Chapter 238

“I’ll go, the fairy will give you Cultivation Technique, although you have become a dog, you have to thank you, right?”

“Just so! By the way, I will set up a sign here tomorrow. There are bad dogs inside. It is forbidden to enter, haha!”

“This is too funny?”

“That, brother, since the immortal has given you such a Cultivation Technique, otherwise you will be a mount for the immortal? By then, no one can bully you in this great wilderness.”

Chu Feng also didn’t expect that the Cultivation Technique he threw out subconsciously turned out to be the Nine Changes of Gods and Demons, and the first change turned out to be The Underworld Vicious Dog.

Immediately, he was a little helpless, and said quietly, “I am the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Dao Sect. Would you like to worship me as a teacher?”

As soon as these words were said, the surrounding crowd turned out to be as if they were beaten up with blood. The look in Chu Feng’s eyes also began to change a little. They turned out to be half kneeling on the ground, and there was no hint of laughter, cupped hands said. : “I have seen God the Father.”

Father God? ? ? ? ?

For this title, Chu Feng looked dumbfounded.

How did he become the father god of the human race? ? ? ?

Let me go. Did I help Nuwa create people myself and let them misunderstand? ? ? ?

But… But why doesn’t that fellow Nuwa explain it out.

This is so embarrassing to say.

When Xu Chen heard this, his small black eyes rolled around.

How could he not know the majesty of Heavenly Dao Sect Leader Chu Feng in the prehistoric world, even if he became a dog and was able to worship Chu Feng’s door, it was worth it.

Immediately, with extreme excitement, his front paws gripped the ground, unexpectedly jumped up and jumped out directly.

Wagging his tail, followed behind Chu Feng.

Looking at this little black dog, Chu Feng was also helpless. He had to say that this guy’s life was simply too good, and he even absorbed the entire spiritual eye.

Although the current Realm is still very low, but the defense power, that is top-notch existence, even if it is a quasi-sage, it is difficult to hurt the opponent without using the spirit treasure.

Chu Feng nodded slightly, a cloud of energy suddenly rose under his feet, and galloped towards the Heavenly Dao Sect.

The people who were originally kneeling on the ground were envious.

Just kidding, that’s the Heavenly Dao Sect. The Heavenly Dao Sect Leader is a calf-protecting existence, and all the disciples taught can become Realm.

They are nothing more than mere mortals now.

To be able to worship under the door of Heavenly Dao Sect Leader, and to be a second-generation disciple, what a terrifying Fukuzawa?

Not to mention turning them into little black dogs, even if they were turned into two ha, they all agreed.

Not far away, the ultimate moment.

Just returning to the Heavenly Dao Sect, a surprised voice suddenly sounded.

“Wow, Master, you made a little black dog there, so cute!”

The mosquito Daoist bounced across the class, stretched out his white fingers, and gently clicked on Xu Chen’s forehead, as if he was very satisfied.

However, the next sentence made Xu Chen shocked.

I saw the mosquito Daoist picking up the little black dog and looking carefully, it turned out to be licking his lips, and then said: “That’s so thick Spiritual Qi, Master, how about we eat the roasted suckling dog at night?”

“Don’t! Don’t eat me, don’t eat me…”

Xu Chen kept playing with all fours and small paws, pitifully own dog life.

Why did you just worship Heavenly Dao sect and be eaten by others? ? ? ?

It didn’t matter what he said, but it scared the mosquito Daoist enough, and subconsciously slapped towards the dog’s head, and it was the kind of uncontrollable one.

Xu Chen was slapped directly by the mosquito Daoist and hit the ground, deeply embedded in the boulder.

But what makes him weird is that although it hurts, he doesn’t seem to have suffered any injuries.

In fact, it’s not that he wasn’t injured, it’s just that the spiritual eyes in the physical body merged into the body. At the moment of being beaten, it released the vast Spiritual Qi, condensed into a shield, and stood up for defense.

“Let me go???? Monster???” Daoist crouched on the ground, looking at the little black dog in front of him with some surprise.

Chu Feng was indeed embarrassed when he saw this scene.

What’s the joke, you Daoist, now even the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and the Demon Emperor Jun are not afraid of him, but they are afraid of a little monster? Forehead! It should be said that it is a small thing that may be a monster? ? ? ?

“You are the monster!”

“Your whole family are monsters, but daddy is the dog of The Underworld.” Xu Chen raised his little head and looked at Daoist with contempt.

Hearing this, Daoist Mosquito was in a fit of anger.

She never thought that she was actually despised by a puppy? ? ? ?

Immediately, I was preparing to set up a cauldron to cook the dog meat at night.

As a result, Chu Feng cleared his throat and said, “Xiao Wen, that’s enough, this is your little brother, Xu Chen!”

“The Cultivation Technique taught to the teacher is the nine transformations of gods and demons. Your little junior has just practiced the first transformation, The Underworld vicious dog, that’s why it became like this.”

“As a master sister, you have to love the younger brother.”

Just after Chu Feng said these words, Xu Chen was stunned.

Let me go, this little Ni in front of me is actually Master Own? ? ? ?

Didn’t I just offend the master sister when I just started? ? ?

How does this make him good? ? ? ?

What if the elder sister finds trouble in the future?

“Oh! It turned out to be the little brother? Master, don’t worry, I will take good care of the little brother, and I will never let him be bullied.” When talking, Daoist mosquitoes looked at Xu Chen with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

This made Xu Chen suddenly feel that his future days may not be as beautiful as he imagined.

In response to this, Chu Feng smiled and said, “Xu Chen, since Xiaowen loves you so much, you should follow Xiaowen to practice in the future!”

“Be a registered disciple first, and when you fully understand the Nine Transformations of the Gods and Demons, and when you become an adult, this seat will set up a great ceremony for you to apprehend.”

As soon as the voice fell, Daoist picked up Xu Chen and ran directly towards the back mountain.

In the void, Daoist’s gloomy voice was heard: “Master, don’t worry, I must help you train the younger brother. If he is not honest, I will beat him until he is honest, and I will help you first. Teach him what it means to respect the teacher and respect the Tao.”

In this regard, Chu Feng also smiled bitterly, but he handed Xu Chen to Daoist, but he was not only a hand-off shopkeeper, but the most important thing was that this kid had offended the big sister.

In addition, this kid has a special physique. If ordinary people naturally need a good cultivation, Xu Chen doesn’t need it at all. He has a huge spiritual eye. The Spiritual Qi in it is just like a sea, terrifying. Amazed.

The most important thing for him, Xu Chen now, is…being beaten!

Yes, that’s right, only by being beaten can you become stronger. . . . .

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