The beast tide in the northern land was gradually subsided, leaving only the corners and corners, which were still being strangled by the divine army and various races.

Almost all the gods and earthly spirits regarded this battle as the best opportunity to obtain the merit of the Great Dao, and everyone's faces were full of joy.

The soldier lord Mo Xuan, the Pleiades God Officer Chongming, and the Biyue God Officer Huo Wu are all in the God King Realm, and they did not intervene in this situation of beating the falling water dogs.

The innate gods such as Taibai Star God Chang Geng, Ying Xing God Qingqi and Bai Ze, who are also Luo Tianshang Gods, showed unprecedented power, letting the Honghuang Ten Thousand Races know that the gods are angry, blood stains the earth, and the divine power is mighty.

In contrast, the Western Continent was simply a sea of corpses and blood, and the Dragon Clan, Phoenix Clan, and Qilin Clan were caught in an unprecedented melee.




The dragon chanted and the phoenix roared one after another, and it was no longer possible to tell who was who.

The blood covered the sky of the western land, and even the breath smelled of blood.

The dragon clan and the phoenix clan fought in the heavenly dome, the fire collided violently with heavy water, watching from afar, a cluster of flames fell to the ground, it was a true phoenix, and more flesh and blood blurred true dragons fell together, the true spirits of both sides had long been covered by robbery, there was no other idea at all, only to kill the opposite side.

The Qilin tribe and the Xuangui tribe, the dragon lineage, and the dragon line strangled on the earth, and the rivers and lakes all boiled, and the monstrous flood poured into the western land.

Not only that, a steady stream of sea tribes, led by shrimp tribes, crab tribes, and whale tribes, landed from the West Sea and rushed to the land of the Western Mainland.


The Western Earth Race, which had always been silent, let out a tiger roar, and the Qi of Gengjin completely erupted, extremely slaughtering.

A white tiger figure appeared in front of ten thousand races, and the white tiger waved his big hand: "Children, kill!" "


The overwhelming tiger tribe poured into the battlefield from all directions, suddenly breaking the original balance.

The dragon rides the clouds, the tiger follows the wind, the tiger tribe is born with the ability to control the wind, and the white tiger clan is born with wings, and they have flown to the sky to help the Feng clan deal with the dragon clan.

The power of Gengjin is the most fierce of the five element forces, the power of killing matchless, but also the natural power of the White Tiger clan, once in this world, the dragon clan that walks the clouds and rain is completely in the situation of being attacked by the enemy, and one after another real dragons are under siege, emitting angry, unyielding dragon groans.


With the emergence of the tiger clan, the fifth ranked lion tribe and the sixth bear tribe also joined the battlefield.

As the hardcore younger brother of the Qilin clan, the lion tribe and the bear clan came overwhelmed the world, galloping on the earth, and the ground set off sandstorms.

The lion clan fully showed its fangs, and everywhere it passed, dragons were constantly being killed, and dragons were even treated as 'spicy strips', one by one.

The bear tribe appeared in its original form, people stood up, a pair of bear paws looked at each other, every time a dragon killed, slapped hard, the head was torn apart, the body was directly stepped on under the bear paw, the bear tribe entered in blood, like an impregnable city wall, crushing the dragon and dragon on the earth.


A Da Luo Golden Immortal level dragon launched an attack towards the opposite Bear Clan Da Luo Golden Immortal, its body was wrapped around the bear clan, and the four dragon claws were like nailed into the flesh of the bear clan, and it couldn't be broken at all, and the dragon's blood was gurgling.

It wasn't until the death of the bear tribe that the dragon let go of the breath in his heart and fell to the ground.

This scene appeared in every corner of the western land, the dragon fought in the wild, and its blood was yellow.

As time goes on, this battle has been going on for hundreds of millions of years, the main forces of the three races have been almost consumed, and their respective clans have not hidden a little, all of them are thrown into the battlefield, and at least two-thirds of the entire Flood World have joined this battle.

By now, it is no longer possible to distinguish who is the enemy and who is his own person, in short, to kill.

No one found that among the creatures of ten thousand races, the eyes of some guys had gradually been shrouded in anger, their facial expressions were extremely strange, and a trace of bloodthirsty and fierce black qi rose up, which was a power that had never appeared in the flood world.

"Huh! Whoosh! Whoosh! "

"Kill, kill all!"

A black-robed heart demon wandered on the battlefield, and every time he released mana, the desire in the hearts of countless people was amplified, and they became more and more murderous.

Also appearing was a blood-robed blood demon, manipulating blood, constantly detonating the creatures of ten thousand races, making the pool of blood bigger and bigger.

The succubus like a demon spirit shuttled through the figures, and the ultimate enchantment force almost turned against all the living beings, causing them to fall into a melee.

Only the demons hide under everyone's shadow, amplifying the fear in everyone's heart, and everywhere they pass, the faces of dead creatures are hideous and miserable.

In the entire western land, in the endless territory, corpses piled up into mountains, blood gathered into rivers, and a steady stream poured into a place, where it was Mount Meru, the base camp of the Demon Sect, and the demon lord Luo Jipan was sitting on the twelfth grade Annihilation Black Lotus, and his eerie smile became more and more intense.

It is precisely because of such a fierce battle that the four swords of the Immortal Immortal have all been opened, and what is lacking now is the final formation map, woven with the qi of heaven and earth as silk thread, with the blood of all souls as ink, rendering the formation pattern, which is the ultimate innate spirit treasure.

This group of Immortal Sword Array is composed of five superb innate spirit treasures, which is the real killing treasure, and the crown is the absolute flood.

To break such a fierce array, it takes four strong people of the same realm, cultivation, and strength to seize the four swords of the Immortal Immortal at the same time, how difficult it is.

It must be known that Luo Xiao has already picked the Mixed Yuan Dao Fruit, and now he is the peak of the Mixed Yuan, and he is a rare great power.

On the battlefield at this time, the eight hall masters of the Demon Sect were exposed together, and like the four great elders, they began to intensify this fight.

The sun used the gas as nourishment, supplied the flame to burn, and the revealed body was white, fierce, footprints everywhere, cracking the ground and scorched earth.

The eclipse fox turned into a ghost figure, crisscrossing it, and every time it spit out yellow fire, all the creatures under the early stage of the mixed element were ossified, and they were killed.

Shang Piao opened his mouth and devoured all living beings, and from time to time he spewed out a beam of evil purple light, which fell on the living beings, and was instantly corroded and dissolved.

The moth was full of ferocity, spitting cyan fire in its mouth, steaming clouds and mist, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth evaporated sharply, and the water veins were exhausted.

Jinao amphibious on land and water, cold in nature, with a wave of his hand, the light of ice turns everything into ice crystals and shattered to the ground.

Flying in the air, every time it swoops down, the raging fire is pervasive, prompting volcanic natural disasters and destroying the lives of life.

Cui Wei was born in the shadows, opened his hands, and the black evil light encroached on all the light and covered the sky.

The cunning is the most vicious, and the blue flame is specially rushed towards the lightly injured creatures, and likes to see them fall into despair.

The entire battlefield instantly fell into a terrifying situation, the four mid-stage elders of the Mixed Yuan Golden Immortal Sect, the eight Mixed Yuan Golden Immortal Early Hall Masters, and those all-pervasive demons, there was no lack of Da Luo and Tai Yi, making this already chaotic battle more and more tragic, countless dead and injured lives, and increasing casualties several times.

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