Chapter 325 Gu is the Lord of The Three Realms

Haotian looked back, and a trace of hostility suddenly appeared in his eyes, and it was so cold: “Yu Qing, what else are you doing?”

Yu Qing snorted and said with a chuckle: “Haotian, today you came to my Heavenly Dao Sect to insult my Master. Your sin is to be blamed. My Master thinks you are a younger generation and does not want to be held accountable, but it does not mean that I am Heavenly Dao Sect. Disciple, I won’t be held accountable.”

“This seat suppressed you in the far north for ten thousand years, do you have any objections?”

Haotian’s eyes suddenly tightened, gritted his teeth and said: “Suppress me in the extreme north for ten thousand years??”

“Gu, is the master of The Three Realms.”

“Do you dare to do this?”

“Aren’t you afraid of Heavenly Dao’s punishment? Are you not afraid of being too high, the irritation of the original two uncles?”

Yu Qing raised her eyes slightly, chuckled, and said, “Afraid???? Haha! You can be too superb, primitive, lead, quasi-direct, come and try.”

After speaking, Ling Xiao treasure hall was sacrificed in his hands (after the demon emperor Jun established the Ling Xiao treasure hall, he offended Chu Feng and was refined into Magic Treasures by Chu Feng.).

Suppress casually.

Suddenly, the wind was surging, the clouds were densely covered, and the silver arcs of the heavens lingered around.

“Chu Feng fellow daoist, you are too much.”

A vigorous voice resounded through the entire prehistoric continent.

Everyone looked up, but saw Heavenly Dao cloned above the void, Jiang Ziya standing in the clouds, overlooking the entire Heavenly Dao sect.

Chu Feng glanced at Jiang Ziya who was not far away, and immediately took Nuwa, Yaochi, and Houtu’s daughters back to Heavenly Dao Sect with carelessness.


Heavenly Dao is furious, Earth Fire, water and wind, and the laws of the heavens are constantly evolving.

The huge waves of thousands of meters and the rain of blood poured down, trying to wipe the entire Heavenly Dao sect.

Tian Luo Daoist raised his eyes slightly, spit out a string of characters lightly in his mouth.

“Don’t get out yet!”


The screams resounded across the sky.

As soon as the voice fell, the supreme dark clouds disappeared, and the sky was clear.

The huge Ling Xiao Palace was suppressed towards Haotian.



The fierce spirit of the ancient battlefield of the second clan of ancient Lich was suppressed by the second-generation disciple Lingzhu of the Heavenly Dao Sect.

However, there are still countless fierce corpses wandering above the wild continent.

During the State of Shang Tuesi, the armistice took place and the murderous corpses were strangled.

Outside Hangu Pass, the two figures moved forward cautiously. When they approached Hangu Pass, they suddenly arched their bodies and squatted in the grass, extremely cautious.

Not far away, it was Chi You who brought a few children of the Witch Clan to encircle and suppress the ancient fierce corpses.

The number is small, only about a few hundred.

But it was said that this ancient fierce corpse was definitely a great power before death, and a strong man like Chi You could not help each other for a while, only relying on a little bit of consumption.

Fortunately, the ancient fierce evil corpse was not wise, and fought by instinct.

Under Chi You’s terrifying Gu technique, it turned out to be a little faint.

The corpse with the deep white bone spurs said to Lu Chen nervously: “Lu Dage, we… shall we help???”

Lu Chen pinched the fleshy cheek of Xiao Shisha, and said solemnly: “Do you think if we show up, will they kill us now???”

“What can I do for you!”

“Escape is the last word.”

The two crept forward in the grass that was as high as half a person.

Xiao Shisha looked back and looked at Lu Chen, whose ass arched and arched, and he couldn’t bear to remind him: “Lu Chen Big Brother, you…your ass poked too high, you will be discovered in a while.”


Lu Chen nodded, and unconsciously contracted the height of his hips.

It’s just that these weeds are too piercing, and he is wearing coarse cloth, which is itchy by the tips of the grass.

The two crawled, and Lu Chen suddenly sat up.

Carrying this little corpse evil, he put his hands into his pants, and slammed, there were a few more weeds in his hands.

If this goes on, you can’t be exhausted? ? ?

Mainly because this play should be too boring.

It would be great if I could not run…

and many more……

Don’t run? ? ? ? ?

Lu Chen suddenly grabbed the small corpses like a caterpillar, and suddenly asked, “By the way, aren’t you Taiyi Golden Immortal??”

“After Na Chiyou was possessed by Pan King Dong Yong, he had a fight with Demon Master Kunpeng. Realm had fallen into Taiyi Xuanxian a long time ago.”

“Looks like, I should, it seems that I can’t do you, right??”

The little corpse ghost holding the bone spurs nodded blankly, and said, “It seems to be.”

Lu Chen couldn’t help but slapped himself, secretly spitting out in his heart: “The kid is really the strongest corpse made by the master???? Is so courageous???”

The small corpse evil who sat upright obediently put the bone spurs on the ground, looked at Lu Chen with a serious little eyes, and asked, “Then what shall we do now?”

Lu Chen glanced at the look of the witch clan’s beasts.

Most importantly, they mumbled while cutting.

“Kicked Lu Chen to death the evil spirit.”

“Kicked Lu Chen to death…”

“Lu Chen, take me a knife.”


Lu Chen swallowed fiercely. When he saw one of the Wu clan boys cursing himself while cutting a knife between the legs of the ancient fierce corpse, he felt the chrysanthemum tighten.

The skin twitched slightly, and he lowered his voice and said, “Forget it, let’s run carefully! The dog’s life is critical, so let someone else pretend to be forced!”

Immediately, the two were crawling on the ground here, like caterpillars in the grass, slowly leaving one arch after another.

However, at this moment, the giant panda Xiao Hei, who was originally riding under the crotch by Chi You, suddenly got up, a little excited and said, “Insects, I love to eat them the most.”

Then, Chi You was lifted off. . .

“Xiao Hei, you have enough.”

After Chi You rolled around on the ground, he said sadly.

It was like this when fighting against the Yellow Emperor, and it is still like this now.

Next time you look for a mount, don’t look for a glutton, or the opponent suddenly throws a delicious one.

This mount is going crazy! ! !

I saw Xiao Hei’s plump body rushing forward, and when he was about to shoot down the squirming grass, he suddenly froze in place.

The eyes met, both of them were shocked.

“Lu Chen? Are you a plague god???”

“Xiao Hei???”

“Brush, brush, brush, brush, brush, brush, brush…”

At this time, the little corpse evil spirit is still advancing slowly, arch by arch,,,,

Lu Chen hurriedly took Xiao Shisha’s leg and pulled it back, muttering: “I have been found, what else are you running.”

Immediately, he turned around and turned to Xiao Hei with a flattering expression: “Brother Cat, don’t talk, don’t you like to eat bamboo? I have it, I have a lot of it, why don’t you let me go???”

Xiao Hei nodded slightly.


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