Chapter 28: Fuxi was imprisoned, Chen Sheng laughed

Although Nuwa was a little surprised, she got used to it after all.

It can trap her dignified Sage in the long river of time, and can also give the Terran Nine Swords and Stargrass, even the tea that she drinks contains the power of law.

Facing this kind of power and trapping a quasi-sage, what’s the surprise for her?

But Fuxi is different!

Realizing that she was trapped, Fu Xi was stunned!

Because he just realized that Nuwa didn’t make a move. In other words, a mere Da Luo was trapped by a dignified quasi-sage?

It seems that Luo is quite capable!

However, astonished to return to astonishment, Fuxi is Sage, how can a little Luo be bluffed?

Fu Xi was very disdainful of this Da Luo’s method.

Rolling his eyes, he said, “I just want to clean up my little bugs, just want to clean me up, whimsical!”

Looking at Fuxi who satirized him there, Chen Sheng smiled without saying a word.

Soon, he will know if this is a trick!

Isn’t it just a small space?

Fuxi shot directly, but it shattered the space in front of him in an instant.

It’s just that before Fu Xi was proud, he discovered that there was still room for something wrong?

However, Fu Xi still disdainful, but her expression is a little more solemn, and she muttered to herself: “Huh, it’s still something, but you don’t know anything about the power of Quasi-Sage!”

Immediately afterwards, Fuxi broke through the time and space in front of him!

But when Fuxi thought he was in possession of the winning ticket, something that surprised him happened!

He was still trapped in the space! ?

Seeing Fuxi pierce through a layer of space, Nuwa turned her head away, and asked unbearably: “Fellow daoist, how much space have you laid?”

Chen Sheng smiled, and said to Nuwa very confidently: “Don’t worry, I created 99,999 spaces, so he wants to escape?”


Is this something human can do?

However, Chen Sheng hadn’t finished speaking, he thought about it, and continued: “In fact, even if he breaks all the space, I will let him out if I want to let him out, but he won’t be able to come out if I don’t want to let him out. This kind of wretchedness. Male, just change it and teach it a lesson, so that he will be honest in the future!”

Nuwa was speechless.

Ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine spaces…

This is indeed something Chen Sheng can do!

The most detrimental thing is that even if Fuxi really breaks ninety-nine nine hundred and ninety-nine spaces, he may not let people come out. Are you angry?

Nuwa couldn’t say much, so she had to silently mourn for Fuxi…

After Fuxi broke through and didn’t know how many spaces, he couldn’t help but cursed directly: “Humph! What kind of space is broken, I don’t believe that my dignified quasi-sage can’t break it!”

After cursing, Fuxi directly sacrificed a spiritual treasure, trying to destroy it all at once!

He didn’t believe it anymore, a small space could really trap him!

Sure enough, when Lingbao came out, it was infinitely powerful!

The space that blocked Fuxi before, shattered one by one!

Even the whole space was torn and shaken!

Fuxi looked at the broken space and laughed!

snort! It’s just a little trick!

This kid actually dared to tease him, after he went out, he had to urge this kid to death!

After Yu Wei dissipated, Fu Xi was extremely confident.

I was planning to leave, but suddenly realized that I was still trapped in this space?

Fuxi was a little confused, why is he still in this space?

He could offer Magic Treasures just now, all the space directly, why is there another one?

However, Fu Xi felt that there seemed to be only the last space left.

Fuxi breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Lingbao’s power hadn’t been in place just now, and it could not break open.

Then, Fu Xi waved directly!

He thought that this last space was the same as the other spaces.


There is no response at all.

Fuxi was a little confused, could it be that his own strength was too small?

Thinking about it this way, Fuxi had another blow!

This strike, he spent 80% of his strength!

Facing the 80% power of a quasi-sage, how can it be broken?

However, apart from a slight wave of space.

Still no response…

Fuxi was really angry now!

Then he tried to break through the space with all his strength.

Still useless…

Facing the space that trapped him, Fuxi gritted her teeth and said: “Huh! Little bastard, it’s better not to let me catch you this time, otherwise it will be useless for the daddy to protect you!”

Of course, Fuxi couldn’t stop here, after all, he was also a well-known figure in the prehistoric!

What’s more, he is also the Cultivation Base of the quasi-sage. If other people in the predecessor know that his dignified quasi-sage is actually blocked by a big Luo, wouldn’t he be laughed out of his teeth?

Thinking of this, Fuxi directly sacrificed his own Fuxi Qin!

Fuxi really did not expect that a small Luo actually forced him to use Fuxi Qin!

Fuxi Qin is Fuxi’s companion Magic Treasures. It is made of jade and tencel. It glows with a gentle white light. Its sound can make the heart feel peaceful and peaceful, and possess the mysterious power that can control the soul of all things.

It is the treasure of Xiantian, its power is extraordinary!

Let Fuxi take out all the Fuxi pianos, how helpless Fuxi is!


Even if it was the strongest blow of Fuxiqin, it didn’t even break through a crack…

Nuwa looked at this scene, inexplicably familiar.


At that time, Nuwa was banished into the long river of time. Isn’t that the way it is?

Thinking of the long river of time, Nuwa couldn’t help but shudder, it was the stain and psychological shadow of Nuwa’s life!

Without a single blow, Fuxi did not believe in this evil, and attacked several times.

Unfortunately, there is still no response!

After a few hours…

Fuxi was finally exhausted!

“Sister, stop making trouble, let me come out!”

Fuxi was helpless, he had tried his best, but he couldn’t break this space!

At first, he thought that this space must have been created by Chen Sheng, but now, Fu Xi didn’t believe that this space was created by Da Luobu, how could a Da Luo have such means! ?

It must be him Little Sister wants to fuck him!

After all, looking for adulterers everywhere in the predicament really created a bad reputation for Nuwa, and it is inevitable that Nuwa is unhappy!

But just play around!

As a Nuwa pro Big Brother, what did Fuxi look like after being trapped by Nuwa for so long?


Nuwa was also very helpless, after all, this space was really not created by her, even if she wanted to come out, there was nothing she could do.

When Chen Sheng heard Fuxi’s words, he became even more angry!

Chen Sheng sternly said with an unhappy expression: “To dare to molest the little girl, it seems that he has not given enough punishment!”

Nuwa:? ? ?

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