Chapter 59

Although the two of them were shocked, but thinking of Chen Sheng, they would definitely not talk about it.

After thinking a little bit, Daoist was quoted and asked hesitantly: “Senior, how is this apostasy?”

Zhunti Daoist also looked at Chen Sheng curiously, not knowing what Chen Sheng meant.

However, Chen Sheng took a sip of tea and said calmly: “The so-called apostasy, of course, is to be sentenced to the Xuanmen to stand on their own.”

The lead Daoist and Zhun Ti Daoist were dumbfounded and surprised.

Betrayed Xuanmen?

This is simply ridiculous, okay?

If it weren’t for Chen Sheng to be unfathomable, they would definitely think that someone who said such a thing would be either a lunatic or a fool!

The two of them grabbed the position of Hongyun Daoist, and they were able to worship Hongjun Daozu’s sect and become the famous disciple of Hongjun Daoist.

Otherwise, based on their qualifications, how could He De become a named disciple of Hongjun?

Are you afraid of being pinched to death by Daozu Hongjun when you rebel out of Xuanmen?

Suddenly Daoist began to have a slight suspicion of the person in front of him. Could it be that he was fooling them?

Zhunti Daoist even quietly attached to Daoist’s ear, and whispered: “Brother, let’s go, I think this person is unreliable, so I have already spoken out the Xuan Sect.”

Chen Sheng heard Zhunti Daoist’s words and rolled his eyes and said, “Believe it or not, Hongjun Daozu owes Western Karma, and he has other calculations.”

Do you think that those two people in the West have rebelled against Xuan Sect. In fact, those two guys in the West who rebelled against Xuan Sect were officially promoted by Hongjun. ”

Hearing this, the two of them were even more shocked.

Will Hongjun Daozu push them to rebel out of Xuan Sect?

Although it sounds unbelievable, it seems to have some truth.

Zhunti Daoist was a little confused, but he gritted his teeth and continued to ask: “Senior, is it enough to betray the Profound Sect?”

Chen Sheng shook his head. Are these two guys thinking about fart?

Is it enough to betray Xuanmen?

Even the authentic Sanqing of Pangu needs to be established in order to be sanctified, let alone them?

Therefore, Chen Sheng continued: “How is it possible? After betraying the Xuan Sect, the two of them have to make a big aspiration and earn the Heavenly Dao merit.”

Hearing the quote here, Daoist suddenly realized, a glimmer of light flashed in his mind!

Daoist was quoted as if he knew what he should do, and he thanked Chen Sheng immediately, arched his cupped hands and said, “Thank you senior for your advice!”

Chen Sheng didn’t know, so what did he suggest?

Soon, Daoist was invited to bid farewell to Chen Sheng.

Looking at the backs of these two guys leaving, Chen Sheng touched his head, his face was unclear.

These two goods are too deep into the play, right?

Do you really think of yourself as the second sage of the West?

This predecessor is too rude!

At the same time, after leaving Chen Sheng’s Immortal Cave, Daoist hesitated and asked, “Brother, I think this man has a brain disease, do we really believe him?”

Zhunti Daoist’s worries are not superfluous. They are now disciples of Daozu Hongjun. Even if they are not sanctified, their status in the predicament is very noble!

But if you want to rebel out of the Xuan Sect, you can really become holy.

If you can’t be sanctified, wouldn’t it be a mouse crossing the street in the predicament, everyone shouting and beating! ?

He also hesitated to quote Daoist, but think about Chen Sheng not only allowing a Sage of Nuwa to be respectful in front of him, but also breaking the ten second-rank merit golden lotus with his bare hands.

Its strength must be unfathomable!

Thinking like this, Daoist said to Zhunti Daoist, “This person is definitely a hermit. He said that Hongjun Daozu owes us Western merits, and it is indeed fulfilled! Why don’t we try this again? ”

Zhun mention Daoist hesitated, after all, the risk is too great.

If they can’t be sanctified, how should the two guys who have rebelled out of the division get a foothold in the predicament?

Zhunti Daoist thought for a while, and said, “But if I rebel out of the Profound Sect, the two of me will still not be sanctified. Have you ever thought about the consequences?”

Daoist sighed deeply, how could he not know the consequences?

The quoted Daoist said to Zhun Ti Daoist earnestly:

“Junior brother, my western veins have been impoverished, and you and I are indeed inferior to Sanqing and Nuwa. Besides taking a fight, can you think of other ways?”

After listening to Daoist’s words, Zhunti Daoist was silent.

After thinking for a long time, Zhunti Daoist said to Daoist, “Brother, I am willing to give it a try!”

With the support of Daoist, the two went straight back to Mount Sumeru.

After a long time.

West, Sumeru Mountain.

A bell from ancient times rang, and the Sanskrit sound suddenly sounded in the wild.

All living beings in the wild are a little unclear, so, where is the bell?

Soon, the entire West was shrouded in the light of Buddha!

Everyone was bathed in the light of the Buddha, as if they had gained detachment and wanted to go to bliss.

At the same time, a Buddha sounded.

“Heavenly Dao is here, I will lead (quasi-ti) to establish a teaching in the West, which is: Western teaching, guiding all living beings for good, without suffering, Wu You and fear, a place of bliss, with the golden lotus of Xiantian spiritual treasures and the devil’s pestle. , The golden pool of merit suppresses the Western teachings and luck, and the Western teachings build!”

However, the two swear to complete the vow, but they did not immediately dedicate their merits like Daddy Yuanshi Tianzun and Nuwa.

Above the sky, the merits seem to be condensing, and from the perspective of power, it is pitiful, not to mention that the two are sanctified, and neither of them can do it.

Zhunti Daoist and the lead Daoist looked up at the sky, both speechless.

Heavenly Dao is unfair!

Soon, the two remembered Chen Sheng’s words.

It seems that even if they betrayed the Profound Sect, they would still not be holy if they did not owe Heavenly Dao Karma.

There is no other way, Zhun Ti, the lead, dared not neglect, and hurriedly followed the plan to make a big ambition. The bursts of Sanskrit singing spread all over the wild land:

“If I have attained the supreme Bodhi, I will be enlightened, and I will live in a Buddhist temple with incomprehensible merits and solemnity.

Nothing like The Underworld, Hungry Ghosts, beasts, flying creeps, etc.

All sentient beings, as well as the Flame Mora realm, in the three evil ways, in the next life, I will be transformed by my law, and become the Bodhi. No more depraved interest. To get a wish is to be a Buddha. ”

However, Heavenly Dao remained the same after a fortune was sent, and there was no movement at all.

Both of them are very bitter. They have owed Heavenly Dao so many Karma for sanctification, but Heavenly Dao still has nothing to do.

How can this be good?

It’s halfway there, can’t you give up?

After the two continue to make great ambitions!

“It must not be a wish, do not obtain the supreme enlightenment. Suppose that I obtain the Buddha, and the sentient beings in the ten directions will believe in the heart and want to regenerate the country, and even the ten thoughts. ”

It was another big ambition, Heavenly Dao still didn’t respond.

Daoist and Zhun Ti Daoist are crying. How much Karma do you owe Heavenly Dao?

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