Chapter 185 Surrender, or Death

If this were to hit ordinary people, it would have disappeared long ago.

Yu Hua’s eyes were slightly cold, and the Heavenly Blood Sword in his hand was suddenly sacrificed. With a flash of blood, it also struck the purple-clothed virgin.

Seeing this, the purple-clothed maiden hurriedly shook the banner of cold smoke even more, the cold smoke and black gas surged, and several white and stinky white lines were the power of the two magic treasures, the Star Sword and the Heavenly Blood Sword. .

To say that the three ancient tribes are different.

Even Realm, who is a virgin in purple, has reached the pinnacle of Quasi-Saint.

The spirit treasure in his hand is very weird, but also very easy to use. It can block people, trap people, and take people.

Previously, most of the enemies that Yu Hua and others encountered were later generations of demon, Taoism, but they did not suffer a big loss.

However, in the face of these old monsters from the period of tribal hegemony, and even before the tribal hegemony, they were somewhat more than minded and insufficient.


Suddenly, he saw the boy in white roaring, his body shook, turning into dozens of blood shadows, rushing towards Chu Feng, without even the sound of the wind, every Daoist shadow opened his mouth and spit out a big bucket. Scarlet flames.

Chu Feng’s fingers trembled slightly, and the centipede came out in an instant, piercing through a few Daoist shadows, and the flame in the silhouette’s mouth stained the iron-skinned centipede. The iron-skinned centipede was extremely defensive, and it instantly turned into powder.

But at this moment, Hajime Qilin yelled at the demon clan who was still watching the excitement and the people of the Western religion: “If you don’t do it yet, is it possible? Do you want this Chu Feng to destroy the demon clan and the Western world? ”

Hearing this, Zhunti, Succeed, Dijun, Taiyi, Kunpeng, the few people hesitated slightly.

But at this moment, the Great Demon Jiuying burst out with a cold light in his eyes, holding a long knife, towards the mosquito Daoist, Yu Hua and the two attacked them, in the void, offering a sea god net, covering the two of them. go.

Su Wen, this Chu Feng cherishes his disciples and is a famous guardian.

As long as they catch these two people, they can be called Chu Fengtou.

But seeing the mosquito Daoist suddenly raised his hand, a phoenix plucked across, the dazzling Galaxy Cluster spread all over the area, protecting himself and the body of Yuhua.

Yu Hua didn’t hesitate, but with a backhand, he smashed towards the seagod net.

But seeing that the sea god net was blocked by the sword light of the Heavenly Luo Hua blood sword, unable to advance for half a minute, above the knife light, burning the raging flames, the sea god net burned the sea god net.

When the two struggled, Daoist mosquitoes saw this and did not hesitate, and yelled softly: “Get up!”

Sacrificing the Heaven-shaking Seal, centered on the forehead of the Great Demon Jiuying, knocking the Great Demon Jiuying to the ground. For a while, it seemed to be difficult to move.

Seeing this, the surrounding demon races and the Western religions dared to continue to do it, but they could only observe it secretly.

Qilin felt resentful in his heart and murmured secretly. He just wanted to buy a Heavenly Dao face. He really did not expect that this Heavenly Dao Zong Chufeng would be so tyrannical?

Looking back, I saw that the purple-clothed maiden was suppressed by Ao Yue Lingbao. After shaking her hand from side to side for a long time, she couldn’t help her.

Qilin’s eyes trembled slightly, and suddenly he was shocked, and said in disbelief: “This is…this is the dragon clan elder princess Aoyue???”

“She… why is she here?”


At this moment, Qilin was surprised, a tragic yelling sound exploded beside him.

It turned out that the boy in white was slashed by the Heavenly Blood Sword, vomiting blood, and his face was pale.

Seeing all these things, and seeing the extremely cold and silent monster race, and the people of Western religion, the heart is also twisted, the eyes are cold, the arm trembles suddenly, and the surrounding iron-skinned centipedes are crushed into powder, and they face Chu Feng. Killed away.


Seeing that Qilin came, Chu Feng didn’t hesitate to kill him. He directly used his physical body to hold the opponent tightly. A chill burst out of his eyes, and the red lotus of terror karma burst out, burning sin karma.

Under the burning of this horror industry fiery red lotus, Qilin couldn’t resist the pressure at that time, and showed his original shape, becoming a radius of tens of meters, the whole body is crystal clear, like a crystal-carved ink jade Qilin.

Enveloped by the terrorist karma, Qilin didn’t even dare to move half a point.

At the same time, the purple-clothed girl, her eyes unchanged, turned into a purple snake, and slew towards Chu Feng.

But before he walked to Chu Feng’s body, he was enveloped by the Nine Dragons Lihuo by the spirit beads, and the terrifying Samādhi fire burst out, almost burning into a dry snake.

“Ancient Swallowing Python?” Chu Feng wondered.

The ancient swallowing python was an ancient fierce beast. According to legend, Pangu first opened the world, and the wild continent, fierce beasts rampaged and made chaos.

At this time, the dragon, phoenix, and Qilin tribes were born, and the eradication of the beasts was prosperous. The dragons live in the world and are the first of the scales, Phoenix soars Nine Heavens, the first of birds, and Qilin is the first of the beasts.

Since he possesses the merits of destroying the beasts, it is not difficult to leave a few beasts as children and virgins.

Seeing that the general situation is gone, the Yaozu, Western religion and others dared not stay here, and fled one after another.

Yu Hua was holding the Heavenly Blood Transforming Sword and was about to chase after him, but was directly blocked by Chu Feng.

“Okay, don’t chase it!” Chu Feng said lightly.

Anyway, the great calamity of heaven and earth is coming, and his monster race will soon be out of protection.

Before catching up now, it actually destroyed the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth. Maybe it will attract Heavenly Dao’s attention at that time!

Although Yu Hua was a little puzzled, he still received the Heavenly Blood Sword and suppressed the boy in white by the way.

The boy is not a mere side thing, it turned out to be a white wolf.

“Let it go, let me go!”

“I am Shi Qilin, the patriarch of the Qilin clan.”

“If you don’t let me go, the Qilin clan will level the Heavenly Dao sect in a short time.”

Hajime Qilin yelled in a trembling voice.

Chu Feng’s brows trembled lightly, and at random, a terrifying red lotus karma fire burst out and burned on Qilin’s body, causing it to fall to the ground and roll back and forth.

The dignified Qilin patriarch turned out to be like a wild dog, constantly rolling on the ground.

“Qilin clan, step down Heavenly Dao sect????”


“I’m waiting!” Chu Feng said with a gloomy expression.


A foot slammed on Qilin’s back armor, and his voice was extremely cold and he said: “This seat gives you a choice, surrender or Death!”

Although Shi Qilin was unwilling, he still secretly thought: “This person has terrifying methods, and there are many spiritual treasures to protect him. If I just surrender, take advantage of his slack.”

“When the time comes to attack him, he will definitely be able to kill him here, blood splattered on the spot.”

“Yes, all the spiritual treasures of the Heavenly Dao Sect, are not all in the hands of this seat?”

Thinking of this, Hajime Qilin didn’t hesitate, and hurriedly shouted: “I want to surrender, I want to surrender.”

Immediately, it turned into a Moyu Qilin, obediently lying at the feet of Chu Feng.

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