Chapter 298 Di Jun: Why don’t you play cards according to the routine?

Fuxi was very puzzled to stop own Nuwa, and his face was full of question marks.

What is the operation of Little Sister?

This Dijun humiliated them like this, and they all rode on their heads, but Little Sister still stopped him to prevent him from hitting Dijun’s stinky bird?

Wouldn’t it… Little Sister fell in love with this stinky bird just like that?

That is absolutely not the case, this is their enemy! !

Anyone can be brother-in-law, but this stinky bird can’t!

The thought that own Little Sister might be tainted by this stinky bird adds another point to Fuxi’s hatred for Emperor Jun.

He pushed Nuwa away and strode towards Emperor Jun.

He’s a bird!

Want to be his brother-in-law?


He is also worthy?


Nuwa shouted coldly, trying to stop Fuxi’s behavior.

Unexpectedly, Fuxi continued to walk forward as if he hadn’t heard it.

“Brother! Brother!”

Nuwa was also vaguely annoyed, she rushed forward and pulled Fuxi over, reprimanded.

“Brother, what are you going crazy? You said don’t go, don’t go, are you still going?”

What if I get Karma again?

This monster clan was completely hopeless by such a trick by Dijun. If he was infected with Karma, he would be destined to die!

When Fuxi saw that Nuwa tried to stop him from beating Emperor Jun several times, he was even more sure that Nuwa liked Emperor Jun, and immediately became furious and quarreled with Nuwa.

“Little Sister, you still said that I had a convulsion. I think you had a convulsion, right? You actually like people like God Jun!”

“How can you make your brother-in-law like this? And that’s your enemy, Dijun! How can you like him?!”

“No, Big Brother doesn’t allow it!”

Nuwa was dumbfounded by Fuxi.


What the hell?

Why does she like Dijun?

She and Di Jun simply couldn’t fight each other, I don’t know how the big brother got them together!

Nuwa smiled helplessly and said.

“I didn’t, brother, you misunderstood…”

“Look, you are still explaining for him!”

“I am not for him, I am for you!”

“Sounding well is for me, but whether it is actually for me remains to be determined…”

Nuwa was completely speechless.

Why is this big brother so difficult?

Could it be that his head was stupid by Di Jun?

How else would you be so suspicious?

“Brother, I…”

“I don’t listen, I don’t listen! Little Sister, now that you have someone else, you don’t want the brother. It really makes the brother sad…”

Nuwa couldn’t bear it anymore and slammed a pink fist.

Since there is no reason, then use physical means directly.

A miserable wailing sound resounded through Heaven Court, causing Heaven Court to shake.

“Brother, be sober! Where do I have to do with Dijun? I just don’t want you to be infected with Karma!”

“Don’t want to get Karma?”

“Yes, brother. Before you, as the Demon King, the luck and general Karma of the Demon Race will naturally affect you. But now you and I have been scrapped by Emperor Jun, and the good or bad of the Demon Race will be with us. It doesn’t matter…”

Nuwa took possession of him, explained to Fuxi in a low voice, and then supported his forehead.

Idiot brother…

The demons were shocked by this.

First, His Majesty abolished Nuwa Fuxi’s position as the demon king, then Fuxi Nuwa quarreled and then suffered a violent beating from Nuwa.

What kind of weird operation is this?

Is it because the charm of the Demon King is too great?

That’s why your Majesty seized their position of the Demon King to make them so sad and uncomfortable, and that’s why they had a big fight to vent their anger?

Dijun sitting on the main seat also didn’t understand what Nuwa Fuxi’s operation method was, and was immediately confused.

Originally thought he had deprived Nuwa and Fuxi of the demon emperor’s position in public, and they should rush to beat him.

Then he can take advantage of the questions, do a good job with them, and even use the strong power of Sage in his body to teach Nuwa and Fuxi a good lesson.

However, these two do not play their cards according to their routines at all!

What are they doing?

In front of his Demon King, he yelled at the Heaven Court, even slapped him?

Really think he is not a decoration?

“Stop it! Hugh is rude in Heaven Court!”

Di Jun slammed the table next to him, and the cold voice instantly resounded throughout the Heaven Court, which made people feel chilly.

After listening to what Nuwa said, Fuxi also thoroughly understood Nuwa’s good intentions, and her heart was warm.

Sure enough, Little Sister loves him the most…

Just when the two of them wanted to say something more, they were suddenly interrupted by Demon Emperor Jun.

Nuwa Fuxi both turned around, staring at Dijun in Death.

“Dijun, you will regret the decision you made.”

Nuwa spoke coldly, at this time she was completely disappointed in Dijun.

A Dou who can’t afford it!

Di Jun looked up and laughed as if he had heard a big joke.

“Hahahaha, regret it? I am too happy, so how can I regret it?”

“Now the demon race’s fortune has soared, and this seat has been successfully sanctified. The future of the Yao race can be said to be bright! You two should not confuse the crowd, otherwise you will stop blaming this seat for being rude!”

Seeing that Dijun was so persistent, Nuwa simply let go.

She took Fuxi and wanted to walk towards the gate of Heaven Court, leaving Di Jun with one last piece of advice before leaving.

“If you insist on doing this, the monster race will be destroyed by you sooner or later.”

“You said this seat ruined the monster race? Humph, it’s just nonsense, nonsense! This is just non-existent thing!”

Dijun didn’t believe Nuwa’s words at all, so naturally he didn’t even listen to a word of Nuwa’s words.

“believe it or not!”

Fuxi felt that Di Jun was really hopeless, and immediately went back with anger.

Nuwa also sighed helplessly and shook his head.

“Hey, it’s really hard to teach a child.”

After speaking, Nuwa Fuxi left in resentment.

Facing the departure of Nuwa Fuxi, Dijun decided in his heart that they were afraid of their own strength.

It must be because I breakthrough to become Sage, that makes them so afraid.

Thinking of this, Di Jun became even more complacent, his inner desire for victory and defeat was greatly satisfied, and the whole bird became even more conceited.

He shouted at the group of demons.

“Now that the traitors of the monster race have been cleaned up by this seat, now the monster race can have a great deal!”

“The monster race will rise completely since today, and its strength will greatly increase!”

“At that time, the monster race will become a stronger existence than the witch race, and it is even more trivial to crush the human race in that area! At that time, we must flatten the witch race and the human race, and put all the humiliation we have suffered before. Get it back…”

“Also dominate the prehistoric land and dominate the world!”

Di Jun’s lofty aspirations once again ignited the burning point of the monster clan, mobilizing the emotions of the monster clan one after another.

The morale of the monster race has skyrocketed, and an individual is full of pride waiting to be released.

At this moment, Kunpeng, who was standing next to Emperor Jun, said.

“Dominate the prehistoric, the demon clan will win!”

With the beginning of Kunpeng, the demons responded accordingly.

“Dominate the prehistoric, the demon clan will win!”

“Dominate the prehistoric, the demon clan will win!”

The demons reveled endlessly, and the thunderous voice resounded through the sky, shaking the entire wilderness!

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