Chapter 308

The power of Heavenly Dao, like a scourge, swiftly moved towards the Primordial Mountain, only hearing a loud “bang”, the power of Heavenly Dao hit the top of the Primordial Mountain.

Even the rock-solid Primordial Mountain cannot withstand the power of this monstrous Heavenly Dao.

I saw many cracks appeared in the Taikoo Mountain, and then it was cut off in the middle.

As soon as the ancient sacred mountain was destroyed, its sealing power was greatly reduced, and the primordial spirit of the three clan chiefs of the dragon and phoenix Qilin, who was suppressed and sealed at the bottom of the mountain, began to move around.

The black-clothed boy watched the Heavenly Dao force crash into the ancient sacred mountain, tears almost gushing out.


I beg these three ancestors not to come out, otherwise this prehistoric land will be messed up!

The ancestor Hongjun on the other side saw that the own plan was still mostly successful, and the corner of his mouth sneered.

It looks like… the plan is about to succeed!

That being the case, let yourself add more stuff!

Thinking of this, the ancestor Hongjun stretched out his big hand and nodded in the direction of the Taikoo Sacred Mountain, and saw a Sage force heading there.

This is often the last straw that crushes the camel, and it is the last trace of Sage that crushes the Primordial Mountain.

Originally, the Primordial Mountain was only cut in half, and it could barely support it for a while.

But because of the secret Sage power of the ancestor Hongjun, the strong pressure brought the Heavenly Dao power to force it down, directly crushing the entire mountain.

The mountain collapsed and the boulders splashed.

The loud noise of “Rumble Rumble” was like thunder, and in the blink of an eye, the Primordial Mountain collapsed.

When the Primordial God Mountain collapsed, the seal at the bottom of the mountain was completely lifted, and three golden lights rushed out from the broken cracks.

All of a sudden, the sky thundered and the wind was surging, and the wild sky suddenly changed, as if something extraordinary was about to come out.

I saw the golden light in the sky transformed into three phantoms, namely the dragon, the phoenix, and Qilin. This is the patriarch of the three tribes!

The patriarchs of the dragon and phoenix and Qilin tribes broke through the seal and brought many visions to reality in an instant.

Purple Qi from the East, billowing thunder resounded across the sky.

There is also Earth Fire water and wind changes, and Five Elements Yin & Yang converge.

Moreover, the auspicious dragon hovered over the sky, hundreds of birds turned toward the phoenix, the celestial cranes sang, and the golden Qilin also brought endless blessings in the sky.

The patriarchs of the three clans once again appeared in this world and immediately shook the entire prehistoric land.

The black-clothed man who was far above the sky was so frightened that his eyes fell out, so he cried directly with his head in his arms.

“How can this be? Don’t be like this!”

It’s over, everything is over!

This too sacred mountain collapsed, and the primordial spirit of the patriarch of Longfeng Qilin was released!

If Lord Heavenly Dao knew about this, he would definitely be punished for a crime of lax supervision.

At that time, Lord Heavenly Dao might forcibly destroy him and let him be wiped out in the wild world!

Why is he so miserable!

How long will it take to be recycled before it is transformed?

At the same time, Zixiao Palace.

When Hongjun saw the vision on the Taishen Mountain, Purple Qi from the East, the thunder was rolling, the smile on the corner of his mouth became even stronger.

They finally came out.

It seems that the own project has succeeded…

Heavenly Dao must have never thought that this was all planned by own!

Unexpectedly, Heavenly Dao, who dominates the predominant trend, will fall into own hands one day. If Heavenly Dao knows that he is in secret, Heavenly Dao will definitely be angry?


The ancestor Hongjun couldn’t help but sneered.

“Before you were the predecessor of Heavenly Dao, now that Feng Shui takes turns, it should become the predecessor of the deity too!”

When I think that I will have the strength of these three clans in the future, the ancestor Hongjun can’t help but be overjoyed, and the corners of his mouth can’t be restrained.

The era of his ancestor Hongjun is coming! ! !

In other words, the dragon and phoenix Qilin tribes were the three ancient god-tier beasts, and they were the strongest Xiantian spirit tribes in the prehistoric world before the dragon and the mortal calamity occurred.

The dragon is the king of the scale clan, Qilin is the king of the beast clan, and the Phoenix clan is the king of the bird clan.

The three tribes are the darlings of heaven and earth. They are born with powerful powers, talents and powerful abilities, and are powerful competitors for the predominant hegemony.

It was not long after the opening of heaven and earth, and the three clans fought for control of the heaven and earth.

Because the dragons were sexually obscene at that time, they interbred with other races and gave birth to many hybrid dragons.

As the so-called One The Nine Sons of the Dragon, all of them are different.

Therefore, the dragon tribe has more and more people, and its distribution has become more widespread.

But it is precisely because of this that the originally divided territory of the three tribes was occupied by the dragon tribe, which caused the Feng and Qilin tribes to be very unhappy.

Therefore, the Feng clan launched a war against the dragon clan. This was the original dragon and phoenix battle.

The late stage Qilin clan also joined the war and joined forces with the Feng clan to cut dragons, which triggered the Dragon-Han War.

The post-war situation became more and more violent, directly affecting the entire prehistoric land. Even the demon ancestor Luo Hu was jointly annihilated by Hongjun and other ancestors during the Longhan Tribulation.

The patriarchs of the dragon and phoenix Qilin tribes Zulong, Yuanfeng and Shi Qilin also lost a lot of Spiritual Qi due to the battle, and their body was destroyed. The original spirit was sealed by Heavenly Dao under the ancient sacred mountain.

It was precisely because of the sealing of these three ancestors that the dragon, phoenix and Qilin tribes quickly declined, and their luck gradually declined, gradually fading out of the prehistoric world.

It is precisely because of their withdrawal that Heavenly Dao can smoothly dominate the trend of the prehistoric land and make the prehistoric land completely under the control of Heavenly Dao.

If the dragon, phoenix and Qilin tribes did not fade out of the prehistoric world, then they would definitely be a strong competitor to the prehistoric overlord, where would there be any kind of divine affairs?

Regarding this, the smile on Old Ancestor Hongjun’s face could no longer be restrained, and it was completely exposed.

From now on, this prehistoric world will be handed over to these three races, let them work their lives for themselves and help them completely control everything in the prehistoric world.

On the other side, on the Taikoo Mountain.

The phantoms of the patriarchs of the three tribes appeared, and the primordial spirits of Zulong, Yuanfeng, and Shi Qilin all regained consciousness.

They opened their eyes slightly and looked around in surprise, eyes full of disbelief.

Then you look at me, I look at you, I can’t believe everything in front of me is real!

This fresh air, this familiar scenery! !

is this real?

Haven’t they been suppressed and sealed?


Could it be that they were released because the seal was lifted?

The patriarch of the three tribes hurriedly looked towards the Taikoo Sacred Mountain that had suppressed them for many years, and was surprised to find that the Taikoo Sacred Mountain was actually broken?

Still broken into a dregs? !

They couldn’t help being overjoyed, squinting their eyes, and a little laugh.

Unexpectedly, they would be able to break the seal one day!

Is this another opportunity God gave them?

Another chance to dominate the prehistoric world?

Then they have to hold on to it!

Before, they were secretly calculated that this dragon-and-han battle took place, and finally ended in a miserable end. None of the three clans ended well.

On the contrary, the Heavenly Dao took advantage of it, and it was simply annoying to them!

Had it not been secretly designed by Heavenly Dao and others, how could they end up so miserably?

But now, the seal is unlocked, and the three tribes have once again appeared in the prehistoric world.

This time, they said nothing would be easily fooled by others, and they want to regain their overlord position and ask Heavenly Dao, who designed them before, for an explanation!

The patriarchs of their three clans are back!

None of the people who owed them before can’t get away!

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