Chapter 257 Pan King, Pangu’s Little Brother.

At the same time, Chi You’s complexion was slightly stalemate, and after a long time, this was the anger that suppressed own.

“I hope the senior will tell me, why don’t you let me wait to go to the top of Buzhou Mountain?” Chi You frowned and said.

However, the old man glanced at the white snake, frowned slightly, took a sip of the drink, and said, “That’s a long story.”

“Then you can make a long story short…” Chi You said.

“Do you know who I am?” The old man frowned slightly and said with a serious expression.

Looking at the old man in this state again, Chi You secretly said in his heart: “Who are you? You are Shandong Da Li Kui, why are you still alive? Don’t you just want to climb a mountain? Is it so difficult???”

Although he thought so in his heart, he didn’t say anything. On the contrary, he nodded very cleverly, showing that he didn’t know it.

“I am in the line of an immortal, even the Heavenly Dao Sect Sect Leader will call me a fellow daoist!!!” the old man said proudly.

Having said this, the old man originally thought Chi You and Xiao Hei would be extremely surprised, after all, the Heavenly Dao Sect Sect Leader, it has the strength comparable to Sage Realm.

However, it was discovered that these two people looked at him with idiotic eyes. . . .

“I and Chu Feng, the Heavenly Dao Sect Leader Sect Leader, are friends, don’t you believe it??”

The old man frowned and said.

Hearing this, Chi You and Xiao Hei didn’t answer, instead they got up slowly and walked outside the door.

This old man,,, seems to be confused. . .

Although the Heavenly Dao Sect Sect Leader Chu Feng was born in the Chaos Period, it was born at the same time as the Three Thousand Demon Gods.

Logically speaking, the seniority should not be small.

But this Heavenly Dao Sect Leader is humble. No matter who you see, he must call fellow daoist, or a good friend.

Even if it’s a reference to Zhunti and was suppressed by the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Dao Sect under the seal of the Spirit Mountain, when I left, I was also called fellow daoist. After thousands of years, I will come to rescue you…

This old man? Do you really think of yourself as an important person?

“Hey, hey, hey!”

“Why are you going??” The old man stared at the opponent’s disgusting eyes and suddenly became anxious.

Pretend to be forced, how can one pretend to be half of it! ! !

“Something?” The two slowly turned their heads, their faces flat and expressionless.

Seeing this, the old man frowned, and while speaking, he took out a light blue ring from his pocket, threw it on the ground, and sternly shouted: “Wait, let’s see what this is?”

Chi You, Xiao Hei looked at each other. He wanted to leave, only to find that the light cyan circle was flowing with colorful light, which seemed to be Houtian’s treasure.

He picked it up and examined it carefully, only to discover that a few large characters were actually engraved on this pale cyan circle.

“The Devil Dao dispute, I met a *** fellow daoist by chance, and this ring is specially honored, and the name is sleepy snake! (dog head smiling face)”

Seeing this, the two of them took a breath of air-conditioning, and both were shocked, and murmured, “Xiao Hei, do you think this play should be true? It stands to reason that it is indeed a Houtian treasure, and the refining technique is the same. Heavenly Dao Sect Leader Chu Feng’s usual method, but is this Houtian treasure a bit too rubbish??”

“Can only trap the Snake Monster Race???”

“Dage, you don’t know that! Didn’t you see the introduction written like this?”

“As long as it is a snake monster, no matter how realm it is, even if it is a quasi-sage Realm, it is a set of standards.”

“Isn’t there a big monster in the demon clan called Nine Heads? It’s actually a Hydra, Realm, the quasi-sage pinnacle. I heard that it was also trapped by a mysterious character with a small ring at that time. I don’t know if it’s this thing.”

With a chuckle at the corner of his mouth, the old man said leisurely: “Now you believe it? Chu Feng’s hometown and I…”

When talking about this, the old man slowly glanced at the white snake sitting on the bed, then he smiled and continued: “My Heavenly Dao Sect Leader, that’s a good friend.”

The two sat down obediently and finished the small bench, seemingly waiting for the old man to tell about his affairs with Heavenly Dao Sect Leader.

Seeing this, the old man said leisurely: “At that time, the primordial land was first opened, and three thousand demon gods controlled the chaos. Among these three thousand demon gods, there was a demon god named Power, born from Chaos Qinglian, accompanied by Magic Treasures. Chaos Open Sky Axe…”

The old man hadn’t waited halfway until he was interrupted by Chi You and Xiao Hei. Pangu Kaitian, who doesn’t know about this? ? ?

“Well, does this have something to do with the top of Buzhou Mountain?” Chi You frowned and asked.

The old man said seriously: “No!”

Chi You: “…”

Xiao Hei: “…”

I’ll go, it doesn’t matter what you said so hard for? ? ? ?

It doesn’t matter, you still start from the beginning, starting from Pangu, the tribe’s great power, the Devil Dao battle, and the Lich Great Tribulation. There are dozens of epochs. Can speak clearly, the way is clear.

“Old senior, you should tell us what the Kunlun mountain top has,” Chi You said helplessly.

The old man chuckled, as if lost in contemplation, with a deep thought in his eyes, looked towards the void, and said lightly: “You have heard of it, King Pan?”

The ancient King of Pan, that is, Dong Yong of later generations, was consecrated and regained his identity as King of Pan!

In ancient times, he was also a character of Niucha, and no one dared to provoke him.

He and Lu Ya are a bit like a guy behind the scenes, Pan King is also known as the Gu God!

There are as many as hundreds of Lingbao in his hand.

There was a hint of doubt in Chi You’s eyes, and he curiously asked: “Who is this king???? Pangu’s Little Brother?? It should be pretty good to hear the name, right? After all, with the Pangu family!!!”

The old man chuckled slightly, frowned slightly, and said faintly: “Pan King is naturally inferior to Pangu, but the methods are also terrifying.”

“Pan King Three Falling Heaven Gu, but it is the supreme descending head spell, killing people invisible, it is a huge poisonous body, more vicious than Blood Demon.

Therefore, the King of Ancient Pan, even though he was alone, was still powerful. ”

“Even the Heavenly Dao Sect Leader once said that a cloud of gray smoke was lifted up, and the colored stars flashed, making it faintly visible that no heavenly Gu Yuan worms were wriggling in it, and even Qibao Rakshasa’s colored light could not defend it. , Don’t touch yourself.”

“Do you think this king is good?”

Hearing this, Chi You shivered suddenly and took a breath. . .

The ancient Pan King, alone, can be alone in the land, even the most treasure of Western religion, Qibao Rakshasa, that is the top defensive treasure of the West, the best spiritual treasure of Xiantian, this can not be defended, and I see the horror of this man’s methods.

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