Chapter 57 Tong Tian gave up being a holy, and Hong Huang was shocked

At the same time, the heaven and the earth began to have a vision.

Auspicious clouds are all over the sky, and the birds are wonderful!

At the feet of Yuanshi Tianzun, a lotus platform was born, glowing golden light all over his body, and then floated towards the center of the prehistoric center!

At the same time, the entire Honghuang was aware of this vision.

All living beings in the wild are stunned!

If they remember correctly, the daddy’s sanctification seems to have been this vision too!

Is it possible that Yuanshi Tianzun will also be sanctified?

But how long did it take in the middle?

Not to mention the ordinary creatures of the prehistoric, even the great abilities of the prehistoric are shocked!

The second family of Lich had already entered a fever at this time.

Nuwa still didn’t ask about world affairs. Although he was slightly wrong about Yuanshi Tianzun’s sanctification, everything was still in her expectation.

Fuxi has been frowning ever since he knew the ending of the second family of Lich.

Now, Yuanshi Tianzun is also about to become holy, which makes Fuxi frown.

However, the two Westerners are even more worried.

The two westerners want to become holy capitals already wanting to be crazy, but first daddy, and now Yuanshi Tianzun, when will their chance arrive?

Shouyang Mountain.

Yuanshi Tianzun is high above, watching all sentient beings, and speaks the truth from above: “Heavenly Dao is above, I am the Pangu authentic Sanqing Yuanshi Tianzun. Today, I set up elucidating teachings, paying attention to the Deva, the road of elucidation, and those who are intelligent, can The true biography of Pangu and Hongjun can be found at the door of this seat.”

Afterwards, the sky was shining again, and the golden dragon of nine merits hovered in the sky.

The opportunity of sanctification was right in front of him, and Yuanshi Tianzun’s face was filled with an unstoppable smile.

At this time, the Heavenly Dao person said loudly: “Second brother, the meritorious demonstrating the Dao is the next best thing. Once the Dao demonstrating, there is no room for maneuver. Second brother must think clearly!”

Seeing the Heavenly Dao person so obstructing his sanctification, Yuan Shi Tianzun couldn’t help but feel a little unhappy.

Immediately there was a divine light, and the nine merit golden dragons screamed and entered Yuanshi Tianzun’s body.

Then Xiansheng sounded, Yuanshi Tianzun became a holy, and everyone was shocked!

Unexpectedly, after daddy, Yuanshi Tianzun was able to prove Heavenly Dao so quickly and entered Sage Realm!

Yuanshi Tianzun was very proud to see this!

He held his head high and accepted everyone’s adoration!

He is the authentic Pangu, everyone must bow to him!

Yuanshi Tianzun established elucidating teachings because Yuanshi Tianzun also had his ambitions.

But Yuanshi Tianzun is not as reckless as Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi. They want to establish the Heaven Court to unify the predicament. Yuanshi Tianzun understands his own strength and is king in this prehistoric state!

Yuanshi Tianzun already had an idea at this time. The disciples under his school had to be carefully selected. They were more expensive than more expensive, rather than being too expensive.

And Yuanshi Tianzun is very concerned about blood lineage, it is not Gen Zheng Miaohong who can’t get into Yuanshi Tianzun’s eyes.

Everything should have three, six, nine, etc., if there is no respect and inferiority, how can there be rules?

And just after Yuanshi Tianzun established elucidation and sanctification.

A vision emerges between heaven and earth again!

People who pass Heavenly Dao also feel that their own opportunity is coming!

People who pass Heavenly Dao conform to Heavenly Dao, and speak the truth from above: “Heavenly Dao is above, I am the authentic person of Pangu through Heavenly Dao. Today, I feel the opportunity, and specially created Shujiao, which means to intercept the vitality of heaven and earth. Fifty, Tianyan 49, everything has a ray of life, there is no kind of education.”

The so-called Dadao is fifty, Tianyan is forty-nine, and escape one. This escaped one is the first ray of life that the interception education wants to intercept!

In fact, part of Heavenly Dao’s thoughts here is because of Chen Sheng.

Originally, they should respect Heavenly Dao and obey the destiny.

However, after listening to Chen Sheng’s words, the talents of Heavenly Dao understood that what they should most is resist!

He wants to teach sentient beings!

He wants to let those who can live in the predicament!

The person from Heavenly Dao continued: “I use this to teach all living beings in the wild, and all living beings in the wild, all those who are predestined can enter this gate and gain my avenue.”

Although Daddy and Yuanshi Tianzun were successively sanctified in the past, all sentient beings have heard what the Heavenly Dao people said, but they most want to worship the Heavenly Dao people!

The Heavenly Dao people have no kind of teaching, this is the best condition for the prehistoric sentient beings!

Yuanshi Tianzun’s complexion changed, and there was no disturbance, but he was very dissatisfied with the words of the Heavenly Dao person in his heart.

Yuanshi Tianzun advocated conforming to Heavenly Dao, but the Heavenly Dao people intercepted the secret of heaven, which made Yuanshi Tianzun suspect that the Heavenly Dao people were deliberate!

And at this moment, auspicious clouds were rising between the heaven and the earth, the golden dragon of merit hovered in the sky, and seeing that the Heavenly Dao people were about to be sanctified!

All beings in the wild are very surprised. Could it be that there will be two Sages in the mirror today?

This is an unprecedented thing in the prehistoric times!

Unexpectedly, Sanqing would become a god, this news is really amazing.

But just when everyone thought that a person with Heavenly Dao would also be holy on the spot, he abruptly stopped!

Although he is the Sage of Heaven and Earth, and even though he can make merits and virtues as long as he establishes a teaching, he is unwilling to pass Heavenly Dao!

He does not want to be a dog kept in captivity by Heavenly Dao!

Therefore, even if all the merits have entered the body of the Heavenly Dao person, even the Heavenly Dao person will salivate for the position of Sage.


He wants to prove it with strength!

Subsequently, the divine light that led to the sanctification of the Heavenly Dao gradually dissipated.

People who pass Heavenly Dao are not sanctified?

The creatures in the predicament who saw this scene were shocked.

Even the Wu Clan and the Monster Clan who were facing each other were shocked.

Although Nuwa is usually calm, when he saw that the Heavenly Dao people refused to preach on merit, he was shocked that his jaw would fall out!

In the Zixiao Palace, Hongjun Daozu found out that the Heavenly Dao had refused to be sanctified, and his jaw dropped immediately!

How can this be?

The Heavenly Dao people actually refuse to be sanctified?

Later, Hongjun Daozu exhausted all his energy and began to deduct the six prehistoric sages.

He fits in Heavenly Dao, Heavenly Dao is Hongjun, but now the scene before Hongjun is in a cold sweat!

Because according to Heavenly Dao, except for the dead Hongyun Dao ancestor.

The remaining six people who have gained the majesty and purple qi will all be holy!

However, Hongjun Daozu thought it was foolproof, and even pushed the Lich to measure the calamity in advance.

But Tongtian is not sanctified, what the hell is this?

Seeing that the Heavenly Dao people do not want to be holy, Daddy frowned and said in a puzzled manner: “Brother, what a great opportunity this is now, why should you refuse?”

The Heavenly Dao guy shook his head, his eyes a little deep.

He remembered Chen Sheng’s words, and then said firmly: “Dage, I don’t want to be Heavenly Dao’s puppet.”

Daddy is still not good enough, how could he become Heavenly Dao’s puppet?

The Heavenly Dao person continued to say: “Dage, I gave up my merits and sanctification because I want to prove the Tao with strength!”

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