Chapter 32 Zhun Mention: Brother, my hair is gone!

As one of Xiantian’s top ten Spiritual Roots, Daoist, how could Daoist not know the preciousness of the tea tree?

Immediately, the two of them cried out of excitement!

The two of them didn’t expect that they could encounter the Enlightened Tea Tree here. This is simply a pie falling from the sky!

This is if the enlightened tea tree can move the enlightened tea tree back to the West!

Wouldn’t the West have more hole cards than Sanqing and Nuwa in the future?

Thinking about this, Zhunti Daoist wiped out the tears of joy, and said excitedly: “Brother, the West is barren, if I can take this enlightened tea tree back to the West, how can I put them in one’s sanctuary in the future?” eyes?”

What Nuwa is not Nuwa’s, they see it then it’s theirs!

The quoted Daoist also had a crooked mind, and said to himself: “Yes, if I can bring this enlightened tea tree back to the West, it will definitely be of great benefit!”

Then, Daoist was taken into a whimsical way.

At this moment, Zhunti Daoist shouted with excitement, “Brother!”

Suddenly Daoist frowned, screaming nonsense?

What should I do if I attract people?

But when he looked over, he couldn’t calm down instantly!

Suddenly Daoist felt that he was suffocating. He walked over tremblingly, and then stammered: “This…this turns out to be… it turns out to be the Xiantian treasure!?”

Broken Sword’s Sword intent is extremely fierce, as if pervasive!

The sword exudes Xiantian divine light, and the thundercloud storm rolls in like a dragon roaring!

Its power is unpredictable!

This broken sword is actually the Xiantian treasure! ?

Daoist feels that if he is not a quasi saint, he will even die directly under this Sword intent!

Both Daoist and Zhun Ti Daoist took a breath!

What is their heaven-defying chance?

You know, Xiantian treasures are rare and precious in the prehistoric world!

Only Sage has a few in his hands!

Now, there is a Xiantian treasure in this Immortal Cave, which is really incredible!

Almost at the same time, Daoist Daoist and Zhun Ti Daoist had ideas about this broken sword!


Zhunti Daoist looked at the lead Daoist, and the meaning in his eyes was self-evident!

Daoist did not speak, but nodded firmly.

If we can take away this Xiantian tea tree, the West will become stronger and stronger!

At that time, whether it is Nuwa or Sanqing, they will be able to dismiss it!

Then, he led Daoist to get the broken sword.

Zhunti Daoist didn’t know where to take out a shovel, and wanted to dig out the enlightened tea tree!

But just when Daoist’s hand came into contact with the broken sword, I must mention that Daoist’s shovel was just inserted into the soil!

Suddenly, the golden light was released!

Then, almost for an instant, the two of them were trapped in the formation!

Both Daoist and Zhunti Daoist were a little confused.

After the reaction, they want to breakthrough formation.

Daoist thought that this was the formation left by Nuwa, so he didn’t dare to take it lightly, so he directly pointed out the full attack!

However, the formation didn’t even have a trace of fluctuations. Daoist could not help but frown and shouted: “Junior Brother, come and break the formation with me!”

Zhunti Daoist also noticed the unusualness of this formation, and hurriedly followed the lead Daoist to break the formation!

But even if the two of them broke the formation with all their strength, the formation still didn’t even fluctuate at all.

“Brother, is this formation really made by Nuwa?”

Zhunti Daoist frowned and said puzzledly.

Daoist also frowned. If it was the formation created by Nuwa, then the two of them joined forces to strike with all their strength, how could it be broken!

But there is no one?

This surprised Daoist and Zhunti Daoist.

However, at this moment, the broken sword that exuded divine light began to vomit immeasurable divine light, and gradually soared into the air!

Zhunti Daoist stabbed Daoist with his elbow, looked at Broken Sword dullly and said, “Brother, shouldn’t this Broken Sword mean to chop us?”

Get Daoist hacked!

If this is to chop a Xiantian treasure, you will be seriously injured even if you don’t die!

“Junior Brother! Run away!”

Before Daoist had time to think, he shouted directly at Zhun Ti Daoist.

Zhunti Daoist was about to cry at this time, and asked in a panic: “How to escape?”

“There is no way! I can only abandon part of the original source!”

Daoist was quoted as saying to Zhun Ti Daoist, and he directly abandoned a part of his original power.

Zhunti Daoist saw this, but had to reluctantly abandon part of the original power, and followed Daoist to run away!

After the two escaped, Chen Sheng slowly walked out of Immortal Cave.

At this time, the original broken sword surrounded by divine light has recovered its broken appearance, and it looks no different from the past.

Chen Sheng picked up the broken sword and threw it aside after he finished it.

He sighed and said, “These two thieves are too insightful to see, so both a broken sword and a tea tree will be stolen!”

At this time, after taking Daoist and Zhunti Daoist, abandoning their origins, for fear of being chased down, they ran away from the range of Shouyang Mountain before daring to stop and take a breath!

With lingering fears, the two looked back at the direction of Shouyang Mountain.

Seeing no one was chasing, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Thinking of the heavenly power exuded by the broken sword just now, both of them couldn’t help being afraid for a while!

Afterwards, Zhunti Daoist touched his head, and wailed and said: “Brother, my hair is gone…”

Upon seeing Daoist, he couldn’t help but feel sad.

He touched own Guangmingding, and sighed deeply.


It turned out that they had just abandoned the original part of their hair in order to escape.

Because the original part of the hair did little harm to the body, and the situation was urgent at the time, they had to abandon the hair after a certain amount of measurement!

After all, in the face of life worry, what is the hair?

It’s just abandoning the original part of the hair, which is not the same as cutting the hair!

This is angry with the origin, which means that no more hair will grow out in the future!

Zhunti Daoist was still crying there, and when he saw Daoist, he could only comfort him: “Junior Brother doesn’t need to be too sad. After all, the situation is critical and his life is better.”

Zhun mentioning how could Daoist not know this truth, but he will have a bald head in the future, and it is really hard to accept it in his heart for a while!

“Brother, it won’t grow out in the future…”

Zhunti Daoist continued to say melancholy.

Zhun mention Daoist:…

Daoist sighed and continued to comfort him: “Junior Brother, think about it differently. In fact, it’s good without hair, cool!”

Zhun mention Daoist:…

It’s okay if Daoist doesn’t say that, so Daoist cried directly!

The thought that there was no hair anymore, both of them couldn’t help feeling depressed.

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