Chapter 288 Styx: Let me surrender? Don’t think about it!

The ancestor of Styx turned his head and saw that Kunpeng had run away completely, he couldn’t help but twitched the corners of his mouth, his expression eager to cry without tears.

Oh, Kunpeng fellow daoist, how can you not speak martial ethics so much?

If you say run, just run without discussing it with me!

What do you mean by leaving me here now, letting me destroy myself?

Seeing Kunpeng slipped away, Dijiang turned his eyes to the ancestor of the Styx who was abandoned by Kunpeng.

This guy Kunpeng runs very fast!

Now that he ran away, he had no choice but to teach the ancestor Styx who came with him!

Anyway, both of them are here to pick things up!

Seeing Dijiang approaching him gradually, although the old ancestor Styx was flustered, his back was cold and sweaty, and his head was beaten up in front of him, but he still maintained a calm look and calmness. .

“I am the ancestor of Styx, dare you?”

No matter what ancestor Di Jiang is, as long as he is here to bully Little Sister, he will not let it go!

Pulling up his iron fist, he was about to smash at the ancestor Styx. Just at this critical moment, Hou Tu slowly spoke.

“Brother, let me talk to him first.”

After all, Houtu is the mother of the earth, with a compassionate heart in her body, she can kill without killing.

Although they acquiesced to the Big Brothers to teach Kunpeng and the ancestors of the Styx who came to look for things before, they were all done for it, and they didn’t really hurt the killer.

But now, Brother Dijiang is really murderous towards the ancestors of Styx. If the big brother falls with a punch, I don’t know how many inexplicable Karma will be provoked.

She couldn’t be indifferent while watching her elder brother contaminate Karma.

Although Di Jiang didn’t know why the little girl stopped him from exporting, but since the little girl has spoken, it must have her special intention, and he will naturally follow it.

Di Jiang slammed the iron fist away, glared at the ancestor Styx, and then returned to his own position.

“To say that this underworld is also really lively, attracting the demon masters and the ancestors of the Styx who don’t usually come.”

“The demon master is looking for me because of the demon clan. I don’t know what happened to the ancestor of Styx looking for me?”

When the ancestor Styx heard this, he gave Houtu a fierce look and gritted his teeth.

“Naturally it is for my Ashura clan!”

After hearing this, Hou Tu was stunned and asked with innocent eyes.

“Ashura? I don’t remember the feast with Ashura… Did fellow daoist find the wrong person?”

Looking at the harmless and innocent look of the people and animals in front of him, the ancestor of Styx was so angry that his hair was straight, and his moustaches on both sides curled up.

The blood in his body spewed out, his face flushed with anger, like a rotten tomato.

This damn Hou Tu, he obviously did everything he ought to do!

Now you still put on such an innocent appearance?

Made it the same as his ancestor Styx bullied her!

This Hou Tu, secretly suppressing the Ashura clan is not counted, and now they dare to fight him.

Pretending to be confused, right?

He wants to see how long this Hou Tu can be loaded!

“Huh! Mother Earth had better not know!”

Houtu called a face covered in circles, she didn’t even know what was going on.

“Ancestor Styx, don’t you tell me how do I know?”

Regarding Hou Tu’s bewildered look, the ancestor Styx thought it was Hou Tu’s disguise and her disguise.

It’s all up to now, so what about pretending to be with him?

it is good!

Then he shakes out all the good things she has done!

The ancestor Styx flushed with anger, and pointed at Houtu’s face as a curse.

“Pretend! Continue to pretend! Unexpectedly, the mother of the earth, Houtu Niangniang, is such a person who dares not to be such a person!”

“If it hadn’t been for the appearance of the underworld, which disrupted the original underground order, how could so many primordial souls in this underground be transformed?”

“My Ashura clan is all transformed from the wild spirits, and has always fed on these wild spirits.”

“Now that the underworld suddenly appears, and all the primordial souls are involved, what about our Ashura clan? What about our blood sea?”

After hearing this, Houtu couldn’t help but whispered.

Do you still have reason to eat other souls?

It’s not bad if I didn’t destroy your clan, but now I dare to come back and give it a go?

Listen, do people say it?

That’s not right… It seems that this guy is not a human…

Seeing that Houtu was silent for a long time, without replying to himself for a long time, the ancestor of Styx once again stalked Houtu.

“Daddy Mother, if you don’t give me an explanation today, I won’t leave anyway!”

After hearing this, Hou Tu raised his eyebrows, and a dangerous light burst into his eyes.

Oh, dare to threaten her?

Okay, then she will give him an explanation!

Houtu raised his eyes and looked at Old Ancestor Styx with sharp eyes, a cold flash flashed on his beautiful face.

She crooked her eyebrows and smiled, then lightly opened her lips.

“Want to explain? Give you an explanation for the Ashura?”

“Yes, then I will give you the Ashura clan!”

Then Houtu “chuckled” and said playfully.

“This is easy! Ashura happens to be among the six ways…”

Before Houtu’s words were finished, the ancestor of Styx became unhappy in an instant.

According to Hou Tu’s words, it means to make them Ashura Dao surrender to the underworld of Hou Tu?


How can this be?

How could his dignified ancestor of the Styx willing to succumb to a female doll who is still not dry?

And surrender to her?

What do you want?

Let him surrender? Don’t think about it!

Go dreaming!

“Want to make Ashura Dao surrender to the underworld? Impossible!”

The ancestor of Styx was so angry that his hands were clenched fists, and his veins violently.

He stared at the generous and dignified Hou soil with scarlet eyes, wishing to rush up and tear it in half, then threw it under his feet and trampled it, to relieve his hatred!

Seeing this, Hou Tu sighed helplessly and waved his hand.

“Old Ancestor Styx, it’s not that I didn’t tell you! I gave it, but you don’t accept it…”

At this time, the face of the ancestor of Styx had been so angry that he realized later that he had fallen into the trap of Houtu without knowing it.

This Hou Tu, how dare to routine him?

It’s so cunning!

“you you……”

The ancestor Styx was angry, his head was blank with anger, and he forgot what to say next.

Seeing this, Houtu immediately seized the opportunity to pursue the victory.

“Since the ancestor Styx can’t tell, then it’s not hard for you.”

“Let’s… talk another day.”

Good guys!

Actually made a direct eviction order? !

The ancestor Styx was so angry with Hou Tu’s words, his face was purple and blue, and his face was ugly to the extreme.

He is neither entering nor retreating now. He is so speechless that he can’t say a word.

In the end, Ancestor Styx couldn’t hold back his old face, so he had to leave with hatred.

But in my heart, he silently gave the Wu Clan and made an account for Houtu…

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