Chapter 205

“Chi Chi Chi Chi!”

Chu Feng, who was hiding in the void, was a little dazed at the time.

This Houyi is too funny, right? ? ? ?

It’s clear that I can’t beat the horse, so what kind of cruel words are there.

In addition, the sun-shooting divine arrow is gone, so what else are you using to kill Hao Xuan?

Why is it not afraid, that is for the prehistoric continent? ? ?

Mmp for it!

This is what I said from your mouth, why is it so fake? ? ? ?

Seeing this, Yu Hua didn’t want to embarrass Hou Yi, slightly cupped hands, retracted the Heavenly Blood Sword, and said calmly: “Fellow daoist, please!”

Hou Yi didn’t hesitate, and turned directly into a streamer, and fled towards the Houyi tribe.

After seeing Hou Yi left, Yu Hua turned around and looked at Hao Su who was not far away. He spoke plainly: “Master, you can become the second-generation disciple of my Heavenly Dao Sect.”

“Give you a name, Lu Ya.”

After leaving such a sentence, it didn’t matter what “Lu Ya” was going to turn around and leave.

To be honest, Yu Hua doesn’t have a good impression of the monster clan. Although Leng Shuang’er is also a monster clan, the problem is that the previous demon emperor Jun, Donghuang Taiyi, and him can be regarded as cruel to “rob” his wife.

Although it didn’t win, right? But he did take down this grudge.

If it weren’t for the Master for not allowing him to easily intervene in prehistoric matters, maybe he would have left the Heaven Court of the demon clan with the Heavenly Blood Sword.

Chu Feng, hiding in the void, looked at Hou Yi, who was going away, and shook his head slightly.

He knew that if Hou Yi went here, it would be a little dangerous.

According to legend, in ancient times, after Hou Yi shot and killed the nine Golden Crows, he was besieged and killed by many powerful monsters.

Hou Yi, Kuafu tribe, was destroyed in one fell swoop.

The Lich War is completely open.

However, Chu Feng was a little weird before, because Houyi’s strength was only the quasi-sage early stage Realm, Eastern Emperor Taiyi, Demon Emperor Jun, Demon Master Kunpeng, can’t you just come and destroy him?

How can you still be besieged by the Yaozu?

A small quasi-sage powerhouse, it would not be possible to be besieged by the Three Sages of the Demon Race.

Although he couldn’t figure it out, Chu Feng still left a breath on Hou Yi.

After a short while, “Lu Ya”, who was kneeling on the ground, got up, and after suffering from Ziyun Disillusioned Shuttle, he looked around.

He can’t protect his own Little Brothers as the elder brother, but he can still do it by collecting corpses.

It’s just that, as his eyes turned around, there was no Golden Crow corpse in a radius of a hundred miles.

He couldn’t help but resentfully said: “Hou Yi, you actually let my clan brother die without a whole body, Damn it… Too Damn it!”

As he spoke, Lu Ya already burst into tears in his eyes.

Immediately, without hesitation, he changed into a robe between his hands, stepped on his feet, and galloped towards the fairy world.

Above the heavenly palace, the demon palace.

The whole body of the demon emperor Jun trembled, and a strong fierce aura burst out of his eyes.

The whole body twitched, and a moment later, a grim face roared: “Hou Yi, Hou Yi, Wu Clan!”

“This emperor will definitely want your Wu Clan to pay for your life.”

Taiyi, the Eastern Emperor, who was sitting on the side, was also angry.

Of the top ten Golden Crows, nine of them were shot and killed by Hou Yi alone.

Now only Haosuan was left.

The most important thing is that this Haosuan seems to be afraid of the Wu Clan. After returning, he will change his name whenever he says, but he must be called Lu Ya.

As the prince of Golden Crow, he is afraid of the Witch race.

Faintly, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and the Demon Emperor Jun were extremely disappointed.

The demon master Kunpeng has cold eyes. He knows the ten Golden Crow parades in the lower realms.

However, they did not report to the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and the Demon Emperor Jun.

He was thinking about what the top ten Golden Crow would do, let the Witch Clan do it, and then serve as an introduction to the Lich War.

However, he had never imagined that such an approach would have harmed a few people and died.

“On the day Golden Crow left, who was guarding the Nantian Gate?”

“Fei Lian, don’t you know this?” The Demon Emperor Jun snorted coldly, looking at General Fei Lian not far away with a gloomy expression.

Before General Fei Lian could speak, a demon fairy stood up tremblingly, and cupped hands said: “Return to your Majesty the Demon Emperor, Prince…When the princes left, I…I saw it!”



The demon fairy hadn’t finished speaking, only a bang was heard, the demon clan turned into a mist of blood in an instant and exploded directly.

The people around were directly confused, looking at the demon master Kunpeng not far away with weird expressions.

“If you don’t know it, damn it!”

Demon Master Kunpeng said lightly.

Immediately, he flicked his sleeves slightly and said to the demon emperor Jun, Donghuang Taiyi arched cupped hands: “Your Majesty Demon Emperor, this is not the sad time. Since Golden Crow died in the hands of the witch clan, I naturally want to ask the witch clan. Ask for a statement.”

After saying this, there was also a hint of resentment flashing in the eyes of the demon master Kunpeng.

Obviously, he did not expect that the top ten Golden Crow would fall.

“Ask for an explanation!”

“Destroy the wolf cubs of the Witch Clan.”

“Exterminate the Witch Clan!”


Suddenly, blood was boiling over in the heavenly palace.

But at this moment, Chu Feng was carrying a few Golden Crow corpses, looking at the continual loss of Golden Crow’s true inflammation, it was painful.

This Golden Crow body is not afraid of fire and cannot be refined.

After all, this is a complete Golden Crow corpse, and it is basically the same concept as the three Golden Crow paws previously obtained by Chu Feng.

When thinking of this, Chu Feng frowned slightly and said in secret: “Tongtian guy has become a holy, I don’t know if there is any way?”

“It’s better to ask him and the girl…”

When I said this, the voice stopped abruptly.

After all, these top ten Golden Crows are from the demon clan, and Nuwa is also the demon clan Sage. After careful calculation, is the top ten Golden Crow her eldest nephew?

Go to her and study by yourself, how to use her nephew’s corpse refining device? ? ? ? ?

Then it’s weird that Nuwa didn’t fight her hard!

Thinking of this, Chu Feng didn’t hesitate, turned around and flew away not far away.


Heavenly Dao Zong Aoyue was a little confused. Just now, she had just refined the Five Poisons and Seven Insect Fans, and she was still thinking about asking Chu Feng about the flaws?

As a result, my own unreliable master turned out to run away.

Is it possible that it is because you are afraid of asking yourself questions?

Speaking of Aoyue, too, others refining Magic Treasures, they all use the spirit of heaven and earth, but this Aoyue is different.

As long as it is refining Magic Treasures, the first thought is to use poisonous insects. It can be described as terrifying.

How do you look at it?

However, this is not without reason, who made the centipede made by his own master so handsome, there are tens of thousands of realm powerhouses, let alone the quasi-sage, even the quasi-sage peak he can’t hold it. Ah?

Therefore, Ao Yue thought of using poison to refine the long fan, and cultivate it well, maybe it is much more powerful than Chu Feng’s centipede fan!

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