Chapter 7 Nuwa admits her mistake, the maid of the Wa Palace?

Looking at the endless river of time, Nuwa felt a sense of powerlessness in her heart.

She began to regret it, and coming to the world to collect incense this time was the worst decision she made!

She is dignified Nuwa Sage, who is highly respected in the predicament, and now she is trapped in this place with difficulty!

This Ronaldo was so capable that he besieged a dignified Sage in this long river of time.

The more Nuwa thought about it, the more she felt wronged.

Without the blessing of Heavenly Dao, she was like an ordinary girl at this time, tears streaming out of her eyes.

She held back her sadness, wiped her tears, don’t cry, we can’t cry, we are Sage!

Nuwa swears that if she can leave the long river of time, she will definitely not go against the guy who mixes pigs and eats tigers!

Can’t afford to provoke, still can’t hide?

But how should we leave?

Now that she could think of all the methods she could think of, and even used the pictures of mountains and rivers and the red hydrangea, she still couldn’t leave this long river of time.

The last glimmer of hope flashed in Nuwa’s eyes.

Could it be that that method should be used?

As a result, she decided to use Sage’s strongest hole card, Sage Daoguo!

Sage Daoguo is the result of Sage’s proof of Sage’s position. It is Sage’s strongest hole card and inverse scale!

If I can think of using Sage Daoguo, Nuwa has no other way!

But when Nuwa felt that she had found hope, reality gave her another blow!

Even if Heavenly Dao can’t feel it, how can I use Sage Dao fruit?

Nuwa is completely desperate!

the other side.

Suiren was very worried about Nuwa, so he asked carefully: “Chen fellow daoist, I want to ask Nuwa empress… the lady of the court, isn’t there any danger? How can I get out?”

Chen Sheng glanced at Suiren, and said to Suiren with a very calm expression: “Oh, I have exiled her past, future, and now all three. As long as I don’t want to, that palace lady will never come back.”

Although Suiren didn’t know the past, present, and future, he was very speechless when he looked at Chen Sheng’s calm expression!

When I thought that it was Nuwa that was banished, Suiren was a little frightened, so she helped to intercede and said, “Chen fellow daoist, I believe that Nuwa lady…cough cough, the maid was also unintentional, how long do you plan to banish her? ?”

Chen Sheng thought about it for a while, and said calmly, “I think it’s almost time.”

Suiren breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately, Chen Sheng imprisoned Nuwa Empress for a few words!

He knew, how could Chen Sheng want to really fight against Nuwa Empress?

It seems that the situation is still within the scope of recoverable.

Unexpectedly, Chen Sheng continued: “The long river of time, as its name implies, is that only a moment has passed here, but a little girl seems to have experienced several calamities. Therefore, it is almost time to let her go.”

After all, watching the passage of time but being helpless is indeed very painful.

Suiren’s:? ? ? ?

He was dumbfounded!

The feeling is that Nuwa has been in the long river of time and has gone through several calamities?

As Chen Sheng finished speaking, with a wave of his hand, an image of Nuwa being exiled in the long river of time appeared in the sky.

Nuwa had already fallen into despair, but when she raised her head, she saw the phantoms of Chen Sheng and Suiren.

A glimmer of hope flashed in her eyes, could she finally leave here?

Sui Ren looked at the haggard Nuwa, very surprised.

As Sage, Niwa Nuwa has always been aloof, but now she has experienced some inhuman torment!

Empress Nuwa’s hair was a little messy at this time, and her white palace dress had a few more holes, and she was very embarrassed.

Chen Sheng looked at Nuwa who was like frosting an eggplant, and nodded in satisfaction. This kind of rampant little girl should take a lesson.

Nuwa reacted for a moment after seeing Chen Sheng and Sui Ren, and then said to Chen Sheng very firmly: “Fellow daoist, I was abrupt, I apologize to you.”

She doesn’t want to be trapped in this long river of time anymore, as long as she can leave the long river of time, an apology is nothing.

Chen Sheng nodded, it seems that his lesson has worked.

He continued to say solemnly: “Do you dare to pretend to be Sage again in the future!?”

Nuwa: “…”

Suiren: “…”

After listening to Chen Sheng’s words, Suiren wiped her sweat silently, she is really Nuwa…

However, he only dared to say a few words in his heart, and didn’t dare to argue with Chen Sheng at all.

Sui Ren glanced at Nuwa cautiously, for fear that Nuwa would continue to choke with Chen Sheng.

Who knows, Nuwa sighed deeply and said with a tired face:

“Don’t dare, I won’t pretend to be Nuwa anymore!”

Originally, as Sage, Nuwa could never say such a shame.

But now she really didn’t want to stay in the long river for a second, so she had to admit that she was not Nuwa.

After experiencing the long river of time, she thoroughly recognized the reality.

Whatever he says is what he says, it’s not Sage or Sage, Nuwa just wants to leave the long river of time quickly at this time.

When Suiren heard Nuwa’s words, his whole body almost exploded on the spot!


Empress Nuwa admits that she is not Empress Nuwa! ?

This is too socially dead!

The Suiren family has suffered too much…

When Chen Sheng saw Nuwa say this, he nodded in satisfaction and said, “It’s not bad, it’s a good thing to know what’s wrong and correct it!”

Nuwa is numb, so she can’t beat others?

Immediately afterwards, Chen Sheng waved his hand and Nuwa left the long river of time.

After Nuwa left the long river of time, it was really embarrassing to look at Chen Sheng and Suiren in front of him, and only felt that he was ashamed and thrown out of the prehistoric!

After a few seconds in a daze, Nuwa turned his head decisively and ran away!

Actually is not afraid that Chen Sheng will regret it, mainly because this is really too shameful!

As Nuwa Tangtang Sage, he was actually banished into the long river of time.

Say it, do you dare to believe it?

Seeing Empress Nuwa who turned around and left, Suiren was shocked again.

As he reacted, Xiang Chen Sheng’s eyes were somewhat unusual.

This f*ck can exile Dignity Nuwa, and finally forced Nuwa to apologize to him and admit that he is not Nuwa. What is this Realm? !

This must be the Hidden Sage, a Hidden Sage even stronger than Nuwa!

Suiren feels like he is doing it again!

After all, this hidden Sage also pretended to be the Xiantian human race in Shouyang Mountain for so many years, can’t just watch the human race being bullied, right?

And this Sage is also low-key and easy to talk, isn’t it much better than the superior Nuwa empress?

Thinking of this, Suiren’s eyes flashed brightly when looking at Chen Sheng!

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