Chapter 96: Yuanshi Tianzun takes action

Still giving up sanctification, and rebelling out of the Profound Sect, who do these three guys think they are?

Seeing Yuanshi Tianzun and Daddy keep talking nonsense, the people of Heavenly Dao couldn’t help it.

It’s just that his mouth was sealed by Daddy at this time, and he couldn’t speak at all. The Heavenly Dao people could only whine from the side.

Upon seeing this, Chen Sheng thought that the Heavenly Dao person was going to say something, so he waved his hand and unlocked the sealed mouth of the Heavenly Dao person.

After finally being able to speak, the Heavenly Dao person hurriedly said to Yuanshi Tianzun and Daddy: “Second Brother Dage, please don’t talk nonsense here. This matter has nothing to do with Master!”

What kind of character is Chen Sheng?

So talking nonsense in front of Chen Sheng, isn’t this looking for a dead end?

Daddy looked at Heavenly Dao and still believed in the Da Luo in front of him. He was a little disappointed immediately.

After thinking about it, daddy stepped forward and said to Chen Sheng: “Senior, I think you have shown me a favor. As long as you and my third brother cut off Karma, I will not be blamed for this matter.”

As long as they forget the blame, these three people have come here to sing double reeds.

Is there any problem with the brain? Was it kicked by a donkey?

Yuanshi Tianzun was too lazy to talk nonsense with Chen Sheng, and directly ranted: “Humph, if you don’t cut off Karma with my third brother today, don’t blame me for being rude!”

For Yuanshi Tianzun, squeezing Chen Sheng to death is as easy as squeezing an ant!

After all, in front of Sage, Da Luo is like an ant!

Chen Sheng laughed angrily when he heard Yuanshi Tianzun’s arrogant clamor.

Now this world is really good for being bullied by others, and Mashan being ridden by others?

He kindly taught Heavenly Dao people things, and invited the three of them to drink tea, but how do these guys treat own?

Chen Sheng couldn’t help but sneered. He looked at Yuan Shi Tianzun and said, “I want to see how you are not polite to me!”

Anyway, on the own site, can he still be bullied by three clowns?

Yuan Shi Tianzun heard this and was immediately furious.

When he said that, he wanted to make a move. Daddy thought that Chen Sheng had helped him, and quickly stopped and said, “Second brother, don’t be impulsive.”

Yuanshi Tianzun had no choice but to endure this breath.

However, Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Chen Sheng again and warned: “Ignorance Daluo, this deity will give you one last chance to cut off Karma, who is the third brother of the deity, and the deity will leave a way to survive.”

With Yuanshi Tianzun’s temper, being able to speak to a big Luo so politely is already a surrender.

It’s a pity that Chen Sheng didn’t eat this set at all, and rolled his eyes and said, “I also give you a chance. Before the tea in my hand is cold, get out of my Immortal Cave!”

Yuanshi Tianzun was furious immediately, huh, he wanted to see what arrogant capital a Ronaldo had in front of him!

Yuanshi Tianzun directly sacrificed the Pangu flag and urged the Pangu flag to kill Chen Sheng.

The Heavenly Dao person was surprised when he looked at it, and his heart was extremely worried.

However, what he was worried about was not that Chen Sheng would be injured by Yuanshi Tianzun’s blow, but Yuanshi Tianzun was so ignorant of good and bad, I am afraid Chen Sheng would settle accounts with him.

But daddy’s look is very plain, Sage’s power is strong and strong in the prehistoric!

To catch Sage’s blow, Chen Sheng, as Ronaldo, couldn’t be alive at all.

As soon as the Pangu streamer came out, the sky and the earth shook unceasingly!

The entire prehistoric land was in a panic, and all beings were panicked!

Yuanshi Tianzun this strike is really too strong!

As if going to penetrate the entire wilderness, the entire sky was discolored!

And this is actually just to deal with a big Luo!

Although Daddy felt that this was a bit unkind to Chen Sheng, he had warned Chen Sheng that it was Chen Sheng who did not live or die!

Under this strike, even if Chen Shengzhen is somewhat extraordinary, shouldn’t it stop here?

The Heavenly Dao people had a foreboding of what was about to happen, and silently closed their eyes.

Chen Sheng didn’t care about Yuanshi Tianzun’s words at all.

Don’t you know how many catties you are?

Pretending to be on his head?

Really take yourself seriously?

Chen Sheng was extremely upset, even though he was just an ordinary Ronaldo, but it was not his turn to insult this group of guys at will!

Thinking of this, Chen Sheng pointed out directly.

In an instant, thousands of laws surging!

An incomparably powerful and unspeakable force instantly pushed Yuanshi Tianzun into the soil!

Yuanshi Tianzun filled his mouth with mud, and the whole person looked very embarrassed.

Could it be said that this is the supernatural power of this Ronaldo?

Daddy squinted his eyes involuntarily, and looked at Chen Sheng more cautiously.

As for Yuanshi Tianzun who got up from the ground, his whole person was going to be blown up with anger!

He is Yuanshi Tianzun, the supreme existence among the prehistoric!

He is Sage, and people look up and worship!

It’s a shame to be pushed into the soil by a mere Daluo!

Yuanshi Tianzun never thought about why he would be pressed into the soil by Chen Sheng. After he drew his head out of the soil with difficulty, he immediately furiously said: “I don’t know how to live or die, do you have only these methods?”

After saying these words, Yuanshi Tianzun directly pushed the Pangu flag, and he planned to continue his shot again!

Upon seeing this, Daddy felt a little worried, and said to Yuanshi Tianzun quickly, “Second brother, you should be more careful.”

Yuanshi Tianzun didn’t take Daddy’s words to heart. What else could he do if he is a mere Da Luo?

It was only because of his negligence that Da Luo was pressed into the soil.

Yuanshi Tianzun glanced at daddy, and then hit Chen Sheng directly!

This strike, Yuanshi Tianzun used all his strength!

Hmph, he doesn’t believe it anymore, with such a powerful blow, can this guy escape easily?

Chen Sheng looked at Yuanshi Tianzun like an idiot. It was obvious that he couldn’t beat him, so he still dared to pretend to be there?

It seems that he is still too kind.

Thinking about this, Chen Sheng slapped Yuan Shi Tianzun with a slap.

This slap is much more powerful than the one just now, and thousands of laws are entangled with each other and passed towards Yuanshi Tianzun.

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