Chapter 333 Wake me up early in the morning. . .

Moreover, the road was extremely thrilling. Chi You and others saw the evil corpses wandering all over the mountains. If it weren’t for the breath of the evil corpse, the evil corpses along the way could drown them.

When he came to the mountainside, Chi You waved his hand and motioned everyone to rest.

When everyone saw this, they immediately let go, and the demon master Kunpeng fell heavily to the ground.

Chi You wiped his sweat and squatted on the ground, feeling his body hollowed out: “Everyone, let’s eat something! There is still a long way to go.”

When everyone saw this, they all took out food and started to rest and eat on the spot.

“Boss, there seems to be an attic there, there seems to be someone!” At this time, someone found the attic of the real fairy of Taiyin, Xu Xian, and suddenly said in surprise.

Chi You nodded, he was naturally familiar with this place, and then walked towards the attic.

Seeing this, Xiao Hei on the side also hurriedly followed.

When he came to the door, Chi You thought for a while, then stretched out his hand and patted: “Old man, are you there?”

After a while, the door of the room slowly opened, revealing Xu Xian’s disgusting face: “Boy, you are so idle, you wake me up early in the morning?”

Chi You’s forehead bounced twice: “I just dropped in to say hello to you.”

“The greeting is over, can I close the door now?”

Xu Xian’s poisonous tongue caused Chi You to have a toothache. He really regretted now that he was okay to knock on the door.

At this moment, a figure appeared in front of the door, looking at Xu Xian in shock, looking very surprised.

“I seem to have seen you somewhere!” Xiao Shisha looked at Xu Xian in astonishment.

“Where?” Xu Xian narrowed his eyes.

“I don’t know, I can’t remember it anymore, but my instinct tells me that I am afraid of you.”

Speaking, Xiao Shisha raised his still trembling hand, as if I didn’t lie to you.

Chi You: “…”

Xiao Hei: “…”

“Can you be more normal, like fools, have the corpses of the evil spirit poured salt water into your mind?”

Xu Xian looked at him with a neurotic expression on his face and watched as he was still trembling slightly, and said a little corpse that I was really afraid of you.

“They are really stupid!” A faint sigh came from a distance.

Suddenly everyone turned their heads and looked around, and found that the demon master Kunpeng lying on the ground was turning their heads and looking here.

As the crowd dispersed, the demon master Kunpeng also saw Xu Xian’s appearance clearly, and his expression suddenly condensed: “You…”


A clear and loud voice sounded, and everyone was shocked to find that Kunpeng, the demon master who was originally not a bad Vajra, had a red palm print on his face.

The slap that appeared out of thin air slapped the demon master Kunpeng in a daze, and when he recovered, he immediately looked angry:



The phantom of the palm that was born out of thin air reappeared, and the demon master Kunpeng’s head was tilted.

At this time, Xu Xian’s voice suddenly appeared in the mind of the demon master Kunpeng: “If you talk nonsense, I will kill you now, believe it or not!”

Hearing this, although the demon master Kunpeng was angry, he really didn’t speak any more, because he knew that this old man was really capable of killing him.

Because he, like Pan King, is far beyond the existence of Sage Realm, he is even more terrifying and aghast with the Taiyin Divine Thunder. Even at his peak, he can’t defeat it.

Seeing this scene, Chi You and the others were stunned, not knowing where the phantom of the palm appeared out of thin air.

Thinking about it, everyone suddenly looked at Xu Xian.

Xu Xian looked solemnly: “It seems that it is the power of King Pan Dongyong. It seems that King Pan King Dongyong’s seal is a little loose.”

Chi You was stunned, with a suspicious expression on his face: “Is it really Pan Wang Dongyong?”

“It should be the king of Pan Dong Yong, otherwise this power will appear out of thin air here.” When Xu Xian said this, his face was not red, his heart was not beating, and he looked like this should be.

Chi You couldn’t figure out this. Although it was the slap phantom that the demon master Kunpeng appeared when he was watching Xu Xian, it seemed that this weak old man did not have the strength to shake the demon master Kunpeng’s body.

“Okay, don’t disturb my sleep, now there are fierce corpses outside, so be careful.”

As he said, Xu Xian glanced at the crowd, and finally glared at the demon master Kunpeng, then turned back to the room and closed the door easily.

After entering the house, Xu Xian showed a smile on his face: “The fierce corpse, Xing Tian, ​​and the demon master Kunpeng have all appeared. Why is it getting more and more lively? I hope to see a good show, hehe!”

When the white snake on the side saw this scene, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and he spit out a letter and said: “Interesting, don’t you think it’s a bit messy?”

Xu Xian chuckled, took the wine Calabash, took a sharp sip, and shook his head: “It’s messed up? What should be worried about is that Heavenly Dao Zong Chufeng, what does it have to do with me!”

At this time, Chi You and the others came to the side of the demon master Kunpeng, looked at the demon master Kunpeng who looked very aggrieved and asked, “Who hit you just now?”

The demon master Kunpeng heard this, but did not speak, only a trace of anger appeared in his eyes.

Chi You couldn’t see anything to ask, and stopped being wordy. With a wave of his hand, everyone stepped forward again, and together they energetically lifted the demon master Kunpeng up, and walked towards the mountain.

After walking around the mountain again for about half an hour, a deep voice suddenly appeared in everyone’s minds.

“Demon Master Kunpeng!”

The demon master Kunpeng who heard this voice also stared. How could he be unfamiliar with this voice? It was the “Pan King Dongyong” he was most afraid of.

“Haha, you dare to come here, hahaha!”

The laughter seemed crazy.

“Boss Panwang, I tied him here, but I can’t kill him, so I can only bring it to you.” Chi You said quickly when he saw it.

“Okay! I didn’t see you wrong as expected, hahaha!”

Then a cloud of black fog emerged under the people’s feet, and a strong sense of weightlessness emerged. The clouds and mist in the mountains passed in front of them, and everyone galloped towards the top of the mountain under the support of the black fog.

This made Kunpeng the demon master secretly said that it was bad.

Although Pan King Dong Yong was sealed, this place was his territory after all, and it could release some power to some extent. If he was taken to the top of the mountain, he would really be over.


The demon master Kunpeng’s complexion was flushed, and he wanted to forcefully leave the Demon Master Palace, even if he tried to die, he would have to break free from the shackles of the black mist (Sky Gu Yuan roundworm).

However, his Magic power was instantly extinguished by the black mist just as he gushed out of his body.

“Demon Master Kunpeng, stop struggling. Now that you are here, there is absolutely no possibility that you will not be able to escape from the palm of my hand, weak bug!”

Known as a little bug by Pan King Dongyong, the demon master Kunpeng was not angry, but some were just deep fears.

In the blink of an eye, everyone walked through the clouds and mist and came to the top of the mountain, and the black mist dissipated.

At this moment, the top of the mountain was empty, and the black mist slowly condensed into a man wearing a blue robe in the void.

At this time, the man was staring at the demon master Kunpeng.

“Demon Master Kunpeng!”

An extremely fierce voice rang in everyone’s minds, instantly evoking the negative emotions in everyone’s hearts, and all of them fell to the ground with dull faces.

At this time, the demon master Kunpeng’s complexion was suddenly extremely pale, and I saw the Gu Yuan roundworm invaded his mind little by little that day.

Fear is growing and spreading….

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