Chapter 196

I don’t know how much time has passed, the nine Golden Crows, this is the time when they woke up.

They only felt Zhou’s Movement Technique strength, but they didn’t even know what was tightened.

They are no different from mortals now.

A feeling of dizziness rose in their minds, and their bodies felt extremely weak.

What smells so good! ! !

Suddenly, I only felt a scent.

Nine Golden Crow, this is the time to wake up.

“Let us go!”

“Why can’t we move?”

“What? It smells so good!”

These nine Golden Crows were originally the princes of the demon clan, all of them were greedy goods. After smelling the aroma, the little mouth turned out to be slowly venting water.

When the nine Golden Crows completely woke up, this was the discovery that, at some point, they were actually hung high on a huge flat peach tree.

Below it, thick smoke billowed, the heat wave slowly, turned out to be a cauldron.

All kinds of meat slices are still boiling in the pot.

The tenth prince of Golden Crow, who is already greedy, can he stand such a temptation?

The Harazi in his mouth turned out to be uncontrollable and fell towards the cauldron.


Chu Feng frowned, and with his backhand he took off own’s somewhat rigid socks and threw them away.

When approaching the nine Golden Crows, the socks that looked like bricks turned out to be divided into nine figures at once, and they accurately blocked the mouths of the nine Golden Crows.

Suddenly, a stench came.

The nine Golden Crows will also retaliate.

Seeing this, Yu Qing spoke weakly and said: “Um, Master, even if it’s mutton-shabu, it won’t be under them????”

“This halazi fell off in a while.”

Chu Feng frowned, nodded in no uncertain terms, and said, “Hmm! Why, use waste?”

After that, with a sudden wave of hands, the nine Golden Crow fell directly from the flat peach tree.

“woo woo woo woo……”

The nine little Golden Crows choked for a long time, but they were also speechless.

But seeing this, Chu Feng waved his hand suddenly, the cauldron suddenly rose, and the nine Golden Crows were thrown directly into the fire pit by Chu Feng one by one.

Immediately, this is where the cauldron falls on it.

All of a sudden, the nine Golden Crows were smoky and tears filled their eyes.

They obviously burned them as firewood?


With a brush, the water that hadn’t boiled in the cauldron turned out to be tumbling.

The pungent breath lingers in the mouth.

The Great Golden Crow saw this place, and also silently prayed for his own Little Brothers.

Immediately, holding a small bowl, picked up a piece of sheep and scorpion, and ate two large bowls with tears.


“Emma, ​​it smells so good!”

Hao Xuan licked his hot lips and said excitedly.

The reason why he stayed in Heavenly Dao Sect and refused to leave was not because of Xiantian Spiritual Roots Pantao.

Forehead! To be precise, it is not only for Xiantian Spiritual Roots Pantao.

This Heavenly Dao sect’s stir-fry, stew, hot pot, barbecue, he is a bit reluctant to bear all of them.

“Master, the temperature of this Golden Crow is not bad!”

“Well, can I move my chopsticks?”

After saying this, Yu Qing looked at Chu Feng pitifully, and immediately took the chopsticks and slapped Haosuan’s head fiercely, crying and said: “Haosuan, you save me some! ”

“Just a little sheep and scorpion, I will let you create it in the future.”

The nine Golden Crow looked at his Big Brother, but ignored him, and his heart was extremely broken.

Didn’t you say that you are not as good as a pig and a dog in the Heavenly Dao Sect? ? ?

What’s the situation with this horse riding now? ? ? ? ?

My Little Brothers are all riding horses to make people burn as firewood, where are they still eating meat now? ? ? ?

Damn, this meat is so fragrant! ! !

Although they are all strong players in Realm, they have a unique hobby for food.

In front of them, food lovers, eating meat without giving them food is simply a torture!

“Um…Master, why don’t you let me out of the Little Brothers?”

After Hao Xuan had completely killed four bowls of meat, it was as if he had remembered something, and said weakly.

Chu Feng glanced at Haosuan and said lightly: “First, I am not your Master, and you are not worthy of being my disciple.”

“Second, Haosuan, you’ve been eating and drinking in my Heavenly Dao sect for so long, why don’t you go?”

“Third, let them go, what if there is no firewood? Put you in???”

Hearing this, Haosuan suddenly said nothing, looking at the nine little Golden Crows with helpless eyes.

A trace of resentment was secretly opened in his heart.

Just worry about your troubles, or wait a few more months, maybe he will be able to approve the teacher successfully?

At that time, the Heavenly Dao Sect will be left in the right place.

The most important thing is that when the time comes, Yu Qing, this kid, should call himself uncle uncle!

Imagination is exciting.

As a result, you guys have to come up with a Calabash baby saving grandpa. Who is that for? ? ? ?

daddy needs your help? ? ? ? ?

Burning you as firewood, deserved it, really deserved it.

When thinking of this, the big Golden Crow Haoxuan laughed endlessly.

The nine little Golden Crows are simply wronged to the extreme.

Tears, clattered down.

“Save what person?”

“It’s shameful to be used as firewood by others now and spread out.”

“This thing is so fragrant, I want to have a bite too.”

“I really want to eat it! Even if I have some soup!”

Nine little Golden Crows pouting grievances.

When they saw this, Chu Feng and the others had almost eaten them. This was the only way to stir up the socks from the mouths of the nine little Golden Crows.

“Emperor Donghua!”

“Emperor, are we wrong?”

“Emperor, um… can that meat give us a bite?”

The youngest Golden Crow said pitifully. Although the demon rope on his body was untied, he still didn’t dare to come out easily.

I was afraid that Chu Feng would be angry, and would treat them like pieces of meat.

“Give you a bite???”

Chu Feng frowned, and said with a slight chill in his eyes.

Should I say, Golden Crow is really easy to use as firewood.

“You little guys, come to our Heavenly Dao sect to ask for trouble, and want to destroy my Heavenly Dao sect. Now you still want to eat meat???”

“Beautiful to you!”

In fact, Chu Feng was not really angry. After all, to him, these nine little Golden Crows are like nine ignorant bear kids. Adults have nothing to do with children, right?

“You guys get up!”

Chu Feng said leisurely.

Nine little Golden Crows, this is how they stood up and stood aside, not daring to move half a point.

“That… Emperor Donghua, I… can I have a mouthful of soup?”

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