Chapter 334-Is the Tongtian Sanctified?

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at his broken bones and damaged origin, his heart throbbed, and he couldn’t help feeling a panic.

What’s the situation with Tongtian?

Actually wounded him with a single sword?

Even hurt his origin?

Knowing that he is the dignified Sage Third Stage Realm, how could he be injured by the little quasi-sage Tongtian?

This is impossible! ! !

This must be the magic of the sky!

I don’t know what kind of black art this Tongtian has learned, and he actually hurt his origin, it really is Damn it!

Seeing Yuanshi Tianzun’s embarrassed appearance being injured by himself, Tongtian raised his eyes and slowly said.

“Yuanshi Tianzun, I think that because you and I once had a brotherhood, there is still a bit of brotherhood, I will not kill you.”

“If you are interested, leave the human race immediately, and no longer trouble the human race.”


The sky’s eyes closed slightly, filled with coldness, and said every word.

“Otherwise, don’t blame me for ignoring brotherhood, don’t blame me for being rude to you!”

Yuanshi Tianzun almost broke his steel teeth in one bite.

Does God care about brotherhood?

Are you Ako who considers brotherhood?

It’s just talking nonsense with your eyes open!

If you care about brotherhood, you won’t interrupt my muscles and hurt my origin!

You’re welcome?

This damn Tongtian is provoking him at all!

What kind of brotherhood do you talk about?

Shit brotherhood!

“The deity wants to slaughter the human race today and end Karma with the human race!”

“Want to let the deity leave the human race? Ahem… dreaming!”

Yuanshi Tianzun stared angrily at Tongtian in front of him, so angry that his fingers were almost pinched into the flesh.

He couldn’t wait to rush to Tongtian and slap him fiercely, and then use the broken Sambo Jade Ruyi Scepter to smash the Heavenly Spirit Cover to relieve his hatred.

“I don’t really want you to leave, don’t be passionate, okay?”

“I just gave you the right to choose. The right to choose is yours. It’s your business whether you choose to leave or not! It’s my business not to let you stay!”

Yuanshi Tianzun:…

What a special thing!

Isn’t this deliberately punishing him?

“Tongtian, you!!!”

“Since Yuanshi Tianzun insists on not leaving, then I have to give it to you!”

With that, Tongtian offered his Qingping sword.


I saw the ground undulate like a wave, and a strange fragrance floated out.

Under the eyes of everyone, the surface of the ground was deeply split, a deep blue Lotus flower rose up, and the nine-color divine light bloomed, shining hundreds of thousands of miles of time and space.

The three flowers gather at the top, and the golden lotus springs from the ground!

The body of Tongtian also emits divine light, and it is also surrounded by Three Thousand Avenues, covered with many good fortune runes.

Everyone was surprised to see this.

Isn’t this familiar light the power of Sage?

There is also this familiar vision, the three flowers gather on top, and the golden lotus springs from the ground. Isn’t this the vision displayed by the sanctuary?

Could it be… the Lord Tongtian was also sanctified? !

shock! ! !

Is sanctification so easy these days?

I feel that Sage in the wild world has caught a lot…

First, the demon emperor Jun became a holy, and then the patriarchs of the three tribes Zulong, Yuanfeng, and Shi Qilin became holy, and now even connected to the sky is also holy!

Sage is by my side…

Except me, everyone else is Sage!

Everyone was full of envy for the sanctified Tongtian, but Yuanshi Tianzun was slightly taken aback, his eyes were full of disbelief, and his heart jumped again.

Sanctified? !

damn it!

Is Tongtian also sanctified?

When was this guy sanctified?

How can he be sanctified?

He obviously didn’t have any help from the master, and he didn’t create the world sanctification like Nuwa, so how did he become sanctified?

Is it possible…

A terrible thought flashed through Yuanshi Tianzun’s head.

Could it be…this Tongtian is a way to prove the way of swordsmanship and sanctification?

If this is the case, then he must have mastered a whole kendo technique!

this! Is that human being? !

Master the whole art of kendo?

Yuanshi Tianzun did not want to believe in this cruel reality, and at the same time did not accept it.

He does not allow Tongtian to be better than him! !

But in the next second, Tong Tian used the Qingping sword to cut out another sword, and he had to accept it if he didn’t accept it.

Cut out with one sword!

Powerful potential energy rushed toward his face, and the cold and strong pressure of Tongtian suppressed Yuanshi Tianzun to death, making him unable to move at all.

The profound meaning of the law of kendo, turned into thousands of runes, attached to the sword body.

The blade that smashed everything went straight towards Yuan Shi Tianzun, which was comparable to Pangu’s axe.

Cut through the sky, tear the universe!

Space shakes, heaven and earth change drastically!

Tongtian’s unique sword technique is another type of sword technique that is unpredictable and sharp to the extreme.

Yuanshi Tianzun didn’t know where to start!

Even if he knew that he was suppressed to death, there was no way to start!


Sword Ray hit again, Yuanshi Tianzun felt that his internal organs were about to be shattered, and his origin was damaged again!

Injury to injury!

You have to know that if the original source is damaged, it is damaged. No matter how you raise it in late stage, you can’t bring it back!

Just like the western bald donkeys, didn’t the two of them have damaged the origin of their hair before, which caused them to be bald to this day?

This damn sky!

Actually dare to hurt his origin? !

Yuanshi Tianzun was anxious, and a smell of sweetness surged to his throat, spewing old blood again.

The patriarchs of the three clans were still fighting with the Nine Sword Stargrass at this time, and they didn’t expect that a grass would be able to fight against them for so long.

What a difficult weed!

When seeing Yuanshi Tianzun being defeated by Tongtian, the patriarchs of the three tribes couldn’t help but tremble, and an ominous premonition surged in his mind.

What? !

Isn’t Yuanshi Tianzun Sage Realm?

Why was he knocked down by a sword through the sky and beaten so embarrassed?

It seems that this so-called rescuer is nothing more than that…

It didn’t play a rescue role at all!

However, after Tongtian has dealt with Yuanshi Tianzun, is it time to deal with the three of them?

It seems that what Dijun said is true, this human race… is really not that easy to invade.

Although the human race itself is not strong, it is just a group of little spicy chickens without the power to bind the chickens, but the shelter of the human race is not weak!

First, the Nine Swords Stargrass Grass, they have been in a stalemate for a long time, and the battle situation has not progressed in the slightest.

Besides, they are still three at the same time against a blade of grass!

The three Sages failed to win a single stalk of grass, which shows that this stalk of grass is far stronger than they thought!

First, the Nine Swords Stargrass was in a stalemate with them for a long time, and then the Heavenly Sword smashed everything, and even the Yuanshi Tianzun was knocked down.

This Tongtian didn’t know what was going on, so he knocked the Sage Cultivation Base’s Yuanshi Tianzun with a single sword?

Moreover, Tongtian’s Sword intent is still so terrifying, it can be seen that Tongtian is not easy to mess with!

If neither of these is easy to provoke, then they go?

They felt that staying any longer was definitely not a good strategy, so they wanted to get out of the battle and quickly lead the tribe to drive away.

But where would the Nine Swords Stargrass let them get out of the fight so easily?

“Want to run? Late!”

Nine swords star pattern grass blocked their way first, and the other side, the Master Tongtian also slowly walked over with his Qingping sword.

With sharp eyes, Sword intent soared into the sky, just like Shura crawling out of The Underworld.

He spoke coldly.

“Am I letting you go?”

“Human race is not a place where you want to come, you want to leave!”

“Since you all have the courage to come, it must be a fight!”

Speaking of Tongtian raised the Qingping sword again, and waved it towards the head of the three clans…

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