Chapter 279: The Witch Clan’s Abnormal Image is Frightening!

Seeing that the witches did not take the next action, they were stunned in the same place, and Houtu kindly reminded them.

“The last step, close your eyes, Meditation.”

Master Zu Wu said so, where do their witches have the right to refuse?

So in accordance with the instructions of the ancestor witch, all the witches closed their eyes and went to sleep.

The witches all cultivated together, and all of them began to exude the breath of the soul without knowing it, and the results were immediate.

The essence of Spiritual Qi between heaven and earth was attracted by the power of the Witch Clan’s powerful primordial spirit, and gathered towards the Witch Clan one after another.

Between exhaling and inhaling, there will be countless Tao Yun laws circulating during that time.

What breathed in were the essence of heaven and earth and Spirit Power, and what breathed out was the rhyme and laws of Taoism.

All of a sudden, the sky and the earth changed colors.

Countless spirit birds and beasts were attracted by this powerful mysterious primordial power, and followed Spirit Power to the Pangu Temple of the Witch Clan.

The colorful spirit birds bring well-being, and the white birds sprinkle aura to the song.

The five colors of the sky are blooming, and the golden lotus flowers are in full bloom.

In the blink of an eye, the Wu Clan was surrounded by an anomaly, shaking the wilderness!

The first thing that was found to be wrong was the monster clan closest to the witch clan. Dijun and Taiyi saw the witch clan next door suddenly surrounded themselves with a vision, and they were quite shocked.

“Brother, why did the Witch Clan, which has not had a vision, suddenly got a vision?”

“Could it be that the Wu Clan has been secretly cultivating? Now, like the Human Clan, it has risen?”

“Isn’t there another strong enemy of the monster race?”

When Di Jun heard this, he shook his head, looking at the Wu Clan in the direction of Pangu Temple with a complex expression.

“How can it be said that the rise is the rise? How can the rise be such an easy thing?”

Although Di Jun said so, looking at the vast vision of the Wu Clan, he was still a little disturbed in his heart.

“Let’s watch the changes first, don’t act rashly.”

However, as soon as Di Jun finished speaking, the Wu Clan’s luck rose sharply.

The golden dragons of luck sprang from the Pangu Temple, flying with golden light, and hovering on the sky of the Pangu Temple.

There was also an endless strong breath of vitality and air luck. The air was surging like the sky, and then it broke through the Pangu Temple, swept the entire wilderness, and directly shook the power of the predecessors.

The crowds could not help being shocked by this.

Especially the Demon Emperor Jun, who just said that he wanted to watch the changes a second, he was shocked and lost his attitude the next second.

Di Jun was shocked, so scared that he couldn’t hold his hand firmly, he fell off the chair, smashed his ass to the ground, and smashed his ass in half!

Di Jun endured the pain and looked in the direction of the Wu Clan incredulously. His eyes were as wide as the mouth of a bowl, and his mouth was trembling slightly.

what’s the situation?

Why did the Wu Clan suddenly burst into such a powerful force?

And the luck of the Witch Clan will increase as soon as it increases?

Is it true that the Witch Clan, like the Human Clan, rises as soon as it rises?

How can there be such a good thing in the prehistoric world?


When Donghuang Tai saw Dijun fell down, he immediately helped him up, and then asked with solemn expression behind him.

“Brother, why did the Wu Clan suddenly increase their luck like the Human Clan?”

“Is it possible…The Witch Clan has also risen?”

Di Jun was silent, his heart was restless, a burst of anger attacked his heart.

Seeing this momentum, the Wu Clan is about to get up!

How to do how to do……

Di Jun looked up at the sky 45 degrees.

Wait online!

Very anxious…

If both the Wu Clan and the Human Clan have risen, but the Monster Clan has not risen, how can the Monster Clan be their opponent?

Then, what will the monster race still use to compete with the other two races as the predominant overlord in the future?

The two clans have Closed Door Training cultivation. Is it because Closed Door Training cultivation can quickly ascension strength and increase luck?

First came the Human Race, then the Witch Race.

They all set off a frenzy of cultivation, and they all succeeded!

That means it is suitable for Closed Door Training cultivation at this time. If so, what are you waiting for?

Thinking of this, Di Jun turned his head to look at Taiyi seriously, and said.

“Taiyi, the emperor’s order is passed down. From now on, all the monsters are Closed Door Training-cultivation!”

Dijun came here inexplicably, which really confuses Taiyi.

“What? All Closed Door Training cultivation? Brother…what does this mean?”

“If you let you do it, just do it, go!”

Di Jun was already upset by the Wu Clan. Seeing that the Wu Clan and Human Clan were coming up from behind, they had the momentum to catch up with the Monster Clan, he felt very uncomfortable, and he trembled with anger.

A lowly human race, and a simple-minded witch race with well-developed limbs, actually want to surpass their monster race?


They are also worthy?

The Wu Clan and Human Clan have it, and they also have it in the Demon Clan!

Wait, then! After a while, the monster race’s fortune will increase sharply, and it will shock Honghuang and scare the Witch race and the Human race to death!

On the other side, Fengqi Mountain.

Wa Palace.

Nuwa also saw the terrifying aura erupting from the Witch tribe, as well as the powerful dragon of luck hovering over the Witch tribe and the vast vision.

Nuwa raised her eyes slightly, and her curled eyelashes quivered slightly like butterfly wings, making Nuwa even more immortal.

She took a cup of fragrant tea without rush, and took a sip, exuding a cold and arrogant breath all over.

Nuwa smiled slightly and looked towards the Wu Clan with a clear expression.

The Wu clan’s luck has also increased?

Surely Houtu fellow daoist went to find senior, right?

Quite clever…

With the senior’s Cultivation Technique blessing, plus the strength of the Witch Clan itself is not weak, it will be difficult for the Monster Clan to move the Witch Clan anymore…

It seems that you don’t need to do it yourself, this Lich War will be solved.

Hongjun! This time your abacus is going to be completely lost!

I don’t know what your look is now, I’m afraid that your face will become pig liver-colored with anger!

The thought of Hongjun’s ancestor would be so angry that Nuwa was in a good mood and inevitably drank a few more cups of tea.

The show is about to begin!

On the other side, Pangu Temple.

The witches have completely entered the Meditation world at this time, and they don’t even know anything that happened outside.


Some witches even snored directly because the Meditation went too deeply.

After a while, they yawned, stretched their waists, and ended this deep cultivation-Meditation.

“Huh-I slept really well…”

The witches rubbed their sleepy eyes one after another, opened them slowly, and then screamed out in shock when they saw the scene in front of them.


“This! What happened?”

Not only have their own strength breakthrough several levels, but they have also cultivated their souls one after another!

What’s more terrifying is that unknowingly, the sky over the Witch clan has already been full of visions, and the Witch clan’s fortune has skyrocketed, billions of times more than before.

When I wake up, I see such a shocking scene, this is what the Wu clan will be shocked!

The witches looked at everything in front of them incredulously.

Is all this true?

Are they still awake?

“Papa” two slaps fell, it hurts, it hurts so hot!

Only then did the witches gradually wake up, weeping with joy, embracing each other with great excitement.

This is actually true!

They really developed the soul!

Moreover, the Wu Clan’s luck has really increased sharply, and at the same time, there are many huge visions appearing above their Wu Clan.

According to this momentum, their Wu Clan is going to rise!

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