Chapter 284 Fellow daoist, it’s better to be together anyway?

The ancestor Hongjun who was most angry about Hou Tu’s incarnation of Samsara and taking the witches to retreat from the predecessor was undoubtedly the ancestor Hongjun. At this moment, his lungs were about to explode, and Zixiao Palace heard the sound of “cracking” the cup.

Zixiao Palace.

Dao Tong Haotian was standing aside obediently at this moment, trembling, silently enduring Dao Ancestor’s moody temperament.

The true companion of the Taoist ancestor is like the companion tiger!

No, I broke the cup again…

With a “crack”, another white jade porcelain cup fell from Old Ancestor Hongjun’s hand and slammed straight to the ground.

After that, a purple sand cup could not escape the fate of being thrown, and the white jade porcelain cup became a difficult brother.

Haotian’s eyes were filled with distress, and his heart was wailing.

Daozu, these are all superb cups!

The tea brewed with it all has Spirit Power, which is very good for cultivation breakthrough!

You don’t want to be so ruined, you can give it to me…

But Haotian could only say “Ohhhhhhh” in his heart. Facing this moment, he was so angry that his face flushed with anger, blowing his beard and staring at him, the ancestor Hongjun who wanted to eat people naturally did not dare to say anything.

The ancestor Hongjun seemed to have enough vent, his fists clenched, the veins violent, and he looked viciously at the Wu Clan in the Pangu Temple.

“Witch? Good! Very good!”

Even if he hit him, the damn Houtu immediately took the time he was injured to take the form of Samsara, and then announced that the witches of the prehistoric world would retreat and no longer participate in the prehistoric hegemony.

After this one set came down, he was caught off guard!

The creatures of the entire prehistoric world know that the Witch clan no longer participates in the prehistoric hegemony, and Houtu takes the form of Samsara to let Heavenly Dao give the merits, and the whole Witch clan has been sheltered by Heavenly Dao. If I want to move the Witch clan almost impossible things!

Good guy, in the end, Heavenly Dao gave him a scam!

Heavenly Dao, come out for the deity!

Let’s talk about it!

The own plan was completely disrupted. This time the Lich War could not go on completely, let alone the follow-up advancement.

When the Wu Clan retreats, the Demon Clan will be dominant, and the entire prehistoric clan will have no power to contain the Demon Clan.

Not to mention that the two groups of Lich who came to the end were all at the same time, and the upper rank of the human race was dominating the predecessors!

It’s all because this damn Houtu made such a move for himself today, and the chess game that he has been quietly laying out for many years has been ruined!

If the Lich War does not start, where will the amount of calamity come from behind?

But now, the retreat of the Wu clan is a foregone conclusion. Even if it was his ancestor Hongjun, he had no choice but to watch.

This feeling is really suffocated!

The ancestor Hongjun thought more and more angry, thinking that the big chess that he had planned so hard for so many years was so ruined, his success fell short, the ancestor Hongjun did not suffer, and vomited a big mouthful of blood.

The red blood dyed his purple robe black, which made the ancestor Hongjun gloomy and cold.

Thousands of calculations have not counted this, the land will actually put him in the army!


This damn Hou Tu, damn Wu Clan!

Really mad at him!

Sooner or later, he will be pissed alive by the Wu Clan!

On the other hand, Di Jun, who was suspicious by nature, always felt that the Witch Clan could not just withdraw from the prehistoric hegemony, they must be plotting some big conspiracy.

For this reason, Emperor Jun couldn’t sleep all night, and he was restless, like sitting on pins and needles.

In the end, Di Jun called the demon master Kunpeng, ready to let him go to the underworld to find out.

“Monster, although this witch clan is talking about retreating and striving for hegemony, the emperor always feels that things are not as simple as they seem!”

“They must be planning some big conspiracy! These retreats and no longer participate in the prehistoric hegemony are just a cover they played!”

“So your Majesty wants his ministers to explore the truth?”

Hearing this, Di Jun nodded quickly.

“This emperor has this intention, I wonder if the demon master is willing to investigate the news for the demon clan?”

“Naturally willing!”

Kunpeng also had doubts in his heart about the retiring of the Wu clan.

The Wu Clan has always been a mortal enemy of the Yao Clan, how could it be possible that if you retired, you would really retreat, or if you don’t participate, you would really not participate?

Everything is just a tactic of slowing down the Yaozu!

Since they want to plot a conspiracy, let him reveal their true colors and see what the hell are they doing!

If he really exposes the conspiracy of the Witch Clan, not only will his Majesty trust him more, but he will also be able to win the trust of Daozu Hongjun, so that he will become holy in the future.

Thinking about this, Kunpeng didn’t stay too much, and immediately got up and rushed to the underworld.

Di Jun looked expectantly at Kunpeng’s leaving figure, and said inwardly.

Demon master, rely on you!

There is a fish in the North Ming, its name is Kun, Kun is so big, I don’t know how many kilometers it is.

Transformed into a bird, its name is Peng, and the back of Peng is thousands of miles away.

The demon master Kunpeng spread his wings and instantly covered half of the sky, and the wonder of “half day and half night” appeared in the prehistoric land.

Kunpeng flapped its wings and flew, the water hit three thousand miles, and the one who swung up for ninety thousand miles, marched forward mightily.

Such a behemoth must be very recognizable in the air. The ancestor of Styx, who also rushed to the underworld to find Houtu, saw the huge Kunpeng above his head at a glance, and immediately followed him.

“Kunpeng fellow daoist! Kunpeng fellow daoist!”

Kunpeng stopped, why did it seem to hear someone calling him?

After looking around, I saw the old ancestor Styx coming quickly towards him.

Kunpeng was a little surprised, slightly stunned.

“Ancestor Styx, is it you? What a coincidence!”

The ancestor of Styx finally caught up with Kunpeng, and he was out of breath and out of breath.

“Kunpeng fellow daoist, you fly so fast…I am exhausted…”

Kunpeng and the ancestor of the Styx have always had a good relationship. When the robbery killed the good man Hongyun, the ancestor of the Styx also helped Kunpeng!

In a sense, Kunpeng can be regarded as owing a Karma to the ancestor of the river, after all, the ancestor of the river helped Kunpeng to stab his enemy Hongyun.

Therefore, the relationship between Kunpeng and the ancestor of the Styx has always been good over the years.

I ran into Kunpeng on the road, and the ancestors of the Styx also didn’t expect it.

He himself went to the Wu Clan to find Hou Tu to explain.

Since the establishment of the underworld in Houtu, his Ashura clan has been severely impacted.

The six paths of the Six Paths of Reincarnation are Heavenly Dao, Human Dao, Ashura Dao, and Animal Dao.

Hungry Ghosts Road, The Underworld Road.

Originally, the Ashura clan swallowed the creatures Hun and Po in Six Paths of Reincarnation, in order to strengthen their own strength, it can be said to be the only one underground and recklessly.

But because of Samsara, who is responsible for maintaining the prehistoric order, the Ashura clan cannot continue to act recklessly and slaughter creatures.

Because of the power of the witch clan. The Ashura clan didn’t dare to bleed any more, and could only hide in the blood and survive.

But why did Kunpeng also go in the direction of the prefecture?

Could it be that he also went to the underworld to find Hou Tu?

“Kunpeng fellow daoist, you also want the underground palace?”

“That’s right! This Wu Clan is too exasperating. It has been against the Monster Clan many times. It is really the enemy of the Monster Clan!”

“But aren’t the Witches retiring to the underworld and no longer participating in the battle for hegemony?”

The ancestor of Styx asked very suspiciously, and the heart of Eight Trigrams was ablaze.

“You don’t know anything about that, Patriarch Styx. This witch tribe has always been treacherous, maybe they are under the guise of this? Maybe they are planning a big conspiracy behind them!”

“Your Majesty sent me this time to let me explore the reality of the Witch Clan and see what they are doing!”

Kunpeng glanced at the ancestor Styx beside him and asked.

“Are you also a fellow daoist Styx…”

“I also want to go to the underworld to find Hou Tu for an explanation, because of her underworld, the witches she brought! My Ashura clan has been impacted, and I only dare to hide in a sea of ​​blood!”

Kunpeng heard it instantly, and it seemed that the ancestor of Styx and him were in the same way, and they both went to the Wu Clan and Hou Tu to settle accounts.

Kunpeng curled his lips and leaned over.

“Fellow daoist, it’s better to be together anyway?”

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