Chapter 340: It’s just over the sky, dare you stop him?

Although he is too clear, daddy is a bit invincible in doing this, after all, taking advantage of the danger, secretly taking advantage of it, this is not something to be proud of or proud of.

but! !

War is cruel, and soft-heartedness is one of the most taboo things on the battlefield.

The final thing on the battlefield is to seize the opportunity. Only in this way can the enemy be wiped out and remain invincible.

Therefore, to some extent, his behavior can be regarded as an opportunity for the enemy’s negligence, so as to wipe out the enemy.

Nuwa is distracted for the sake of the human race and for the sake of Emperor Jun. This is the best time to defeat her!

Taking advantage of Nuwa’s distress and anxiety, he was too clear that Daddy took the lead against Nuwa.

This move is called surprise, and Nuwa was caught off guard!

He doesn’t believe that own this strike Nuwa can escape?

You know that this strike has displayed his own strength of nearly eight levels!

Not to mention that Nuwa was distracted by the human race and Dijun at this time, and he never expected that he was too clear and daddy would carry out a sneak attack.

Even if Nuwa found out, it wouldn’t help, she couldn’t dodge it at all.

Because their strength is not on the same Realm. He is too clear that Daddy is the Realm of Sage Fourth Stage, and Nuwa is not the Realm of Sage Third Stage.

In terms of strength alone, he suppressed Nuwa to the death, and Nuwa had no power to fight back at all.

This hit Nuwa must suffer! After receiving this strike from him, Nuwa would be a crippled if he didn’t fall!

In this way, it was considered that he had solved his great hatred, and it was considered that he had understood the grievances between them.

Nuwa, take it!

Piercing the firmament and breaking through the clouds, the Xuan Qing Qi waved by the Panlong Squawk passed unimpeded all the way, and went straight to Nuwa.

Wherever he went, the flowers and plants were withered, the leaves were withered, and the grass did not grow. There was depression and silence, and lifelessness.

This Xuan Qingqi was only a short distance away from Nuwa, and the daddy was about to hit Nuwa.

At this time, a low, majestic, and at the same time a sound of righteousness came from the sky, with a hint of anger mixed in it.


“Nuwa fellow daoist! Be careful!”

Nuwa only heard the sound, did not see him, and was gently pushed away by a pair of powerful hands before he realized what was happening.

Then the sword shadows intertwined, and Sword Ray flickered.

I could only hear a few “shoo, hoo,” swinging the sword, and then I saw that thick group of profound Qing Qi disintegrated in front of me, and was chopped into strands of mysterious Qing Qi, and then gradually dissipated in the prehistoric world. Among…

The sword was swung so fast that people couldn’t catch the afterimage at all, and didn’t even know what happened!

After Nuwa reacted, he could see the person standing in front of him-it was Tongtian! !

I saw him wearing a deep blue robe, wearing a gilt blonde crown, holding a Qingping sword, standing in front of own like a green pine.

The face of justice is awe-inspiring, full of heroism, and spirited!

It was Tongtian fellow daoist who pushed himself away in front to protect himself from harm.

At the crucial moment, he made a move to block the sudden Xuan Qingqi attack for himself.

If it weren’t for the Tongtian fellow daoist to make a timely move, I am afraid that at this time, I have become a dead soul under Xuan Qingqi, and have fallen into the wild?

Thinking of this, Nuwa couldn’t help but feel a warm current flowing in her heart, and her whole heart was warm.

It turns out that there is still true love in this wild world… At least this Tongtian fellow daoist is the first one to bear the brunt!

Compared to Di Jun’s damn stinky bird, this fellow daoist is simply his own lucky star!

And Dijun is simply his own disaster star!

The two of them are in the sky and the other underground, and they are not comparable at all!

Nuwa nodded slightly towards the Master Tongtian and whispered softly.

“Thank you, fellow daoist.”

“Raise your hand.”

Tong Tian also nodded politely in response.

Taiqing Daddy stomped with anger when he saw that the own attack was abruptly broken up by the sky.

Seeing Nuwa standing aside intact, talking and laughing with Tong Tian, ​​made him even more angry.

Did he miss it again? !

Blame this Tongtian!

Why did you come out halfway to block his attack?

Had it not been for Tongtian’s slash, he would have given Nuwa to the candid, how could he allow Nuwa to stand there unscathed and talking and laughing?

Blame this damn Tongtian for ruining his good deeds!

I think he shouldn’t stop Yuanshi Tianzun before he was separated, he should let Yuanshi Tianzun kill Tongtian this scourge!

This will not create today’s tragedy!

This food that eats inside and out, has now been dazzled by beauty and devilishness, lost his mind, and there is no such damn brother in his eyes!

Taiqing daddy was abruptly broken by the sky, so naturally he was suffocated.

He looked gloomy and his tone was extremely cold and unfriendly.

“What? Now the third brother doesn’t exist in your eyes anymore, do you?”

“Meise has no regard for brotherhood at the moment?”

The sky is silent, and he doesn’t know how to answer too clear daddy.

He has always attached importance to feelings and loyalty, so he can’t part with their brotherhood in his heart.

But the ways are different. Since the elder brother and the second brother both chose the ancestor Hongjun, there is nothing to talk about between them, and the brotherhood ends here.

Seeing Tongtian’s silence, Taiqing daddy suddenly understood and raised his eyebrows.

“So, third brother, are you determined to be my enemy?”

“Understood, the old man knows…”

“In that case, don’t blame the old man for being cruel!”

I saw Taiqing Daddy took out Panlong and walked in front of Tongtian. His words were full of threats and warnings.

“You really don’t want to stop the old man?”

Tongtian did not move, stood upright, and replied sonorously.

“No, I’m here, you don’t want to touch Nuwa a hair!”

Taiqing Daddy blows his beard and stares with anger, his face flushed, and his blood pressure soared by 180!

So courageous! So courageous!

How dare you stop him?

It’s ridiculous!

I think he is too clear. Daddy is already the Realm of Sage Fourth Stage. If not surprisingly, it is the strongest existence besides the ancestor of Hongjun in this wild world.

His strength is not known how many times stronger than Tongtian!

If he remembers correctly, Shangqing Tongtian is no more than a quasi-sage Realm!

A little quasi-sage actually wants to stop him from a Fourth Stage Sage?

How ridiculous! ?

This is the rhythm of laughing out loud, okay?

For Tongtian’s answer, Taiqing daddy doesn’t agree at all.

The mere quasi-sage doesn’t want to put in one’s eyes at all!

Taiqing Daddy glanced at Tongtian dismissively and sneered.

“Huh! Overwhelming!”

“Only you? Want to stop the old man?”

“It’s a fantasy, it’s ridiculous!”

“Tongtian, you haven’t seen the old man for a long time, maybe you don’t know the strength of the old man?”

“My old man, I’m already the Realm of Sage Fourth Stage, I don’t know how many times stronger than your lowly strength!”

“With your meager strength, you can’t stop the old man at all!”

Taiqing Daddy took a triumphant glance at the sky, and hooked the corners of his lips by the way, very provocative.

“You can’t help the old man!”

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