Chapter 305 Heaven Court Was Hacked? The evil demon is rewarded!

Before they recovered from their shock, they saw the Sword Qi continue to fight behind Di Jun.

I saw countless vast stars falling under this terrifying Sword Ray, and even more energetic breath struck, and the powerful and domineering coercion suffocated the demon every minute.

The space is like a mirror broken, the earth, water, wind and fire evolve, and the fluctuations bloom, leaving the monsters with no room to fight back.

The world changes color, and the earth cracks.

Chen Sheng’s supreme Sword Technique slashed down, only to hear a “click”, and Heaven Court split into two directly.

It was cut in half by Sword Qi abruptly!

For a time, the entire Heaven Court was turbulent frantically.

The yin wind screamed, the space shook, the earth cracked, and the entire Heaven Court was in a mess.

The demons were also hardly spared, and they received the aftermath of the Sword Qi.

The group of monsters saw that they were split in half, and the embarrassed Heaven Court was dumbfounded. They opened their mouths and their chins were all startled.

What’s happening here?

This Sword Qi actually split Heaven Court in half? !

It seems that he is really the master of Broken Sword!

Before, he smashed the Purple Heaven Palace with a single sword, but now he has even smashed Heaven Court in half with a single sword?

Good guys!

It’s really him!

But why does he want to attack the Yaozu?

What kind of hatred or resentment made him feel such a killer to the Yaozu?

Even if you keep hitting the high-levels of the flying monster clan, they have even cut Heaven Court in half with a single sword, and they are all starting to attack their homeland!

Not only the group of demons were dumbfounded, but even the great powers were shocked again.

How did Heaven Court say that you were hacked when you were hacked?

In the blink of an eye, it was split in half, and it was a mess.


Witch tribe.

Although he got the assurance from the younger sister, Dijiang was still worried, and he was still worried that the monster clan would take advantage of the witch clan’s unpreparedness to beat them by surprise.

Just as he was about to give orders to make the witches more vigilant, he suddenly discovered that Heaven Court’s direction had changed.

At first glance, he staggered with fright and almost couldn’t stand firm.


Why was Heaven Court split in half?

Wasn’t the previous second still huge and angry?

Why is it withering in the next second?

Not only the vision disappeared, the aura was sluggish, and a mess, but more importantly, even Heaven Court was hacked!

What happened to Yaozu?

Could it be that the evil demon has its own retribution?

He couldn’t even stand the heavens anymore, so he shot the Heaven Court of the demon clan directly?

Seeing this, the haze on Dijiang’s face was instantly swept away, and he couldn’t help being overjoyed. I immediately went to Houtu and shared the great news with her.

“Little sister, little sister! There is good news!”

Houtu paused slightly and raised his eyes.

“Oh? Come and listen.”

She hadn’t seen her elder brother so happy for a long time.

The eldest brother has been worried ever since the Lich completely tore his face, and seldom was so happy.

She wanted to hear what was going on to make the big brother happy to look like this.

“Heaven Court was hacked!”


Houtu didn’t hold it back, and smiled directly.


“Heaven Court was hacked?”

“Yeah, it was split in half! This is really the evil demon’s retribution. It must be that this demon clan is doing a lot of evil on weekdays, and he can’t even stand it up to the sky, so he shot Heaven Court directly!”

Houtu was taken aback and looked towards Heaven Court.

She herself wondered where Sacred was able to hack Heaven Court with a single sword, and it became clear instantly.

The remaining Sword Ray has made it clear enough, and the answer is self-evident.

This must be Chen senior’s shot…

Thinking of Chen senior’s appearance in the white robe that wins the snow, Houtu not only flies across the sky.

Two pink clouds appeared on the delicate face in an instant, making the whole person even more shy and moving, and I felt pity.

Chen senior deserves to be Chen senior, he smashed Heaven Court with a single sword, and ruled the monster clan subduedly.

With him, the Wu Clan is not afraid at all, he really feels safe!

Good men! ! !

When Di Jiang saw Houtu’s face, the idiot hurriedly called her twice, and finally called her back.

“What are you thinking of, little girl, so fascinated by thinking?”

Houtu coughed slightly and tried to conceal his embarrassment of blatantly committing a nympho.

“Ahem, brother. I’m thinking, this Heaven Court cuts well and cuts well, God finally opened his eyes!”

On the other side, Fengqi Mountain.

Wa Palace.

Nuwa was still worried, and the Yaozu’s behavior made her very angry, but also very distressed.

So many years have passed, and she is still depressed, sulking all her life.

At this moment, she sensed a powerful change in the Yaozu.

Although she was angry inside, in the end she couldn’t bear curiosity and turned her head slowly.

This look directly shocked Nuwa.

what’s going on? !

She hadn’t watched the Demon Race in a few years, so when she saw it today, even the Heaven Court was hacked. This is because even her hometown was dug up!

Shocked, shocked, but defying qi is also really defying!

Thinking of what Di Jun had done to her and Fuxi brothers and sisters before, she was furious.

At this time, seeing that the monster clan was retributed, Heaven Court was hacked, and all the words in the foreword became one word.


Really deserve it!

The evil demon is rewarded!

However, Nuwa was still curious about who had hacked Heaven Court, and she was going to say thank you to that person another day.

Thank him for helping himself out of a bad breath.

Nuwa closed her eyes slightly and stretched out her slender jade hand to perform some deductions.

After some deductions, she knew that the eldest brother had quietly approached the senior, saying that someone bullied herself and asked him to make the decision for herself.

That’s why there is a scene where the demon clan is now being hacked into Heaven Court.

Nuwa couldn’t help but feel a warm current in her heart. I didn’t expect the older brother to do so much quietly in order to make her happy and stop worrying…

And senior…

Although on the surface it was said that they did not want to be involved in the prehistoric times, they were disturbing, but it was still for her to make an exception.

Difficult, is this…

Nuwa blushed immediately when he thought of Chen senior’s dashing and heroic posture, his whole face was like a ripe apple.

No, no, Nuwa, what are you thinking about!

Nuwa patted Own’s face and tried to wake herself up.

How did she think about that?

Sure enough, those who are close to Zhu are red, and those who are close to Mo are black. After staying with the older brother for a long time, she has been led astray!

At this moment, Di Jun was knocked to the ground by Sword Qi, his bones were broken and he could not move.

He watched Sword Qi split Heaven Court in half, but he was helpless and unable to prevent all these tragedies from happening.

His eyes were scarlet, his whole body exuded a terrifying breath, and his teeth tickled with hate.

He shit!

Who the hell is doing tricks in secret?

It is best not to let him know!

If he is asked to catch who is doing the trick, he must have a cramp and eat him alive.

It’s really angry!


With a burst of anger, Di Jun suddenly spit out another mouthful of blood.

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