Chapter 385 Asking Nuwa for help?

After teaching the group of trash monsters, Di Jun clapped his hands, wiped the dust off his body, and returned angrily to his own Heaven Court Great Hall.

Today, he will agree to the unreasonable request of the head of the three tribes, which is an expedient measure!

If they didn’t press him and beat him, how could he be forced to agree?

On the surface, the promise is just to stabilize them! Who knows what will happen in the future?

snort! The patriarchs of these three clans actually wanted to use heaven’s punishment to restrain him? Is it true that he will obediently withdraw from the prehistoric hegemony and stop fighting for that luck?

Don’t think about it!

He has worked hard for this for so long, how can he give up and give up?

Zulong, Yuanfeng, and Shi Qilin, this is what you forced me!

Originally, Dijun hadn’t planned to attack them so early, but now it seems that he had to attack them in advance!

Raising birds for a thousand days, using birds for a while.

The Kunpeng’s fate of the bird is really useful, isn’t it just going to be used?

Emperor Jun quickly sent Baize Lion to call Kunpeng, looked at Kunpeng with a torch, and slowly spoke.

“Monster, the emperor did not blame you for what he did to you before, leaving you with an old life. Now that the emperor is in trouble, should you repay the emperor’s kindness?”

Kunpeng’s mouth twitched.

Why does he think this is not a good thing…

But Di Jun said it is also true. If it weren’t for Di Jun to show mercy to his subordinates and let him forget the past, he would definitely not survive today…

He did owe Di Jun a life, so now that Di Jun wants him to repay his favor, it is difficult for him to refuse.

Even knowing that this is not a good thing, Kunpeng still bites his head.

“Your Majesty is so kind to the old ministers. Now that your Majesty is in trouble, the old ministers will naturally go all out to share the worries for your majesty!”

Facing Kunpeng’s extremely obedient appearance and his sonorous and powerful answer, Di Jun was very satisfied.

“Good! With you, the emperor really relieves a lot of worry.”

After complimenting Kunpeng, Emperor Jun went straight to the subject and discussed with Kunpeng about the patriarchs of the three clans.

“Monster, you have always had many ideas, what can you do with regard to the patriarch of the three clans?”

These three old things are also really tricky, and even if they beat him, they even pit him abruptly.

Now he couldn’t think of a good way for a while, so he had to ask Kunpeng, who has always had a lot of tricks, for help.

Kunpeng couldn’t help frowning when he heard it, and a complicated look flashed under his eyes.

have to! He knew it was not a good thing…

His Majesty asked him to come here to help him deal with the patriarchs of the three clans!

Now that the strength of the patriarchs of the three tribes has been greatly increased, rigidity is definitely not enough…

For today’s plan, there is only that…

Kunpeng touched his chin with his hand, then slowly raised his head and said after he meditated for a while.

“Your Majesty, now our monster race has suffered heavy casualties, weak in strength, and far inferior to the patriarch of the three tribes. If we are tough, we will certainly not get any benefits.”

“Therefore, the veteran thought that we could seek the help of others and use the power of others to fight against the patriarchs of these three clans!”

Di Jun Wenzhi raised his eyebrows.

“Huh? With the help of others?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Kunpeng nodded very surely, raised his eyes and said.

“In the opinion of the old man, Empress Nuwa is a very good candidate.”

“What, what?”

“Ask Nuwa for help?”

When Di Jun heard this, his face was pale with horror, and his words were uncomfortable.


The devil?

Want to ask her for help?

Kill him then!

He would never ask Nuwa for help if he was killed!

“Monster, are you serious?”

“It’s more real than real gold.”

Kunpeng blinked his eyes when he saw this, and persuaded Emperor Jun with all his heart.

“Your Majesty, this is the only way the old minister can think of to suppress the patriarch of the three clans.”

“Now in this entire Heaven Court, only your majesty is sanctified. Your Majesty the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is only a quasi-sage Cultivation Base. The remaining demon soldiers and demon generals can’t be taken on the stage…”

“And the patriarchs of the three tribes Zulong, Yuanfeng and Shi Qilin are all Sage Cultivation Bases. Without the participation of Nuwa Empress, one hit three, our monster clan would have no chance of winning at all.”

“So if you want to suppress the patriarch of the three clans, you have to go to Nuwa Empress.”

Di Jun thought about it carefully and felt that Kunpeng also made some sense.

As far as Heaven Court’s current strength is concerned, it is not the opponent of the tribe patriarchs at all, and cannot compete with them at all.

If you want to beat them, you really have to find a foreign aid with Sage Cultivation Base.

Looking at the entire prehistoric world, there is Sage Cultivation Base, and Nuwa and Fuxi have something to do with their monster clan.

Sanqing didn’t pay attention to their demon clan at all, and the western two sages were not profitable, and they would not intervene in the troubles of the demon clan and the third clan.

After much deliberation, the most likely to be their foreign aid is Nuwa who is already Sage Third Stage Realm.

Knowing this, he did not pretend to abolish the position of Demon King of Nuwa and Fuxi!

If he hadn’t abolished their demon emperor’s position in the first place, it might be much easier to ask them for help now, and he wouldn’t have to sit here and worry about it.

Thinking of the abolition of Nuwa Fuxi’s position as the demon emperor because of his death and delinquency at the beginning, he can’t wait to smoke his own two big mouths now.

Unexpectedly, his Emperor Jun will one day be reduced to asking Nuwa for help. Feng Shui is really taking turns!

At the beginning, the position of the demon king of these two people was abolished by him personally. Now he is asked to invite them to be foreign aid. How can he get this face?

Dijun couldn’t help but feel embarrassed. Although he wanted to ask Nuwa to help the Yaozu deal with the tribe patriarch, his arrogant personality made him unable to let go of his self-esteem and ask Nuwa.

After thinking about it, Dijun felt that he couldn’t let go of his figure and begged for Nuwa, so he once again turned his hopeful eyes on Kunpeng.

Kunpeng was stared at for a while, and his whole body trembled suddenly as if he had been electrocuted.

What is he doing?

He has already come up with an idea, do you want him to go?


As soon as Di Jun spoke, Kunpeng felt an unknown premonition rushing to his heart.

He turned around and tried to run away.

“Your Majesty, the old minister suddenly remembered that he had seen something very important and he hadn’t done it! The old minister has to go back and breed the sows in Hou Di, this is not anxious…”

Before he finished speaking, Kunpeng’s legs had already stepped out more than half.

Di Jun caught sight of Kunpeng who was about to run away, and immediately interrupted him with a light cough.

“Ahem, do you remember what the demon master promised to the emperor before? You vowed to say that the emperor is so kind to you, so you have to solve problems for the emperor and go through fire and water…”

Good guys!

Actually use kindness to suppress him?

Kunpeng knew that he couldn’t run away, he was destined to be unable to escape!

His life was given by Di Jun, so Di Jun used his kindness to suppress him, so naturally it was not easy for him to refuse more.

Otherwise, Di Jun accidentally pursued it and killed him. What should I do?

The handle he used to frame the little Golden Crow is still in Dijun’s hand!

At this time, you must not have a fight with Dijun!

Kunpeng closed his eyes and then bit his scalp.

“Your Majesty, the old minister can! The old minister is willing to take a trip to Nuwa Empress for you.”

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