Chapter 80 The Dumb Eats Coptis

Thinking of this, Luo Hui picked up his teacup and drank it.

However, fate is sometimes so wonderful.

The moment Luo Hou drank the poisoned water, he was dumbfounded!

He could even feel the poison raging in his internal organs!

Even his heart is about to be burned, and his body seems to be torn apart!

His whole person is not good!

Why is it like a medicine that is about to expire? This medicine is so effective?

Luo Hui didn’t dare to let Chen Sheng notice the strangeness, and immediately turned black, Dang Even ran out.

He needs to find a place to deal with the poison in this body.

Chen Sheng looked at Luohou’s back with a baffling expression.

Just drinking a cup of tea, as for such a big reaction?

Even if own tea water can enlighten the way, the black lotus boy wouldn’t be so moved, right?

Apart from feeling that the boy black lotus must have been touched by him, being able to run out with such a big reaction, the aunt couldn’t think of any other reasons.

Although this is indeed nothing to touch, but the black lotus boy is weak, it is inevitable.

Thinking of this, Chen Sheng continued to drink tea leisurely.

On the other side, Luo Maw, who ran out, had already started to smoke, his skin became dark and red, and there was a burning smell all over his body…

Who said that the poison has expired?

Oh no, it seems Luo Hou said it himself.

Who knew that this big Luo was so perverted that he didn’t even react to this kind of poison?

Soon, because of this poison, Luo Hui’s source of recovery was damaged!

Luo Hu understands that if this continues, he will undoubtedly die.

So he tried his best to force the poison out.

However, Luo Hu at this time was as embarrassed as a drowning dog.

A trace of insidiousness flashed in Luo throat’s eyes, and this Ronaldo dared to harm himself to lose his origin!

He swears that he must kill this Ronaldo!

This is no longer an ordinary entanglement, it is related to the face and dignity of his Demon Zu Luo Maw, he is bound to kill this Da Luo!

The poison failed to kill people, it seems that he has to think of other ways!

After thinking about it for a long time, the ancestor Luo Hou finally came up with a perfect solution again.

Luo Mou clapped his hands, and said excitedly: “Yes, this deity is the demon ancestor!”

Thinking of this, Luo Mouth smiled on the side of the vagina.

Devilish energy is pervasive and ubiquitous!

So what is the use even if this big Luo is strong?

He only needs to use his devilish energy to invade this Da Luo little by little. I believe it will not be long before this Da Luo will not only completely lose his mind, but also become his own puppet!

Just thinking about it, Luo Hou laughed out loud.

Just do it.

In the following time, Luo Hou always intentionally or unintentionally let his own devilish energy enter Chen Sheng’s body.

At the beginning, Luo Mou didn’t dare to move too much, so he could only try little by little.

It wasn’t until later that Chen Sheng found out that he couldn’t find the devil qi at all, so he became more arrogant.

This time, Luo Hou has infested Chen Sheng with devilish energy for a hundred years!

Thinking that the time was almost up, he planned to directly control Chen Sheng.

Therefore, he poured most of his own demonic energy into Chen Sheng’s body at once!

After waiting for a while, Chen Sheng was still alive, without any reaction, and even his behavior was quite normal.

It shouldn’t. It’s not like a person who has been invaded by demonic energy. What should he do?

Looking at Chen Sheng who was alive and kicking, Luo Mou fell into deep thought again.

But it doesn’t matter, since the devilish energy has invaded Chen Sheng, he only needs to awaken the demon deep in Chen Sheng’s heart, even if he can achieve it!

As he said nothing, Luo Mou directly sat cross-legged on the ground and began to defend himself, trying to awaken the devilish energy in Chen Sheng’s body.

However, the more Luo Hu wakes up, the more anger he gets, why is there no response at all for most of the day?

After another hour or so, a wisp of black smoke appeared from Chen Sheng’s body!

It’s devilish!

Luo Hui was extremely excited!

It seems that he is about to succeed. He is going to make this Ronaldo a puppet and get all the treasures of Ronaldo.

Just when Luo Mou was happy, that wisp of magic energy suddenly rushed into Luo Hui’s body!

Luo Mou was instantly stunned when he felt the devil qi there, it was not his devil qi!

And this ray of devilish energy is obviously stronger and purer!

What’s the situation?

In addition to him, there are people who repair Devil Dao in this predicament.

And Devil Dao’s attainments are even several floors higher than him!

How is this possible, isn’t Devil Dao invented by him?

Before he could think more, that wisp of incomparable demon energy rushed into Luo Mou’s body.

Luo Hou couldn’t help exclaiming!

After hearing this, Chen Sheng on the side felt a little strange, and turned his head to look at Luo Hui.

Seeing Luo Mouth sweating profusely, Chen Sheng was a little puzzled, so he asked, “Boy Black Lotus, why do you sweat so much? Are you sick?”

Luo Hou was doing his best to resist the demonic energy in his body at this time, and the initiator of this incident actually asked him what’s wrong.

But of course he dared not say that to Chen Sheng, so he had to say, “It’s because of some discomfort.”

Chen Sheng was a little surprised, he didn’t abuse the Black Lotus boy much!

Why are you feeling unwell?

Out of humanitarianism, Chen Sheng said to the boy black lotus: “Hei Lian, since you are unwell, go to rest first.”

With Chen Sheng’s approval, Luo Hou also left here as if fleeing.

If he doesn’t run away, he will soon be trained as a puppet by the devilish energy here.

In Immortal Cave, Luo Hu desperately suppressed the magical energy.

One side is very angry in my heart!

Who can believe this?

Luo Hou never thought that he was the ancestor of Devil Dao, so he would be injured by the devilish energy?

This is as incredible as a dog that has bitten a person for a lifetime, and is suddenly bitten by someone one day!

However, Luo Hu didn’t even expect that Chen Sheng had mastered the Three Thousand Dao, and Devil Dao was just one of them.

In fact, Luo Hou secretly reacted to the demonic energy that Chen Sheng had invaded, Chen Sheng really didn’t react, or even noticed it at all.

Even the devil qi that attacked Luo Hou was instinctive because of Luo Hou’s attack.

It can be said that Chen Sheng didn’t know what happened during the whole process.

With great difficulty, Luo Hou finally suppressed the ray of devilish energy.

But at this time, Luo Hou’s own body was already full of holes.

For a moment, he felt that he was going to be infected by the devilish energy!

Fortunately, he stayed with Luo Mou and was scared, while he began to heal himself.

Why is this Ronaldo so strong?

Should I continue to study how to kill him?

Seriously, Luo Hou was a little confused.

Even in front of Daozu Hongjun, Luo Hou had never been so persuaded.

As Luo Hou was healing himself, the tattered broken sword beside Luo Hou spoke.

“If there is another time, I will kill you!”

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