Chapter 408 Nuwa: I have been used!

Tongtian looked in the direction of Heaven Court complicatedly, his expression dignified.

The demon clan’s air fortune went straight up without knowing what was wrong, and Tongtian’s heart couldn’t help speeding up with it.

If this continues like this, I’m afraid it will be bad for the Human Race…

This monster’s luck has skyrocketed, and its strength has skyrocketed. The first person to benefit must be Emperor Jun. With the support of the monster’s luck, Emperor Jun will definitely rise to the next level.

The soaring strength of Emperor Jun will certainly not let the human race go easily.

Dijun was sinister and cunning, with vicious methods and scheming, and he quickly came to grudge against the human race. This time was his great opportunity to annihilate the human race, how could he easily let it go?

You can think of it with your toes, he must be the first to take the humans!

Tongtian originally planned to stop the cultivation and research in his hands and go to the human race first.

But he suddenly felt the terrifying aura and potential energy coming from the direction of Chen Shengdong in Shouyang Mountain, and Tongtian suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Why did he forget about it?

The master has already left the customs, so the human race is naturally protected by the master. As soon as the master made a move, even if he was attacked by several emperors, he would have to be beaten off.

Just kidding, Shizun’s strength has skyrocketed since he left the customs, he can fly Hongjun ancestor with his little finger, and he has no power to fight back.

The ancestor Hongjun is like this, let alone a little emperor?

Master is a member of the Human Race, and if the Human Race is in trouble, Master will certainly not stand by, he will definitely help the Human Race.

Did Di Jun want to invade and annihilate the human race with the pickled things?

To invade and annihilate the human race, you have to pass the master test first. You don’t have to think about it and know that Di Jun is definitely not Master’s opponent, he can already imagine the appearance of Di Jun being blown by Master…

Thinking about this, Tongtian was relieved immediately, and continued to indulge in cultivation and study his swordsmanship.

At the same time, Fengqi Mountain.

Wa Palace.

Nuwa had just beaten the patriarch of the three clans and returned to the Wa Palace to chat with Fuxi. Before the futon was warmed up, he noticed the abnormal movement of the demon clan.

The two of them looked towards the demon clan, and saw that the demon clan’s luck was soaring, and the golden luck golden dragon was born, hovering above the demon clan’s Heaven Court.

Both of them looked at each other and were very puzzled.

What’s the situation?

Didn’t it mean that the Yaozu was in a recession and was bullied by the head of the three clans?

How could luck soaring and strength soaring?

Fuxi’s eyes widened in surprise. He thought it was because his little sister went to the three clans to beat them, which made the monster race’s luck and strength soared.

So he looked at his mouth incredulously and said.

“Sister, what did you do to the Demon Race? Didn’t you just beat the patriarch of the three clans? Why did the Demon Race increase its luck?”

Faced with the problem that Fuxi raised, Nuwa also looked dazed.

“I just went and beat it a bit, why… could this happen?”

She sent four. She really just went to beat the head of the three clans, and she didn’t know why the demon clan’s luck suddenly soared…

This shouldn’t be!

The demon race’s luck soared and strength soared, and the entire prehistoric state was in an uproar in an instant. Everyone was also talking about this, with question marks all over their faces.

They are also curious why the originally mediocre monster clan suddenly soared in luck? There must be a problem!

However, before everyone could understand why the demon clan’s luck suddenly skyrocketed, and the vision of the demon clan’s soaring luck had not disappeared, on the other hand, the luck of the dragon, phoenix and Qilin tribes had plummeted.

Hundreds of millions of creatures suddenly startled again, and began to talk again.

“What’s the situation?”

“Day by day, this wild world is really fickle, one at a time!”

“That is, first the Qi Luck of the Demon Race has skyrocketed, and the strength skyrocketed, and now it is the Dragon and Phoenix Qilin tribes that have plummeted? There is no connection between the two, right?”

“One increase and one decrease, what do you think?”

The fortune of the monster race soared, and then the fortune of the dragon and the phoenix Qilin plummeted. This is obviously because the monster race has made a ghost, and fools can see it, okay!

I don’t know what means this Emperor Jun used to make the tribe patriarch willingly transfer these tribes to his monster tribe?

Please be sure to tell them about this method and let them learn too!

Nuwa, who was still wondering why Dijun and Yaozu suddenly increased their luck, suddenly understood the three clans’ luck.

So that’s what happened!

Di Jun transferred the luck of the head of the three clans to himself, so the demon clan’s luck would increase sharply.

It is no wonder that Emperor Jun asked Kunpeng to come and betray him before, letting himself help beat the patriarch of the three clans.

I thought that Emperor Jun had regretted it, but he was really thinking about Yaozu. Unexpectedly, it was for himself? !

I have been taken advantage of!

Good, good! Actually all counted on her Nuwa’s head? !

Dijun, there is no such thing as yours, you are really a means to be a mere overlord!

Do you even dare to use this seat?

Do you still need to make yourself unaware of it?

Sure enough, dogs can’t change their shit!

From now on, if we believe in your nonsense, we won’t be called Nuwa!

Nuwa was furious when she thought that she would be tricked by a little Kunpeng and used by Emperor Jun.

The more I thought about it, the more angry, Nuwa’s eyes burst into a cold and severe chill, and he shot straight towards Heaven Court.

Emperor Jun! Kunpeng! You wait for me!

Today’s hatred is written down, and I will definitely ask for it back thousands of times in the future!

Huh, dare to use her? Just think about it!

At this moment, Shouyang Mountain.

Seeing the monster’s luck soaring, the human race was not calm, and the human race instantly exploded and boiled.

“What? The monster race’s luck has skyrocketed, and its strength has skyrocketed?”

“Yes, that’s true!”

“Then what to do? The Monster Race has always looked at our Human Race, and can’t wait to cut us off! Isn’t it just what they want now?”

“The Demon Race will never let go of such a good opportunity! What should we do? Is the Human Race going to die?”

People are worried and worried, everyone is very afraid that the demon will invade the human race again, and will kill the human race.

“Master Suiren, Master Lingyi, and Master Chao, what about our human race?”

“Yes, Master Three Ancestors, now the Demon Race’s luck strength is greatly increased, and the crisis is now, what should our Human Race do?”

Encountered such difficult problems, these mortals cannot solve them. In critical moments, I still have to ask the third ancestor of the human race-the ceiling of the human race.

The three ancestors of the human race are not only a ceiling of strength, but also a ceiling of wisdom. Asking them must be correct.

But the third ancestor of the human race was not looking good at the moment, his complexion was dignified, it was hard to see the extreme.

ask them?

But the three of them don’t know what to do!

Di Jun has always regarded Human Race as a thorn in his eyes, and he can’t wait to get rid of it.

Now that his luck is skyrocketing, he will definitely find trouble with the human race, and it is impossible for him to miss this opportunity.

When the time comes, the two races of humans and monsters are bound to face a big battle, and there is no way to avoid it. This battle is inevitable…

Thinking of this, Sui Renshi’s face darkened again, his face full of anxiety.

He shook his head helplessly and sighed slowly.

“Hey, the human race is really troubled and inevitable…”

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