Chapter 194 Little Golden Crow, Save Dage

Hearing this, the second Golden Crow frowned slightly, his face also changed slightly, lowered his voice, and said weakly: “But, after all, Chu Feng has such a treasure as the picture of the mountain and river, or else…Father Emperor Why don’t you just bring Dage back, just because I am waiting, I’m afraid I have more than enough energy and not enough energy?”

Suddenly, several Golden Crows around, including the youngest ten, all looked at the second Golden Crow with contempt.

“Second brother, do you know why you can’t be a prince?”

“Is it because you are too courageous?”

“The Chu Feng of the Heavenly Dao Sect is just a wine bag and rice bag. I have heard that if it weren’t for Nuwa Empress, Tongtian Sage would have been facing him, Heavenly Dao Sect would have been destroyed!”

“You don’t want to think about what hard life we ​​had in the first place.”

“Must be abused by those of the Heavenly Dao Sect.”

“Maybe pigs and dogs are inferior!”

“You just watched Dage being humiliated???”

At the same time, Heavenly Dao Zong.

The big Golden Crow squatted under the flat peach tree, gnawing a big peach in his mouth, and suddenly sneezed.

“Who is talking about me?”

“It must be that guy Yu Qing, who wants me to pill refining him with Golden Crow flames.”

“Huh, how nice it is to eat flat peaches here!”

Outside the flat peach forest.

A teenager walked quickly.

“Haosuan, come out for me!”

“These ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine-year-old flat peaches belong to me!”

“You are not allowed to snatch me!”

It was Yu Qing who was not talking to others.

Hearing this, the great Golden Crow Haoxuan hurriedly put the flat peach into his mouth, with a little bit of his feet, and walked out of Taolin.

Seeing this, Yu Qing picked up the powerful Magic power and unfolded the pictures of the mountains and rivers.

Suddenly, the power of terror swept the surroundings.

“I am also a disciple of the Heavenly Dao Sect, why don’t you let me eat?”

Haosi pinched his waist and pointed to Yu Qing and said.

Yu Qing gently brushed the long knife in his palm, smiled slyly, and said, “You said you are a disciple of the Heavenly Dao Sect? Who has taken you? Obviously you are here to stay!”

“Huh! My Master Chu Feng will definitely accept me as a disciple.”

“If he doesn’t accept me, I won’t leave Heavenly Dao Sect.”

“You rascal, I think you just want to be in my Heavenly Dao sect and eat for nothing!”

At the same time, the nine little Golden Crows also rushed towards the Heavenly Dao Sect.

This time, Chu Feng must surrender Haosuan.

Waiting for him to apologize! right! ! ! Apologize.

It’s better to mix some Huang Zhongli or something…

Seeing the nine little Golden Crows leaving with an arrogant look, General Fei Lian, who had been guarding the Nantian Gate, was not calm.

Because of the direction the other party is going, it seems to be the Heavenly Dao Sect!

You know, the Great Golden Crow has offended three generations of disciples of Heavenly Dao Sect, and he hasn’t come out yet.

Immediately, the Demon Slashing Sword was thrown away, sealing the South Heaven Gate, and rushing towards the Heavenly Palace.

In the wild world, in the extreme north, there are many cold winds lingering around.

The nine little Golden Crows crossed the void, and only felt that the whole body was slightly cold, and the terrifying Golden Crow flames burst out, melting the glacier river directly, and the terrifying flood, washing down along the extreme north.

“This is the Heavenly Dao Sect?”

“This…this horse riding seems to be the Zhuxian sword formation???”

Second, Golden Crow’s eyes twitched slightly, and some said in disbelief.

After all, they are the sons of Emperor Jun, so they are quite familiar with the ancient great formations.

“Huh, who knows if it’s true!”

“Maybe it’s fake!”

“With my strength, afraid of him being a small Heavenly Dao sect?”

“Second brother, you are too cautious!”

A chill burst into the eyes of the fifth prince of Golden Crow, and he spoke in disdain.

at the same time.

Yu Qing and Haosuan in the Heavenly Dao Sect were also a little confused.

Why is there water around? ? ? ? ?

Yu Qing smiled and said, “Well, Haosuan, why don’t you go out and have a look?”

Haosuan’s head was like a rattle, shook his head hurriedly, and said, “No, I won’t go!”

Just kidding, let him out?

I’m afraid this kid Yu Qing will have to keep him out of the big formation as soon as he leaves.

He is not stupid!

He still wants to eat and drink here!

The Golden Crow clan, vow not to be slaves, unless they provide food for food! ! !

Seeing this, Yu Qing couldn’t say much, and his hand-held Greedy Wolf Seven-Star Sword galloped away from the big formation.

As soon as I went out, I saw the nine Golden Crows floating in the void.

“Let me go, Haosuan, your brother is here, are you sure you can’t come out and have a look?”

Yu Qing suddenly yelled at the big array.

At this moment, Hao Ju was on a ninety-nine-ninth-century-year-old flat peach tree, gnawing on a big flat peach happily, raised his middle finger, and said disdainfully: “My brother, who is fooling you!”

“You still want to lie to me out?”

Outside the big array.

The fifth prince of Golden Crow pointed at Yu Qing, snorted, and said with disdain: “Who are you, don’t let Chu Feng get out of me, let me go Big Brother, or I want you to go to Heavenly Dao sect and die without death. place.”

“You said…who…get out?”

Yu Qing’s eyes were slightly cold, and he jumped, the Greedy Wolf Seven-Star Sword suddenly came out of its orifice, the point of the sword pointed directly, and he coldly snorted.

The nine little Golden Crow saw Yu Qing being so arrogant.

Immediately, it was also a little confused, who are they, they are the sons of the Demon Emperor Jun, in the world, there are really few people who dare to speak such words to them!

Now, a hairy boy who is disrespectful to himself?

It’s just looking for death.

“Boy, who are you?”

“Dare to scream like this?”

“Do you know who we are?”

The fifth prince of Golden Crow snorted coldly, and said furiously.

Yu Qing shook his head, narrowed his eyes, and said disdainfully: “You know, isn’t it the Golden Crow? I had beaten one of them tens of thousands of years ago.”

As soon as the voice fell,

The five princes of Golden Crow were furious, and golden Crow flames ignited in the palms of their hands, and they slapped Yu Qing directly.

In the void around, dozens of icebergs melted again.

The boundless heat wave, rushing to the face, is extremely terrifying.

Seeing this, Yu Qing suddenly trembled with the Greedy Wolf Seven Star Sword in his hand, bursting out with a burst of cold air.

The long sword flicked, and a terrifying sword light gathered towards the huge Golden Crow flames.

Only a bang was heard.

The flames of the Golden Crow that were originally overwhelming, under this sword light, were actually wiped out in an instant.

Flicking his fingers, the Galaxy Cluster pendant suddenly came out.

The supreme galaxy lingers around the five princes of Golden Crow, and tens of thousands of stars burst out with terrifying star power and suppressed them.

The fifth prince of Golden Crow was half kneeling directly in the void, blood spurting out of his mouth.

Several people around were about to do it, but they saw Yu Qing galloping forward, stepping on the cheek of the fifth prince of Golden Crow, their expressions cold and cold.

The Greedy Wolf Seven Star Sword slammed on the opponent’s throat, and burst out with murderous intent.

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