are you here too??” Xu Gai stared at Dou Rong, who was constantly waving the soul gathering flag in the distance.

“People have been bullied to our door, how can we not come?” Dou Rong grinned, his feet lightened, his figure turned into a ghost, holding a soul gathering flag, and suddenly stirred into the void.

I saw that in the soul gathering flag, there was a faint mistake, and there was an endless soul, like a tide, bombarding a golden fairy Realm not far away.

I saw that the crab was entangled by countless ghosts, and it was difficult to move half a minute for a while, as if it was frozen in the void.

Hundreds of ghosts, clinging to the arms of the crab, exuded a thick cold air.

Yuan Qing’s complexion darkened, looking at Dou Rong and Xu Gai in front of him, he said, “You Da Zhou also want to go to war with me?”

In this battle, he originally wanted to play Hanguguan shamelessly.

But never thought that Jiepai Pass, the Wandering Soul Pass, not far from Hangu Pass, would actually come to help.

That’s so special, it’s really overwhelming*!

“Yuan Qing, this is the hurdle of my human race. It has nothing to do with you. Why don’t you quickly roll back into the boundless world?”

“That is, when Lu Ya Daoist was sitting here, why didn’t you see you so mad, a monkey dare to come out and jump!”

Xu Gai blasted the heads of several generals with a single shot, and said with a smile to Yuan Qingning.

Hearing this, Yuan Qing’s heart was full of anger, and his figure trembled. He suddenly got up, swept the boundless wave of air, and rushed towards Xu Gai.

“Get out of here!”

Xu Gai’s pupils condensed slightly, and his palm suddenly slapped his chest pocket. Dozens of fluorescing rain flower stones, with a hint of breaking wind, shot towards Yuan Qing.

In mid-air, Yuan Qing’s figure did not stop in the slightest, despite the Yuhua Stone bombarding the flesh, causing a violent explosion, and then gradually dissipating.

Therefore, Yuan Qing’s speed was also abrupt.

At this time, he was infinitely close to Xu Gai, his palms overturned the mountains and the sea stick river suddenly appeared, and he slammed into Xu Gai’s head.


At this moment, Dou Rong’s figure suddenly appeared in front of Xu Gai, the soul gathering flag suddenly stirred, countless souls condensed here, forming a soul wall out of thin air.

The thick cold air around, condensed into ice crystals, freezing countless souls in the middle of the period.

It’s like an ice wall.


The long stick fell, and countless ice fragments flew up.

Hundreds of unjust souls smashed to pieces with a stick on their backs.

However, it still blocked the mighty, crystal-like jade overturning sea stick.

“Dou Rong, it’s been a long time since I did it together?” Xu Gai said with a grin at the corner of his mouth, looking at Dou Rong in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, the figure turned into a ghost here, the spear in his palm was solid, and he suddenly smashed in front of him.

Dou Rong also moved decisively to his side at this time.


Shining the silver spear, the overturned sea stick collided with each other, and immediately set off a huge wave of air.

Countless horrible Spiritual Qi constantly exploded and squeezed in front of both sides.

Yuan Qing snorted, and the hair on the flesh grew out in an instant. Holding the overturned sea stick in both hands, he suddenly lifted it, turned and looked back, drew it on Xu Gai’s chest, and flew it.

Before taking back the long stick, Dou Rong, who was on the side, also launched an attack suddenly.

The soul gathering flag kept stirring, countless ghosts rushed out, holding his body tightly, and began to bite.


From the pain of the soul, hit the sea of ​​consciousness.


Yuan Qing suddenly bombarded the ground with the overturning sea stick, and then the force of the terrifying counter-shock, like a kite, retreated back.

The two figures fell on the ground almost at the same time, smashing two deep holes.

Yuan Qing leaned on the overturned sea stick and stared at the two people in front of him. Dou Rong and Xu Gai joined forces, but they had to make him cautious.

Although it can be a battle, it will definitely take some effort.


On the frontal battlefield, due to the addition of the guards of the Jie Pai Pass and the Wandering Soul Pass, they were finally able to resist the shrimp soldiers and crabs that resembled a tide. The pressure on the big merchants also dropped sharply and began to launch an offensive.

The Hanguguan tribe showed unparalleled ways of attacking and punishing.

Countless human races, seemingly like a sharp knife, went deep into the camp of shrimp soldiers and crab generals, slaughtered constantly, with their hands up and down, and the thousands of magic and magic were displayed here.

Don’t fear death!

The blood is slightly cold, charging into the battle, countless magical flowers, covering the sky.

One after another, they bombarded the shrimp soldiers and crabs, and the Wu clan led by Chi You was like a bloodthirsty tiger, fighting from side to side.

For a time, the corpses were everywhere, no matter how the shrimp soldiers and crabs charged, it was difficult to cross the line of defense established by the human race.

“Madan! Yuan Qing is deceiving too much.”

“Brothers, kill me!”

“Death to guard Hangu Pass.”


The shouts of killing were joined together. With the support of the Jiepai Pass and the guards of the Wandering Soul Pass, the fighting spirit of the people at Hangu Pass was completely ignited, and they were advancing frantically, one by one, they became red eyes.

The Shura clan, under the leadership of Zhang Guifang, moved around, constantly harvesting the remaining blood.


Not far away, a roaring sound rushed forward, and a red light emerged from the void, instantly burning countless shrimp soldiers and crabs.

A man holding a long knife, with a bright red light all over his body, rushed to Yuan Qing with cold eyes, and shouted, “Yuan Qing, do you remember daddy!”

“Dai Li??”

There was a trace of surprise in the eyes of the crabs and others.

They originally thought that Dai Li of the evil rat hole would have died a long time ago, but they never expected that he would appear at Hangu Pass.

Yuan Qing stared, her pupils suddenly tightened: “Dai Li, you are not dead yet???”

He was very aware of Dai Li’s injury at the beginning. He was slammed by his overthrowing sea stick on his waist and he was bound to die, but now he is standing in front of him alive.

How can this be? ? ? ?

“Yuan Qing, don’t you think you remember me?”

“Daddy, how much dirty did you do for you.”

“You really almost killed Daddy because of Chi Yuanguo.”

Dai Li burst into a loud shout, then screamed up to the sky, and said loudly: “The soldiers of the evil mouse hole, would you like to kill the old thief Yuan Qing with me.”

With a roar, Yuan Qing’s face suddenly changed.

He knows how loyal the little demon of the evil rathole is to Dai Li. After he was seriously injured by a stick at the beginning, he wanted to kill him, but was blocked by countless rat monsters and resisted desperately. This was what allowed Dai Li to escape. .

The voice fell off.

A rat demon holding a long knife suddenly jumped up, slashed fiercely at the crab beside him, and then sprinted back, shouting: “My lord, I would like to follow you!”

“Swear allegiance to the king to the death.”

“Evil Rat Hollow Demon, I would like to follow the King and live forever.”

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