Chapter 62 Human Race is in desperate situation, sudden change

Similarly, the demon master Kunpeng and Donghuang Taiyi were a little unhappy.

They thought that Fuxi came to cheer them up, but who knew it was to make the Yaozu give up this big piece of fat in front of them?

“As long as the Human Race is killed, the Witch Race’s body is broken, will it be sooner or later to unify the prehistoric?”

The demon master Kunpeng was planning to have a full meal, and was a little unhappy when Fuxi interrupted him, and said directly.

Donghuang Taiyi agreed with him: “That is, Brother Fuxi, when have you become so indecisive?”

Facing everyone’s confusion, Fuxi was very helpless, but for the demon clan, she still explained: “Human clan is the future lord of heaven and earth, and with the protection of the fellow daoist master of Nine Swords, the demon clan will suffer!”

Will the Yaozu suffer a big loss?

Many monster races who heard Fuxi’s words couldn’t help but laugh.

It’s just that Fuxi is the Demon Emperor, even if they want to laugh, they can only hold back!

Di Jun sneered in his heart, but he still said to Fuxi on the surface: “Brother Fuxi, a small human race is easy for me, don’t worry.”

Fuxi frowned, was about to speak, but was interrupted directly.

Baize Lion was also a little impatient at this time, and said to Fuxi: “Emperor Xi, look at my monster clan, I am extremely powerful, how can I be crippled in the human clan?”

Demon Master Kunpeng also sneered, and said directly: “Huh, even Emperor Wa and the taught Daoist don’t care about this, Emperor Xi, your worries are superfluous.”

Looking at this situation, Fu Xi felt bitter.

He was clearly looking for something for the monster race, but finally turned into a counselor?

But even so, Fuxi tried to dissuade the Yaozu.

However, before Fuxi spoke, Emperor Jun interrupted Fuxi’s words and said dissatisfiedly: “Emperor Xi, if you have any doubts, then just step away.”

Fuxi froze, and he heard the dissatisfaction in Di Jun’s tone.

Looking at the high-spirited Monster Race people, Fu Xi understood that with his own power, he definitely couldn’t make the Monster Race give up.

Fuxi sighed as he looked at the monster clan. Although he felt helpless, he had no choice but to retreat.

Although the demon clan was stubborn, Fuxi still couldn’t bear to watch the demon clan die.

After thinking for a while, Fuxi decided to find Chen Sheng on the hill.

Chen Sheng asked the Nine Swords and Stargrass to protect the Human Race. Now that the Human Race is in trouble, he will definitely not sit idly by.

Thinking of this, a gleam of light flashed in Fuxi’s eyes, and then she walked towards the hill where Chen Sheng was.

At the same time, seeing Fuxi leave, Emperor Jun felt a little dissatisfied with Fuxi.

But now, the human race is already in the bag of the demon race.

Thinking of this, Fuxi said: “We will attack the human race with all our strength, and don’t leave a living!”

The morale of the demon race skyrocketed, and immediately swarmed up and rushed towards the human race.

At the same time.

The Wu Clan also noticed the movement of the Human Clan.

The so-called enemy’s enemy is a friend, so the Wu Clan has always had a good impression of the Human Clan.

It was the great witch Houyi and Kuafu of the monster clan who discovered that the monster clan aggressively attacked the human clan.

Kuafu frowned and looked at the human race’s direction and said, “How can this be good? Why does the Yao race aggressively attack the human race?”

Hou Yi was also a little puzzled. Now the battle between the Monster Race and the Witch Race has entered a white-hot stage.

At this juncture, why did the Yaozu suddenly turn its spear to the Human Race?

After thinking for a while, Hou Yi said, “No matter what, there must be a conspiracy!”

Kuafu’s brain is not as easy to use as Houyi, but when he heard Houyi’s words, he nodded and asked: “Then what should we do now, go to help the human race?”

Hou Yi shook his head and said with a heavy face: “Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi have both gone to the Human Race, and the Kunpeng Demon Master and the Ten Great Demon Sages have all taken action. With the strength of the two of us, I am afraid that it is not enough to change anything. If you die, you will die!”

Kuafu nodded and said angrily: “However, there was a vision in the Pangu Hall not long ago. The Twelve Patriarch Witches suspected that they were related to the Father God Pangu, and all of them entered the Pangu Hall!”

Hou Yi sighed deeply, and said helplessly: “It seems that we can only resign from fate, and we can’t stop the monster race with our power.”

Kua father is impatient, but there is nothing to do!

At the same time, the human race has been struggling to support it.

The human mountain guarding formation has been broken, and it can only be resisted by the sword formation under the nine-sword star-patterned straw cloth.

But the Nine Swords Stargrass had to spin with the Eastern Emperor on one side, it was really lacking in skill!

Donghuang Tai looked at the opportunity, and the backhand was another blow!

A divine light directly hit the body of the Nine Sword Stargrass, and the Nine Sword Stargrass was retreated for several meters.

At this time he was a bit exhausted, but the master said he wanted him to protect the human race, so he couldn’t retreat!

Dong Huang Taiyi looked at the embarrassed Nine Sword Star Pattern Grass, and let out a bad breath in his heart.

He looked at the Nine Sword Star Pattern Grass with a scornful look, and sneered: “It’s just a piece of broken grass, aren’t you crazy? I see what you are doing with me now!”

Not too enjoyable, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi hit the past with another divine light.

It’s a pity that he was avoided by the Nine Swords Stargrass this time, and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi was not in a hurry.

In his opinion, the current Nine Swords Stargrass is at the end of the crossbow, and he directly mocks: “Your human race is bound to be trampled on by my demons. Even you will think that my demons are nourishment. This is an insult to my demons. The end of the family.”

“If you beg for mercy now, the deity might give you a decent way to die!”

Although Jiujian Xingwencao had been seriously injured at this time, he felt extremely funny when he heard what Donghuang Taiyi said.

He looked at Donghuangtai with disdain, and mocked: “Just do you want to flatten the human race? Even if you add up your entire monster race, you can’t even use a finger of my master!”

Donghuang Taiyi didn’t expect that at such a time, Nine Swords Stargrass would dare to be so stiff!

Immediately he became angry, and a few divine lights struck him.

This time the Nine Sword Stargrass Grass failed to escape, it was directly hit by the divine light, and its body was out of control. It rushed directly to the ground, and slammed into a big hole on the ground.

Dijun noticed Donghuang Taiyi’s movement and directly exhorted: “Okay, don’t play anymore, make a quick battle!”

Dong Huang Taiyi originally wanted to suppress the Nine Sword Star Pattern Grass once more, but when Di Jun said so, his expression condensed, and the direct controller, Dong Huang Zhong, made the strongest blow against the Nine Sword Star Pattern Grass!

Nine Swords Stargrass stared at Donghuang Taiyi’s strongest blow, his heart tightened.

This strike hit him, and he was half disabled if he didn’t die!

Donghuang Taiyi looked at the Nine Sword Star Pattern Grass triumphantly, this was his strongest blow, he didn’t believe that the Nine Sword Star Pattern Grass could escape!

But at this moment, something happened suddenly!

A fiercer and more powerful Sword intent directly attacked the East Emperor Bell, and the East Emperor retreated several steps abruptly!

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