Chapter 300: What Are You Intent? Loyalty to your majesty!

Di Jun was pointed out by Baize Lion face to face, and his face was blue with anger, and his toes buckled in embarrassment.

He is also a generation of Demon Emperor, and now it is a Sage.

After being criticized by Baize Lion in public, he was a little uncomfortable on the face.

Although there was a burst of nameless anger in his chest, Emperor Jun couldn’t easily get angry with Baize Lion.

Because Baize Lion really said every word, every word was reasonable, and he had no power to refute it.

If he was mad at Baize Lion casually, it would not only be the face of the Demon King, but also the face of Sage, the majesty of Sage.

Then how will he gain a foothold in the wilderness in the future?

How to convince others?

Di Jun coughed lightly and tried to conceal his embarrassment, and then quickly changed the subject in an attempt to divert the attention of the demons.

“Cough cough, it doesn’t matter. Since the White Attendant has said so much about the disadvantages of attacking the Witch Clan, I will not attack the Witch Clan…”

When Baize Lion heard it, he quickly raised his head, his eyes filled with relief.

Difficult, is it…

His Majesty is finally willing to give up?

Has he finally restrained his eager heart?

“Your Majesty is wise! It is a wise move!”

At this time, the Yaozu stayed safe and guarded themselves and did not cause trouble. It was definitely the better choice for the Yaozu.

But Baize Lion was not happy for a while, so he heard Di Jun continue to speak.

“Since the Wu Clan cannot be attacked, then attack the Human Clan!”

Baize Lion was shocked by Di Jun’s remarks once again. He was stunned and couldn’t help but twitched at the corners of his mouth. Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Your majesty, did you find the wrong focus?

Is this a question of fighting the Witch race or the Human race?

Difficult Can the Daoist clan beat it?

Don’t forget that Yaozu has suffered a lot from Humans many times before!

Although Baize Lion was muttering in his heart, he didn’t show it at all on his face. He just pulled out a faint smile and smiled awkwardly.

“Your Majesty, regarding the attack on the human race, the minister feels…”

“The minister thinks this is really a wise move of your majesty!”

Before Baize Lion finished speaking, he was interrupted by Kunpeng on the side.

Kunpeng squinted his eyes and looked flattering.

He squeezed his shoulders and legs to Di Jun, and praised Di Jun’s wise decision while squeezing it, coaxing Di Jun into a joy.

“Your Majesty, the minister feels that this human race is indeed dying. He has humiliated and embarrassed our monster race several times before.”

“Now that the monster race is in great prosperity, and your Majesty you are already sanctified, this is really the best time to attack the human race. If you don’t attack at this time, when will you wait?”

Baize Lion was caught off guard and was interrupted, his face was sour with anger, and his face was blue and purple.

Is this Kunpeng deliberately looking for fault?

Do you have to fight against yourself?

Isn’t he afraid of being beaten by the human race yet?

Want to take the Yaozu to take risks and die?

I wonder if there is a broken sword behind the Daoist clan, that horrible broken grass, and a mysterious expert? !

How dare you actually inspire your Majesty to go down and attack the human race?

“Master, what do you intend to do!”

“Naturally be loyal to your majesty!”

Kunpeng saw that Baize Lion was the first to provoke the incident, and went back unwillingly.

“Your Majesty, you don’t want to listen to the demon master. The demon race has suffered so many losses from the human race, this time I am afraid…”

Before Baize Lion finished speaking, Di Jun interrupted him impatiently.

“Baize Lion, I also feel that the demon master is very reasonable!”

“At this time, the strength of the monster race has greatly increased, and it is indeed the best time to attack the human race!”

“The Witches are protected by Heavenly Dao, but the Humans do not. If we lead the demon soldiers to encircle and suppress the Humans at this moment, we will be able to catch them by surprise and surprise.”

Baize Lion:…

What the demon master said is reasonable?

I’m arguing!

Was the Yaozu pitted by him before?

“You don’t have to say more, Baize Lion, this seat has decided that we must send troops to level down the human race, and I will snow the shame of the monster race!”

Thinking that the Yao Clan had attacked the Human Clan more than a dozen times before, but he hadn’t won it once, Di Jun was puffed up, and his chest was overwhelmed.

They are noble monster races, Xiantian spirit races that are most likely to become the predominant overlord in the prehistoric world.

Unexpectedly, he would be trampled by the Houtian Spirit Race-the Human Race on the soles of their feet several times, and ruthlessly crushed them. This Losing face was thrown at the grandma’s house!

If you don’t teach the Human Race a lesson this time, they will really ride on the head of the Demon Race in the future!

Not only that, but the demon clan’s majesty will also be disgraced, and will never be able to stand up in the prehistoric world ever since.

So this battle must be fought!

The Donghuang Tai on the side nodded in agreement as soon as he heard it, and his eyes were full of excitement.

“Okay! Stepping down on the human race, a shame!”

Not only did he go to the Human Race to settle the accounts, but he also wanted to find the grass to be ashamed!

Damn it!

Humiliated him several times, beat him into an embarrassment, and repeatedly trampled his dignity on the soles of his feet. How could this be tolerated? !

And that damn Luo Hu!

He actually plucked his hair straight before, without blinking his eyes!

How could he endure such a shameful shame, how could he swallow this breath?

This time I must take the big brother together, let the big brother be the master for him, and make him face!

After Donghuang Taiyi said so, the monster race became excited again, and they all responded.

“Stepping down on the human race, shamelessly!”

“Stepping down on the human race, shame before you!”

On the other side, Fengqi Mountain.

Wa Palace.

Nuwa and Fuxi returned from Heaven Court angrily and sat down on the futon, expressing their disappointment and anger at the behavior of Yaozu and Dijun.

“Brother, how could this Emperor Jun be so irresponsible?”

“At the beginning, the Demon Race was built by us and he worked so hard. Now, as the Demon Emperor, he not only does not take on the responsibility of protecting the Demon Race, but also takes the Demon Race to death?”

“That’s the life of the whole family!”

Nuwa was very angry and puzzled at Di Jun’s behavior.

If all the demons knew Di Jun’s horrible thoughts, how desperate it would be!

“Little Sister, don’t be angry. You can’t be angry with the stinky bird of Dijun, he is not worthy!”

Fuxi was also angry, stretched out his hand to put Nuwa’s fragrant shoulders, and patted gently to show comfort.

“Why did he just refuse to listen after I told him so much?”

Nuwa shook her head helplessly, and sighed with a wry smile.


She was really disappointed with Yaozu’s behavior!

This Emperor Jun is truly hopeless!

She just wanted to save the Yaozu but couldn’t save it!

Nuwa furrowed her eyebrows, lowered her eyes slightly, and suppressed the helplessness and frustration in her eyes.

His face was full of sadness, and the whole body exuded a hint of melancholy.

Fuxi saw that Nuwa was so sad and worried, and his heart suddenly twitched, and he couldn’t help but hurt.

This is the Little Sister he held in his palm and in his mouth!

As a spoiled sister, of course, he is reluctant to bear his Little Sister aggrieved!

Now Little Sister is not only wronged, but he is still powerless and can only watch sadly from the side…

In the end, Fuxi still couldn’t bear it, and decided to quietly seek help from that person.

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