Chapter 359

Inside the Crystal Palace, Yuan Qing, who was eating, was still thinking about why he had an unknown premonition. Suddenly his complexion changed, and the meat in his mouth could not help but slip.


To the north of Boundless Four Seas, a black light shoots out from the bottom of the water, transforming into a human form in the air.

At this moment, another blue ray galloped from the south and appeared in front of the black figure.

“It’s really you, Xing Tian, ​​you are still alive!” Looking at the familiar figure in front of him, Yuan Qing was shocked.

Xing Tian slowly turned around. When he saw Yuan Qing, his face also showed a look of astonishment: “Qing’er, are you not dead?”

Looking at Xing Tian, ​​Yuan Qing felt a burst of MMP in his heart, and kept muttering in his heart, this old boy is still alive, how can this be done? Will he take my site again? ? ? ?

“Hahaha, Qing’er, I’m so happy, you are still alive!” Xing Tian’s figure flashed as he hugged Yuan Qing who was still cursing in his heart.

Yuan Qing: “…”

“I thought my Xingtian line was really dead, you are still alive, I am very happy, I am really happy!”

Looking at the smile on Xing Tian’s face, Yuan Qing was speechless for a while.

Sure enough, the master of own still looks like this stupid dick.

“That… you escaped from the sea ditch?” Yuan Qing asked tentatively.

“Escape? Why do I want to escape? I have always been guarded in the trench, because I want to suppress the ghosts of 300,000 heavenly soldiers and generals!” At this point, Xing Tian’s eyes once again revealed a strong hatred.

Yuan Qing: “…”

Originally he thought that Xing Tian had already died in the trench, but he did not expect that this guy actually suppressed and destroyed the 300,000 heavenly soldiers and generals in the Xingtian line. He also suppressed for hundreds of thousands of years. Xingtian is powerful. Once again, Yuan Qing had a sense of frustration.

“Then why have you come out now? What if the ghost of the soldier and the generals come out again? Such deep hatred can be sloppy. I think it is better for you to continue to guard them, at least seal them for another million years. !” Yuan Qingyi said righteously.

Xing Tian’s face was filled with a gentle smile: “No, there are more important things to do!”

What kind of shit, can I beg you to go back? I finally managed to break down this bit of the realm, but I didn’t want you to take it and fight with that kid Haotian desperately!

Yuan Qing cursed secretly in his heart.

“I heard that my Xingtian clan was bullied, so I plan to come and see what happened!” When it comes to this, Xing Tian’s expression is stern.

“Who? Who has bullied the Xingtian clan, isn’t the Xingtian clan already dead!” Yuan Qing stunned his face.

“It’s a guy named Yuan Qing. It is said that this person has now dominated this boundless sea, but since he dares to bully my people, then I want him to die!” As he said, killing intent appeared in Xing Tian’s eyes.

Yuan Qing: “…”

A sentence of “Mom” was held in Yuan Qing’s heart and made him very uncomfortable. He couldn’t understand which bastard had dumped such a big pot for him, and it was passed into the trench.

“By the way, Qing’er, do you know that Yuan Qing, take me to kill him, I think you are also building power in Boundless Seas, kill him, all the forces in Boundless Seas will belong to you, and you will continue to build new ones. The rebellious forces must punish Haotian!”

Yuan Qing: “…”

“Ahem… Well, master, your news is purely a rumor, you can’t believe it!”

“How could it be a rumor? It was sent to me by a creature who came to the trench, and even if that Yuan Qing did not bully my Xingtian clan, he would have to kill it. Since you dominate the four seas, how can you give it to me? These others!”

This made Yuan Qing very embarrassed. He didn’t know if he should tell the lunatic in front of him that he was Yuan Qing, anyway, he was a little scared.

“What’s wrong? Could it be that Yuan Qing is very strong?” Xing Tian couldn’t help asking, seeing Yuan Qing’s complexion.

“Don’t be afraid, even if that guy is strong, he will definitely not be my opponent!” Xing Tian patted Yuan Qing on the shoulder like an elder.

“The master, let me tell you a piece of news, but you must first agree, be calm after listening, and promise not to hit me!” Yuan Qing said with a guilty conscience after thinking about it.

Because he knew that since Xing Tian had come out, the news that he was Yuan Qing could not be kept secret.

“Go ahead, how could I beat you, you are my apprentice, even if you pierce through the sky, I will hold you up!” Xing Tian said with a smile.

“I am Yuan Qing!”


“I am Yuan Qing, your news is false, how could I kill the Xingtian clan, and the Xingtian clan, basically all have been beaten into blood fog by Haotian, and the rest of the scattered tribes may simply be It is impossible to be in the boundless world, the Xingtian clan is not the sea clan, so there is no clan person here!”

As Xing Tian listened, his expression became a little unnatural.

“You said the Xingtian clan had long since died?”

“Yes!” Yuan Qing gritted his teeth.

Hearing Yuan Qing’s affirmative answer, Xing Tian instantly frustrated, and put his arms around Yuan Qing again, with tears in his eyes: “So my relative is your apprentice… It’s really uncomfortable…”

Yuan Qing looked embarrassed and wanted to push Xing Tian away, but found that he couldn’t push it at all.

After being sad for a while, Xing Tian wiped away his tears and said, “So that guy wants to kill you with my hand? Don’t even let my apprentice let it go? It’s a good plan and a deep mind. I Sure enough, there was no mistake!”

“By the way, Qing’er, do you have potential opponents, or how could they plan such a vicious way to kill you, but don’t be afraid, since I’m here, I will help you take everything Get rid of the enemy!” Xing Tian said angrily, clutching Yuan Qing’s shoulder.

Looking at Xing Tian, ​​Yuan Qing had mixed feelings in his heart.

It was this guy who forced himself not to stay in the Xingtian clan.

However, Xing Tian’s words also gave Yuan Qing the idea of ​​using Xing Tian’s hand to destroy all enemies at this stage and expand his boundless control over the world.


“I think Cao Bao’s forces must have been done by them in the vicinity of Hangu Pass in the Boundless Seas. They have been plundering my supplies continuously before this!”

“Good! Master will help you!”

“Thank you, Master!” Yuan Qing said awkwardly.

At this time, Xing Tian’s expression suddenly condensed: “I will leave for a while and deal with some things. I will come to you later!”

Before Yuan Qing could reply, he saw Xing Tian’s figure in front of him flashed and disappeared in place.

At this time, Yuan Qing is very entangled. He can’t guarantee whether Xing Tian’s appearance is good or bad, but the presence of such a powerful lunatic makes Yuan Qing feel threatened. He narrows his eyes, wondering what he is thinking. .

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