Chapter 365: Han Zifei

“Brother, quickly bring someone to Gu Guanbian, Yuan Qing is here, hurry!”

“Yuan Qing invaded, how about you?”

“Yuan Qing brought the entire Sea Clan this time, he can’t stand it, brother!”

A series of sound transmissions made Chi You realize that the situation was not good.

He didn’t expect Yuan Qing to actually start a full-scale war with them, which is definitely not good news for their human race.

Immediately Chi You hugged Xiao Hei and ran towards Hangu Pass.

Since he didn’t know how the Hangu Pass’s defenders were killed or injured, he had to speed up.

While running, Chi You began to shout with the sound-transmitting talisman, so that everyone from the Wu tribe could gather at the beach.

Chi You turned his head and glanced at the Kuafu tribe behind him, and said to Xiaohei: “Xiaohei, you can go to Bu Zhoushan… Hurry!”

At this time, there are boundless seas, and waves are set off. The densely packed giant beasts and Yuan Qing’s shrimp soldiers and crabs will form a torrent of steel, coming violently.

This time the army is much stronger than the previous two. Looking at the entire coastline, it is full of Yuan Qing’s forces.

Yuan Qing’s invasion filled the people with a sense of urgency, and immediately began to assemble, wanting to resist desperately.

But this time Yuan Qing didn’t talk nonsense, and started the fight directly. The waves hit the coast straight, and a large number of Yuan Qingjun soldiers rushed into the human race.

After knowing that Cao Bao was just a paper tiger, Yuan Qing was fearless at this time.

Moreover, Xing Tian promised him that as long as Cao Bao used the strength of a quasi-sage-level powerhouse, he would definitely stop him.

With no worries for the future, Yuan Qing swore to take Hanguguan this time.

Yuan Qing showed his top strength at this moment, and many human races at Hangu Pass were completely vulnerable to him.

Although the fighting spirit of the human races desperately resisted Yuan Qing also felt surprised, but in his opinion, in the face of absolute strength, no matter how crazy it is, no matter how tenacious it is.

After fighting for less than an hour, the Human Race was directly forced out of the Boundless Sea Coast, but Yuan Qing still did not stop, and continued to press the Human Race back.

Yuan Qing’s idea is simple. It is to use absolute strength to frighten the various forces in Hangu Pass and convey a message to them. Since then, Yuan Qing has moved into Hangu Pass. All the forces that want to challenge have a clear view of their own strength and consider it well. Do you want to be an enemy!

The appearance of Yuan Qing’s army also shocked Xu Gai and Dou Rong, but they all watched this scene silently and did not intervene.

Although they should be unanimous to the outside world at this time, they knew that even with them, they still didn’t look enough in front of Yuan Qing.

So they chose silence.

What’s more, they still belong to the Great Zhou Dynasty and are under the jurisdiction of Zhou Wenwang Jichang, so naturally they cannot send troops without authorization.

Boundary card pass.

An infantry school lieutenant frowned, staring at the vicinity of Hangu Pass, with a look of worry in his eyes.

Holding the flag in his hand, he soared to the Jiepai Pass, walked into the Lord’s Mansion of the Jiepai Pass, slightly cupped hands, half-kneeled on the ground, and said loudly, “Lord Xu, please go out and rescue Hangu Pass.”

Xu Gai raised his eyes slightly, with a hint of ugly in his eyes, shook his head and said, “I also want to rescue Guan. The problem is that King Wen will never allow me to wait for the rescue. If I wait for now, King Wen will blame it. , What to do!”

“Yes, if you just say rescue, then rescue???”

“If the King Wen comes to blame, you, the little captain, may you have to bear it?”

“Really don’t fear those who don’t know.”

Seeing this, the infantry school lieutenant frowned slightly, stepped forward slowly, lowered his voice, and whispered a few words to Xu Gai.

Xu Gai’s face changed suddenly, and he was shocked: “What you said is true?”

“The subordinate’s sentence is true. In the past, the Heavenly Dao Sect Leader personally suppressed the Heavenly Emperor Haotian and forced Heavenly Dao to retreat. The younger one is near Heavenly Dao!”

“No wonder! But this Heavenly Dao Sect Leader, what on earth is he plotting!”

“If you can really contend with Heavenly Dao, why is there such a big fight?” Xu Gai’s expression was gloomy.

Hearing this, everyone around was extremely ugly.

Especially a few poor and rotten scholars, hearing this, their eyes became more hostile, and they stepped forward and snorted coldly: “Heavenly Dao is the way to heaven!”

“King Wen, the emperor too!”

“Then what Heavenly Dao Sect Leader, as far as I can see, it can still suppress the Heavenly Emperor and retreat Heavenly Dao. I think it’s just an excuse for you, the infantry captain!”

“Master Xu, I will persuade you to believe it, if not, then King Wen…”

Before everyone said what they said, Xu Gai suddenly smashed the table to pieces, and yelled: “Go to you, King Wen, who sent someone to kill Daddy’s Big Brother, and then planted it on Daddy. I couldn’t help it. In order to be the master of this shit world card level, now Daddy is quitting, and Daddy is going to turn his back on his horse!”

As soon as this words came out, everyone around was shocked, their complexions were not yet visible, and they dared not speak for a long time.

“Xu Gai, you are looking for death!”

The corrupt scholar headed scolded.

Xu Gai snorted coldly and said loudly: “Come on, lock up all these old things for me.”

With an order, several Jiepaiguan generals quickly stepped forward and crushed several scholars.

After looking up at Hangu Pass again, Xu Gai immediately said: “Go to the Wandering Soul Pass and tell Yu Dou Rong what you just said to me!”

“Yes! Subordinates will go now!”

Under Yuan Qing’s aggressive oppression, many human races who did not like to fight were also angry. Human races joined the battle one after another, but the battle situation remained unchanged. A large number of human races died and entered the underworld Samsara.

On the side of King Yama of the Ten Temples, a VIP channel was opened urgently to guide Samsara of many human races.

The entire beach was full of corpses of shrimp soldiers and crabs, but these deaths were not worth mentioning to Yuan Qing, and the army continued to advance forward.

This time, his goal is Hangu Pass, and use this central area of ​​Hangu Pass to swear his strong presence!

The formation of the human race was destroyed time and time again, especially the few monster races who took the lead in the forefront. Each of them existed like a scourge in the eyes of the human race. The strength of the three gathered together was like the sharpest spear, easily Pierce the line of defense formed by the human races finally.

As the battle line progressed, Yuan Qing drove the human race out of the beach with a force of destruction and began to advance towards Hangu Pass.

However, at this moment, in front of Hangu Pass, there was a gorge around.

Many human races are in ambush here, headed by a handsome-looking man holding an oiled paper umbrella, looking at the terrain in front of him leisurely, with a somewhat confident appearance.

“Brother Han, do you think it will work this time?” Ma Shan said, looking at the busy human race with some unconfidence.

Han Zifei put away the oil-paper umbrella, pointed to the left and right of the canyon, and said lightly: “Hangu Pass, originally stood on the scourge, there are dangers to defend. The shrimp soldiers and crabs under Yuan Qing’s hands are powerful, but they are all sea clan. , And here is the momentum of horns. If you want to travel together, you can only do this here.”

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