Chapter 187 Fierce Treasure, Pangu Banner

“Original, not unreasonable!”

Daddy gave a soft drink and frowned.

Immediately, he shot Chu Feng slowly and said with a chuckle: “Chu Feng fellow daoist, my brother is straightforward, and I hope that Chu Feng fellow daoist should not blame him.”

Hearing this, Chu Feng nodded slightly, the murderous intent bursting out of his eyes slowly receding.

Although he knew Yuanshi Tianzun’s method of sanctification, it was his own matter if he didn’t pass it on to him.

This Yuanshi Tianzun was too cautious, because he didn’t teach him the method of sanctification, and now he actually hated him.

If it weren’t for being too daddy, he might have a good attitude, Chu Feng might really want to teach him a lesson, and let him increase his memory.

“Chu Feng fellow daoist, you should be here also for the spirit treasure, right?”

“Why don’t you and me wait for others, how about fighting together?”

“If you really get what kind of spirit treasure then, do you have a chance?” Tai Shang daddy said with a smile.

This Chu Feng’s strength is quite tyrannical, if he can find the opportunity of Lingbao with them, he will have to grow a bit.

And what treasure is really found, first exclude dissidents, and then each of them fights by chance, isn’t it beautiful?

This didn’t sin against Chu Feng, and secondly, it could make Chu Feng feel more good about him.

Hearing this, Chu Feng did not answer, but instead looked at the ancient beasts such as the ancient barbarian bull and the six-winged golden cicada.

With a calm tone and a flat face, he said, “If you want to find a spirit treasure, I’m afraid you have to deal with the ancient beasts first.”

Hearing this, Taishang Daddy quickly said: “The ancient barbaric bull is destined to me, and this seat is taken as a mount. Chu Feng fellow daoist won’t mind, right?”

His terrifying Chu Feng shot directly, killing the ancient barbarian bull here, splashing blood on the spot.

Hearing this, Chu Feng raised his eyes and looked at the ancient barbaric bull with pale green body and dignified power.

This thing, maybe it is really the mount of the daddy too.

At this point, Chu Feng nodded slightly, but didn’t do anything.

Too Shang Daddy looked at the many majestic abilities around him, knowing in his heart that if he didn’t do anything, maybe this ancient barbaric bull would be killed by others.

But he didn’t hesitate, took a step slowly, and left with his hand to suppress, the vast and boundless Tai Chi diagram, pressed firmly on the body of the ancient barbarian bull, and shouted sharply: “Normal animal, still does not show its original shape?”

After saying this, he saw that ancient bull with a bull head, under the suppression of this terrifying aura, slowly leaned down and turned into a green bull, kicked and trembled, and fell obediently at the feet of the daddy, not daring to do more. Word.

You know, this blue bull is a strong early stage of the quasi-sage, but the daddy holds the supreme treasure in the hands of the daddy, and is one of the Sanqing, and its own strength is even more terrifying. It is an ancient beast, but it has to surrender to it. .

Seeing Taishang Daddy conquer the blue cow, and many other great powers, although they are unwilling, they dare not take it.

As a result, this Taishang daddy is one of the Sanqing, and even a disciple of Hongjun Daozu.

Secondly, Taishang daddy got the grandiose purple air, and then it was a proper Sage, and now it provokes it. If the other party becomes holy, it must be settled by the queen of autumn.

Immediately, he could only put his anger on the other fierce beasts.

The first is the ice crystal scorpion. The whole body is ice crystals. It is not invaded by water or fire. It is invulnerable to wind and thunder. It can be described as terrifying. In addition, the scorpion tail contains highly poisonous. under.

The strength is the quasi-Saint Realm, and it is unlikely to be subdued.

Yuanshi Tianzun watched Chu Feng staring at the ice crystal scorpion emperor, with suspicion in his heart. He wanted to come to Chu Feng to subdue such an ancient fierce beast, but he didn’t hesitate immediately. He gave a cold snort, shot directly, and said angrily: “Naughty animal, If you don’t want to be destroyed for thousands of years, you will become this mount obediently. If you don’t, you will die.”

Faced with the provocation of Primordial Tianzun, the Ice Crystal Scorpion roared.

The terrifying sound wave, like ripples in the water, oscillated and opened.

The scorpion’s tail containing the supreme toxin was raised high, facing Yuanshi Tianzun abruptly, and instantly released the toxin, terrifying ice crystals, blinking to the extreme.

Yuanshi Tianzun was annoyed in his heart, and the Pangu flag suddenly came out and hung over his head.

Seeing this, Chu Feng would come to understand, it turns out that Yuanshi Tianzun has obtained such a treasure, and this is the power to himself.

This Pangu banner is Xiantian’s treasure, it can break through the chaos, and its single attack is second only to the god-opening axe, gifted by the ancestor of Hongjun Dao.

Because the power of the Pangu flags is so great, even the immortal Heavenly Dao Sage is very jealous of the Pangu flags. Therefore, the ancestor Hongjun said after giving the heavenly celebration clouds to the Yuanshi Tianzun: Pangu flags should not be sacrificed lightly. out. Can increase luck.

Similarly, because of the Pangu flag, Yuanshi Tianzun has the strength and despise Chu Feng.

It’s just that this Xiantian treasure was just obtained from Yuanshi Tianzun, and it hasn’t had time to refining, so it can’t be used, but it’s only one percent.

The Pangu flag had just been sacrificed, and black mist appeared around it, terrifying, gloomy as water, and supreme murderous aura all over the void.

The power of terror, reaching the sky, is appalling.

There are many strong people around, seeing here, they are also shocked in their hearts, it is difficult to calm for a long time, and they faintly retreat a few steps, not daring to move.

“Touch, touch, touch, touch, touch, touch, touch.”

I could only hear the sound of the collapse of the void.

The fierce black cloud slowly fell, and the surrounding mountains couldn’t bear such a terrifying failure, and burst open.

The ice crystal scorpion dodges left and right, faintly able to escape the pangu flag terrorist attack.

This does not explain how terrifying the ice crystal scorpion has, but that the Yuanshi Tianzun has not yet controlled the real use of the Pangu flag.

“Die me!”

Yuanshi Tianzun was furious, and saw the Pangu banner in his hand suddenly stirred. In an instant, Yuanshi Tianzun Zhou’s Movement Technique was absorbed by most of it, and the boundless black cloud suddenly grew a bit.

The surrounding mountains collapsed one after another, and a sky moat appeared in front of everyone in an instant on the ground.

When the smoke dissipated, but it was still visible, the figure of the ice crystal scorpion had already been talking about the ashes, Minmin and the void.

Yuanshi Tianzun snorted coldly, and took the Pangu flag in his hand with disdain, his expression cold.

Tai Shang Daddy frowned slightly and reminded in a low voice: “Original, Master said that the Pangu flag is so powerful that it must not be easily sacrificed. You… Are you here first?”


Seeing the original Tianzun’s face of disdain, he was too daddy to speak too much, so he could only shook his head slightly and said nothing.

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