Chapter 315 Golden Crows: Queen Mother, Father Father fainted again!

The return of the three clans is already shocking enough. Now that the patriarchs of the three clans Zulong, Yuanfeng and Shi Qilin are all sanctified? !

This moment shook the entire prehistoric land, and lost many powerful jaws in surprise.

Wa Palace.

Nuwa, who has been silently paying attention to major events, can’t help but frown when she sees this. She is very puzzled, and there is a complicated look in her beautiful eyes.

The release of the patriarchs of the three tribes was incredible enough, but now they are still sanctified?

what’s the situation?

Don’t tell her this is a coincidence, she doesn’t believe it!

Nuwa stretched out his jade hand with a complicated expression. But after this deduction, she didn’t even deduct anything.

As if someone was deliberately preventing her from deducing, there was a cloud of mist in front of her, and nothing could be seen…

A name suddenly popped out of Nuwa’s mind-Hongjun ancestor!

With her own Sage Cultivation Base, how could she not be able to deduce any news about the patriarchs of the three clans?

The only explanation is that this matter is related to the ancestor Hongjun, otherwise why can’t she deduct anything?

The ancestor Na Hongjun must have a guilty conscience, and was afraid that she might have some clues, so he stumbled her secretly!

What the hell is this ancestor Hongjun doing?

Why did you release the tribe chiefs of this ancient mythical beast, and gave them the power of Sage?

Do you think this prehistoric world is not chaotic enough?

Do you have to mess up this predicament before you are willing to let it go?

An unnamed anger emerged in Nuwa’s heart, and the whole body exuded a breath of black ice. The cold was so cold that the Wa Palace directly cooled to minus 1,000 degrees Celsius.

Everything was exactly as Nuwa expected, and it was the ancestor Hongjun who made the trip.

After he signed a contract with the patriarch of the three clans, he used his own Heavenly Dao power to hide everything from them.

Therefore, when Nuwa was performing the previous deduction, a cloud of white mist appeared, and the god horse couldn’t see it clearly.

Old Ancestor Hongjun raised his eyebrows and sneered.

Nuwa, who knows how great the world is, still wants to stop him?

snort! Fortunately, he had kept such a hand long ago.

Fight with him? Nuwa is still tender!

At the same time, Heaven Court.

The demons naturally saw the terrifying visions emanating from the ancient beasts of dragon and phoenix Qilin, and their faces were shocked.

One by one, they were so shocked that their mouths were big enough to stuff a whole cage of buns.


What’s happening here?

Is the patriarch of the Dragon and Phoenix Qilin sanctified?

Is sanctification so easy these days?

Does the vision require no money?

Where? I’m going to get a bunch!

It didn’t take long before your Majesty became holy, and now the patriarchs of the three tribes have become holy, three at a time?

This is too weird, right?

Your Majesty was fainted by the anger of the patriarch of the three clans before, now if you let him know that the patriarch of the three clans is not only present, but also sanctified.

Isn’t your majesty…

Thinking of this, all the demons were tight-lipped and determined not to reveal any information to His Majesty.

They don’t want their Majesty to die young.

Although Di Jun was fainted because of the death of the patriarch of the three tribes, under the care of the demon doctor and the meditation of Xihe, he also got a little better.

On this day, Xihe wanted to show the Golden Crows, so he didn’t come here, and asked the little Golden Crows to serve Emperor Jun.

These ten little Golden Crows are also very clever and well-behaved. Under Xi He’s account, they poured tea for their father, beat their shoulders and squeezed their legs, fanned them to feed medicine, and served them very well.

“Father, the queen has something to do today, so let us take care of you!”

“Yes! Yes! We will definitely take good care of you!”

Said a little Golden Crow poured a cup of tea for Di Jun, and handed it to Di Jun’s hand.

Di Jun took the fragrant tea handed to him by the little Golden Crow, and took a sip, feeling that the whole bird was refreshed, as if the bird’s life was sublimated.

He nodded comfortably to the little Golden Crows, and slowly spoke.

“Okay, you deserve to be the emperor’s good sons! I didn’t raise you in vain!”

“By the way, children. What happened outside during the period when the father was recovering?”

He vaguely remembered that he had only learned the news of the life of the three clans patriarchs before he became anxious and frustrated.

I don’t know what is going on with the Dragon, Phoenix and Qilin tribes. After being in a coma for so long, he really doesn’t know anything.

But the strange thing is that the Yaozu is also very quiet, there is no Eight Trigrams, he has not heard any news, it is really boring…

Originally, Dijun just asked casually, but he didn’t intend that the little Golden Crows would answer.

After all, they are still young and don’t know much about the things outside this prehistoric state. They just need to stay in the Ling Xiao Hall safely and not run around.

Where do you know, the little Golden Crows really gave an answer.

“Father, the queen said that you can’t tell you about the sanctification of the three clans, otherwise you will vomit blood…”

Before the youngest Golden Crow finished speaking, he was immediately covered by the big Golden Crow. The little Golden Crow blinked his big eyes and didn’t know what was wrong with it.

The big eyes were full of doubts.

Why doesn’t Dage let me talk?

Did I said wrong thing?

“Ten brother, you are confused!”

“That’s it, it’s hard to say?”

The other Golden Crow surrounded the little Golden Crow one after another, and one of them punched him, which made him full of tears.

The big Golden Crow quickly explained when Di Jun’s face changed.

“Father, please listen to me arguing with you…Ah no, explain. The little brother is ignorant and talk nonsense. Don’t take it seriously, Father!”

“Yes, Father! The little brothers are all nonsense, we have never heard of the sanctification of the tribe patriarch…”

“Second brother, you shut up!”

The big Golden Crow is on fire. The younger brother’s matter has not been resolved yet, and the second brother has come to make trouble again.

“Dage, why are you guilty of me? The queen said that… The queen said that if we accidentally leaked it, we couldn’t make it clear, I don’t know, I haven’t heard it.”

“Second brother…”

The big Golden Crow just wanted to scold the second Golden Crow, but after listening to his explanation, he still felt very reasonable, so he nodded.

“The second brother is very reasonable.”

Ever since, a group of little Golden Crow jumped up to Di Jun and said in unison.

“Father, we don’t know about the sanctification of the three clans, we don’t know, and we haven’t heard of it! We don’t know anything…”

Emperor Jun:…

At this moment, Di Jun’s face was so angry that he was speechless.

This is really his good son!

Even if you conspired loudly, you still have no silver three hundred taels here, do you really think of him as a fool?

Saying that the patriarchs of the three tribes are holy, are you afraid that he can’t understand it? ?

At this moment, Di Jun wanted to slap his own heart.

Why does he ask the little Golden Crow with his mouth?

Isn’t this just looking for sin?

Unexpectedly, the patriarchs of the three tribes not only became alive, but also sanctified?

It seems that they are really here for the position of their prehistoric overlord?

That can’t work!

The prehistoric overlord can only belong to his emperor, and can only belong to the monster race! !

An anger filled his chest, Di Jun flushed with anger, and a smell of fishy sweetness surged to his throat.

Di Jun’s expression was painful, and he couldn’t hold it back, he was so angry that he spouted a mouthful of old blood, and the whole bird fainted again.

This scared the little Golden Crows. Why did the father vomit blood and faint suddenly?

The little Golden Crows are in a hurry and don’t know what to do. So they all went to Fusang Hall one by one, crying as they ran.

“It’s over, it’s over, it’s over!”

“Mother Queen, Father Father fainted again!”

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