Chapter 44 Tongtian: Master, I realized 10%

For those who pass Heavenly Dao, even though there are three thousand great ways, he only loves Kendo.

The reason why I became a teacher of Chen Sheng was to learn Kendo!

Therefore, people who pass Heavenly Dao are naturally very firm in Kendo.

Chen Sheng saw that Heavenly Dao was so stubborn and didn’t have much to say, so he said directly, “Yes.”

After thinking about what to teach the Heavenly Dao person, Chen Sheng said to the Heavenly Dao person again: “Then you are optimistic!”

Immediately, Chen Sheng picked up the broken sword and swung it out seemingly plain.

However, at this moment.

The entire Immortal Cave Sword Qi Ling Ran!

Chen Sheng’s sword seemed to be out of order, but the ubiquitous Sword intent made everyone in Heavenly Dao frightened!

Chen Sheng said: “I said that swords are not swords. The true supreme Sword intent is no sword!”

“There is no sword in the hand, but the sword is everywhere!”

“The sword is the spirit of the emperor, and Wanfa is broken with one sword.”

Although Chen Sheng thought his own kendo was general, he still told Heavenly Dao about his understanding of kendo.

However, with such a simple sword, his apprentice should be able to see it once, right?

Although Chen Sheng thought that he was just a casual sword, it was not enough.

However, from Tongtian’s point of view, this sword seems to contain Wanfa, and this sword seems to expound the end of the Great Dao!

Even the people of Heavenly Dao have a feeling that if it were not for the teacher’s strength, I am afraid that even the entire prehistoric land would be torn apart by this sword!

What a terrible ability this is!

Through Heavenly Dao, the people of Heavenly Dao admit that own kendo still has a place in this predecessor. However, Chen Sheng’s sword directly exceeds his understanding of kendo!

Sword, it turned out to be like this!

People with Heavenly Dao even have a feeling that they have practiced kendo for tens of millions of years, as if they have cultivated in vain!

His kendo is nothing in front of Chen Sheng!

Thinking of this, the Heavenly Dao people burst into tears.

“This is the real kendo. I never thought I could see the real kendo in my lifetime!”

The people of Heavenly Dao were very emotional, immersed in the Sword intent just now, unable to extricate themselves!

Seeing the scene of the Heavenly Dao person, Chen Sheng was speechless for a while.

On the spot, he gave Heavenly Dao a thud, and said, “I told you not to suck up! I am just a big Luo, can I get there very well? You must be down-to-earth!”

Chen Sheng looked at the Heavenly Dao person and sighed. It seems that his disciple has a bad temperament?

It seems that you still have to be disciplined in the future!

Tong Heavenly Dao rubbed Own’s head and looked innocent.

He didn’t flatter!

Can he just tell the truth?

The teacher is too low-key.

Then Chen Sheng asked: “How, how much do you understand with this sword?”

He thought that with such a simple sword, he should understand everything no matter what?

Who knows, the Heavenly Dao person actually said with a look of shame: “Teacher, your sword is too advanced, I understand less than 10%.”

With such a high-level sword, if you can fully understand how powerful is Heavenly Dao?

I can’t even think about it!

However, after the Heavenly Dao people said this, Chen Sheng was quite speechless.

Seeing this guy is obsessed with kendo, he thought how strong this guy is!

As a result, with such a weak sword, he realized less than 10%?

It’s too useless, okay?

This comprehension ability is not even as good as a Xiantian tribe!

Chen Sheng was quite disgusted with the talent of the Heavenly Dao, but fortunately, he only accepted the Heavenly Dao as a registered disciple.

Then just teach it, right?

In short, it can’t dampen people’s self-confidence.

Therefore, Chen Sheng nodded reluctantly and said, “Come slowly!”

People who pass Heavenly Dao think that with their own talent, being able to comprehend 10% is already very good!

He was extremely grateful for Chen Sheng’s guidance: “Thank you for the guidance of Master. Although I only understand Master’s kendo one level, it can also make my kendo leap extremely exaggerated!”

Although Heavenly Dao has been specializing in kendo for many years, at this time, he felt that the specialization he had seen for many years was not as good as Chen Sheng’s casual sword!

People who pass Heavenly Dao can’t help but feel that they are already strong with just a casual sword. If the teacher makes a full shot, how strong is it?

The more he thought about it, the more the Heavenly Dao people felt the gap between themselves and Chen Sheng, and couldn’t help sighing: “Ah, although my kendo is already top-notch in the prehistoric world, it is like a child in front of the teacher.”

Chen Sheng:…

Where does this confidence come from?

With such a simple move, he realized 10%, and said he was the top in the prehistoric?

In the entire prehistoric land, I am afraid that only Heavenly Dao people have this strength, right?

Chen Sheng couldn’t help sweating.

It seems that he has accepted a stupid apprentice!

Forget it, it’s just a named disciple anyway.

After thinking for a while, Chen Sheng said, “Well, kendo is really not easy. You need a good understanding of it.”

Tong Heavenly Dao nodded, and he agreed with Chen Sheng’s words.

Although he only comprehended 10%, it was enough for him to digest for a long time!

Therefore, the Heavenly Dao person respectfully said: “The Master said it is right, I will definitely understand it.”

Chen Sheng:…

He really can’t tell that this is just a polite remark?

“The teacher thinks you should go back to Insight, and I won’t keep you today.”

Chen Sheng couldn’t stand it anymore, so he had to follow a few perfunctory sentences, and wanted to get rid of this guy as soon as possible.

The Heavenly Dao person was taken aback for a moment. Is the Master giving an order to evict guests?

However, the Heavenly Dao person still had questions and didn’t ask Chen Sheng, so he said, “Master, but I still don’t know much about Kendo.”

Chen Sheng helped his forehead, it seemed that it was really not kind to drive people away directly.

After thinking for a while, Chen Sheng said: “You can’t be anxious for success. Swordsman is about epiphany, do you understand?”

People who pass Heavenly Dao always feel that something is wrong, just can’t tell.

Looking at the stunned expression of the Heavenly Dao person, Chen Sheng saw the little snake pick it up and put it in the hands of the Heavenly Dao person, and said to the Heavenly Dao person: “Since you like it, this little snake will be given to you as a meeting gift. After I go back, I will be good for cultivation. If I don’t know anything, come and ask me again.”

The Heavenly Dao people still wanted to say something, who knew he was suddenly sent out by a force.

He was a little confused for a while, didn’t the Master welcome him?

Then he looked down at the little snake in his hand again, feeling deeply moved for a while.

How could he think of Master like this?

The Master can create it with his own hands, and the snake from the Cultivation Base will give him a meeting ceremony. This is what he expects from him!

He just didn’t know if it was through Heavenly Dao’s illusion, he always felt that the snake in his hand rolled his eyes at him.

“Oh, isn’t the Master dissatisfied with me?”

“Yes, I only understood 10% of the Master’s sword.”

Thinking of this, the Heavenly Dao people became more determined!

You have to work harder and never fail the Master’s expectations.

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