Chapter 245

The sound around the beam has not stopped for a long time.

Sitting on the last futon, Jiang Ziya frowned slightly and asked, “Master, this Heavenly Dao Sect Leader is too arrogant. You are Sage. You are disrespectful to you and should be punished severely.”

Yuanshi Tianzun raised his eyes, helplessness emerged in his eyes.

This Guangcheng son went to Heavenly Dao Sect, and he didn’t know it.

The intention is to try the strength of Heavenly Dao Sect Leader.

If ordinary people were so noisy in his Yuxu Palace, he would definitely punish him.

But… Heavenly Dao Sect Leader is different.

Even if he had achieved Sage Realm, he didn’t dare to take it lightly.

“Zhuzi, shut up.” Yuanshi Tianzun coldly snorted.

Jiang Ziya trembled all over, not daring to say more.

But I don’t know, just this sentence, he has already lost his way of immortality.

Slowly got up, ascended into the void, and respectfully bowed to Heavenly Dao Sect Leader Chu Feng, saying: “I don’t know if fellow daoist is here, if I have missed the distance to welcome, dare to ask… Is there something wrong with fellow daoist?”


Chu Feng casually threw Guang Chengzi into the void without saying a word.

Rao is the Yuanshi Tianzun, so he couldn’t help but step back a few steps, this is to see to stabilize his figure.

The twelve golden immortals were all dumbfounded and fearful in their hearts.

I once heard that Heavenly Dao Sect Leader is terrifying in strength, comparable to Sage, but now that I see it, so heroic, especially Sage can compare?

“Fellow daoist, this is…”

Primitive Tianzun said in awe.

But before he finished speaking, a clear voice suddenly came from the void.

The face of Yuanshi Tianzun was slightly raised, his eyes condensed with coldness, his hands trembled slightly, he wanted to do it, but he didn’t dare to do it.

“Original, do you really think, Sage, can you deceive me?”


Chu Feng snorted coldly, and immediately, another mouth hit Yuanshi Tianzun’s face fiercely.

Primitive Tianzun was stunned, his silver teeth gritted, and angrily said: “Chu Feng, this seat has no grievances or enmity with you, why play this seat?”

“To play with you?”

“No grievances and no grudges???”

“This seat has no grievances and no enmity against your Primordial Heavenly Venerable. All the disciples of your Primitive Heavenly Venerable have been hit in this dojo. You said…should you fight?”


After that, another slap was slapped on the face of Primordial Heavenly Lord.

Yuanshi Tianzun was also Sage anyway, and he was so humiliated in front of his apprentice that he suddenly became angry.

Pangu flags were sacrificed in the diameter, and Liangrao was surrounded by black clouds, and even went toward Chu Feng’s suppression.

Seeing this, Chu Feng chuckled, Fang Cun Yin, Kongtong Seal, Lingshan Seal, and Sea Seal, the four great Houtian treasures were sacrificed and smashed on the Pangu flags in turn.


A crisp sound suddenly rose.

However, there was a crack on the Pangu flag.

Yuan Shi Tianzun was terrified, and quickly took the Pangu flags, lest the spirit treasure would be damaged.

“Original, this time, it’s just a warning, next time, it’s not just as simple as three slaps.”

“Keep in mind, Sage is not immortal either.”

After saying this, walk away.

At this time, within the Heavenly Dao sect, on a bare mountain, a vast murderous aura suddenly swept away.

Not long after, a Daoist in a blood robe walked out from under the mountains.

Murderous aura around him, he was in his body, as if walking in front of the court, slowly descending.

This person is the Tianluo Daoist, such as the strength of the Luo Daoist today, it can be described as extremely terrifying.

Leng Shuang’er was overjoyed when his uncle left the customs, and quickly informed Tianluo Daoist of what had just happened, especially Shangqing and Taiqing, the two disciples who visited Heavenly Dao sect in person.

Hearing this, Tianluo Daoist narrowed his eyes and suddenly said, “Where is your master Chu Feng now?”

Leng Shuang’er said, “Master took Guang Chengzi and went to Yuxu Palace to inquire.”


“Master Xuandu, but a disciple of Taishang Dadaddy?”

Leng Shuang’er nodded, looking blank.

Tianluo Daoist waved his hand, and the Gunslinger, which had been discarded not far from the Heavenly Dao Zongshan Gate, suddenly appeared in Zhang Xin.

“When your master comes back, tell him that I have gone to Bajing Palace.”

Leng Shuang’er understands this uncle’s temperament. He has always deceived others, and it has not yet been his turn to deceive himself.

So now seeing Tianluo Daoist carrying a sharp gun and preparing to go to Bajinggung, he naturally understood what the other party wanted to do.

“Uncle, the Eight Kings Palace Shangqing Moral Heavenly Sovereign is now Sage Realm…”

Before Leng Shuang’er’s words fell, Tianluo Daoist had disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this, Leng Shuang’er’s eyes revealed a hint of helplessness.

What this uncle is doing is obviously not something that juniors like her can control.

However, even though the other party is Taiqing Moral Heavenly Venerate, Sage Realm powerhouse, she Leng Shuang’er has no intention of worry.

Master once said that Uncle Luo’s strength this day is by no means under him.

So, naturally, there is nothing to worry about. What should be worried about is the talents of Taiqingmen.

At this time, in Bajing Palace, Taiqing Moral Tianzun was too daddy, and was carefully tempering the Nine Cycles Gold Core.

Regarding his disciple’s visit to the Heavenly Dao Sect, he naturally wouldn’t be clear.

However, he also had the purpose of testing Chu Feng, and this was the case.

And the Medicine Pill that was refined today was used to heal the profoundly wounded Xuantu Master|Mage.

However, just at this moment, outside the Eight Kings Palace, a loud noise suddenly came out, and a wave of terror was moving, galloping.

This made Tai Shang Daddy’s eyes suddenly a hint of hostility.

“Who, dare to break into my Bajing Palace?”

“Could it be that I’m too good to be bullied?”

He is too daddy, but Sage, when someone dares to hit the door in person and break into his eight palaces, this is simply a great humiliation.

Too Shang Daddy stepped out in one step, facing outside of the Eight Views Palace, and saw a man in a blood robe above the void, holding a spear, full of fierce aura, reaching the sky.

Seeing Taishang Daddy came out, the man stabbed another shot towards the void, shocking the sky, full of blood, and the surrounding void collapsed, destroying the atmosphere, one after another.

This is a pure way of killing, the simplest way of killing.

With such a terrifying power, Tai Shang Daddy was stunned for a while, and for a while, he shouted: “Stop it!”

Before the words fell, the light of the spear fell, and the Bajing Palace guarding the mountain array collapsed suddenly and broke directly.

Too daddy’s face was slightly cold, and he said gloomy: “Who are you, dare to shoot at my Bajinggong, do you really think that I am too daddy to display it?”

The man raised his eyes, his cheeks were evil and domineering. This person is not someone else, but Tian Luo Daoist.

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