Chapter 190 Master, Why Are You Whoosh

The corner of Chu Feng’s mouth was slightly raised, and he looked at Yuanshi Tianzun not far away, and said with some regret: “Hey, in fact, I can’t hold on anymore. This Pangu banner is really Heavenly Dao’s first killer. If the fellow daoist is able to Hold on for a while, I’m afraid it’s my seat who admits defeat.”

Yuanshi Tianzun suddenly raised his head and said proudly: “That’s nature. This Pangu flag is a treasure given to me by the teacher. It is the treasure of Xiantian…”

When I said this, my eyes swept away, but Chu Feng’s Magic power was full, so what’s the saying that I can’t keep going?

Obviously, this…this Chu Feng is laughing at himself.

At the moment, the roots of the teeth were itchy with hatred, and he paused for a long time. This was what squeezed from the teeth: “Chu Feng Fellow Daoist, this seat knows that it is invincible. After this seat is sanctified, he must go to the Heavenly Dao sect. , Personally ask for advice.”

Obviously, this Yuanshi Tianzun was still a little unwilling.

This time, I haven’t beaten you, but next time I arrive at Sage Realm, it may not end like this.

Chu Feng gently pulled out his ears, and said in disbelief: “Do you know the method of becoming a holy?”

Yuanshi Tianzun: “…”

Too daddy: “…”

Thousands of years ago, the two of them personally went to the Heavenly Dao sect to ask for advice on the method of sanctification!

Now, this Yuanshi Tianzun didn’t know how to become a holy, so he began to talk ruthlessly.

It was really shameful.

Yuanshi Tianzun snorted coldly, and said with disdain: “This deity is bestowed by the ancestor of Dao, with a grandiose and purple air, and sanctification is just around the corner.”

“Do you have a way to become a holy?” Chu Feng smiled.

Yuanshi Tianzun’s brows trembled slightly, and the angry three corpse gods furiously said coldly: “This seat contains thousands of spiritual treasures. With the vast spiritual treasures, the three corpses are sacred, why not?”

“Do you have a way to become a holy?” Chu Feng said lightly.

Yuanshi Tianzun was originally a small belly chicken intestine. When Chu Feng was angry, his blood was surging, and he only felt a sweet throat and a mouthful of blood, surging up.

Seeing this, he didn’t hesitate anymore and waved suddenly, but regardless of the daddy, he stepped directly on the crane and rushed towards the Yuxu Palace.

“My fellow daoist, this spirit treasure…”

Chu Feng reminded.

Seeing this, Taishang Daddy didn’t have much to say. Now Yuanshi Tianzun has already left. If he doesn’t distribute spirit treasures with Chu Feng at this time, he won’t have to be cheap Chu Feng at that time.

Immediately, Qingyun slowly dispersed under the feet of the two.

In an instant, he had already reached the ten second rank extinct black lotus, and the ten second rank karma red lotus.

Ten second rank Karma Fire Red Lotus, sitting on the lotus platform, with amazing defenses, burning karma and turning Karma Fire, both offensive and defensive.

The ten second rank black lotus, sitting on the lotus platform, has amazing defenses and can absorb the tyrannical atmosphere.

However, the ten second rank black lotus was originally the thing of Tianluo Daoist.

Chu Feng didn’t hesitate, and with a big wave of his hand, he directly collected the ten second rank black lotus into the mustard space.

But Taishang daddy took out a banana fan at a leisurely pace, and suddenly inflamed the ten second rank karma red lotus. The terrifying wind suddenly blew the vast karma fire aside. Taking this opportunity, Taishang daddy also suddenly turned it aside. The ten second rank industry fire red lotus is included in the mustard space.

However, seeing this, Chu Feng frowned slightly.

Banana fan? ? ? ?

If Chu Feng remembered correctly, Princess Iron Fan called it Iron Fan because of the banana fan.

Moreover, the third prince Nezha, who was the incarnation of Lingzhu’s later generations, had a relationship with Princess Tiefan.

Who received the bull devil?

Nezha Third Prince?

What’s more, the fight back then was so old and ruthless, the horns were all knocked out.

Obviously it was a rival meeting, so jealous.

Although Princess Iron Fan has something to do with the Shura clan, she is even the daughter of the ancestor of Styx.

But it is undeniable that… the banana fan in Princess Iron Fan’s hands is too daddy’s thing.

This…is it difficult, this bad old man…! ! ! !

Seeing Chu Feng looking at him with a cold face, he felt a little uncomfortable with being too daddy. He smiled and frowned and said, “That, Chu Feng Fellow Daoist, these ten second rank Karma Fire Red Lotus, I belong to me. what!”

“Um, what you said about letting me teach Human Race!”

Before I waited for Daddy to finish saying this, Chu Feng was really helpless, he could only wave his hand slightly, and said lightly, “I’ll talk about this in three months.”

Too Shang Daddy was happy when he heard this, and he was busy with cupped hands and said, “So then I will trouble fellow daoist.”

After saying that, riding the green bull, heading towards Shouyang Mountain and heading towards the palace.

After carefully looking at Tai Shang Daddy left, Chu Feng was relieved.

“Master, what are you doing so dogishly?”

“Could it be…is there any treasures here?”

Daoist lowered his voice and spoke.


Chu Feng slammed the mosquito Daoist’s forehead, then frowned and said, “Little girl, are you going to be scared to death as a teacher?”

“No, sir, you look like this… so good!”

Mosquito Daoist rubbed his head and said impatiently.

Chu Feng looked around cautiously, holding Daoist’s small hand, and while walking, he said: “You know what, whether it is too high, primitive, or Taiyi, Dijun, Kunpeng and others, they are all great powers. Thinking carefully one by one, Qiqiao Linglong, dealing with them, you must not be more careful.”

“Otherwise, there might be no trousers left.”

“Especially the original is too good.”

“This old boy, primitive, once again, in the midst of the calamity, united with the two sages of the West.

“And the old fellow Taishang, who came out of Hangu Guanhuahu from the west, almost changed the name of the Western teacher to his surname.”

“When you meet these two old guys in the future, be careful too.”

“Maybe I’ll start talking at some point.”

As they spoke, the two of them were already deep into the northwest.

This mere Xiantian superb spirit treasure is naturally not his chance of Chu Feng.

The reason why Yuanshi Tianzun had been let go was just because Lingbao was about to be born.

Soon, in a dense forest, a series of terrifying killing aura suddenly burst out.

Seeing this, Chu Feng’s heart trembled suddenly and secretly said: “Yuanshi Tianzun, you almost missed this important event.”

After saying this, Chu Feng did not hesitate. The central Mao had a yellow flag, a green lotus color flag in the east, a plain cloud border flag in the west, a flame light flag off the ground in the south, and a water flag controlled by Xuanyuan in the north.

The five-sided flag was directly sacrificed, wrapping the entire void in it, and letting the vast and sharp aura swept through it, there was no half of the flaw.

Among the five phalanx, Chu Feng knocked down a horrible Sword Qi and shielded the mosquito Daoist behind him.

The mosquito Daoist trembled, and said in a weak voice: “Master…Master, what is this?? This…I feel as if every Sword Qi can hurt me seriously.”

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