Chapter 272 You Call This Cultivation?

Pangu Temple.

Witch tribe.

Because there have been many things happening in the human race recently, the whole world is raging, so the witch race who has been in the Pangu Temple for a long time has heard of it.

“Tsk tusk, if you want me to say, this human race is really miserable.”

Zhu Jiuyin picked up a spirit fruit on the table and stuffed it directly into his mouth, then took a sip of the tea on the side, and then continued.

“The Yaozu marched into the Human Race several times, not to mention, even the ancestor Hongjun couldn’t help it, and couldn’t help but make a move.”

The ancestors and witches were also quite sympathetic to the human race, and they all showed sympathy.

“That’s not it, this human race…too miserable.”

“This is the invasion of the monster race and the punishment of heaven. How can these weak Houtian creatures withstand it? It’s a miracle that they can survive!”

On that day of punishment, even if they had the incorruptible Vajra, they might not be able to suffer, let alone the human race that was as fragile as an ant?

Thinking of this, Hou Tu, who had always been compassionate and tried to save the common people, couldn’t help showing sympathy. She decided to take a trip to the Human Race to see how the Human Race was doing.

On the one hand, it is because I really feel sorry for these weak and helpless little beings. Perhaps the human race has inspired the great love in the heart of Houtu.

On the other hand, the human race was created by Empress Nuwa and a compatriot of fellow daoist Chen. And Nuwa Niangniang and Chen fellow daoist have repeatedly tried to save the Witch race between fire and water. Now that the Human race is in trouble, how can I ignore it and ignore it?

Naturally, I want to take a trip, soothe people’s hearts, and express the position of the Wu clan by the way.

Thinking of this, Hou Tu said.

“Big Brothers, I’ll go to Terran.”

All the ancestors were stunned when they heard it, with doubts all over their faces.


Why did the little girl suddenly want to go to Human Race?

“Little sister…”

Before they asked, Houtu turned into a holy light and flew towards Shouyang Mountain.

Some ancestors and witches Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry:……

Ah this!

This is not a discussion at all, it is a direct order to them.

Forget it, anyway, the human race is also the place of the Nuwa empress, the younger sister should not be harmed, it doesn’t hurt to go there.

Shouyang Mountain.

The third ancestor of the human race is sitting in the hall studying Cultivation Technique cheats more deeply.

They are comparing the pictures on the books to dig out the details, correct the existing non-standard movements, and strive to achieve 100% restoration.

“The chest expansion exercise in the second quarter should be like this… and then again… and finally like this…”

Sui Ren played the chest expansion exercise according to the action on the picture, but Ling Yi raised an objection.

“Suiren, did you do something wrong?”

“Isn’t it supposed to be like this first…then then…Is it the last thing?”

As she said, Ling Yi gave a demonstration to Sui Ren, and by the way corrected Sui Ren’s non-standard actions.

Yuchao: Why can’t I understand anything?

Why is this different from the Cultivation Technique I played?

I suspect that I played a fake Cultivation Technique…

When the Suiren clan and the Lingyi clan were fighting for each other based on reason, the human race of the gatekeeper came to report.

“Report to the three ancestors that the Empress Houtu has visited Human Race.”


“Houtu Empress?”

The Suiren clan and the Lingyi clan who were arguing at first heard the name of Hou Tu and immediately stopped arguing and looked at each other.


“But the Houtu empress of the Wu Clan?”

As soon as Suiren heard it, Limara led the other two ancestors towards the door.

“This is a big man. He has a good relationship with fellow daoist Chen.”

“Since the Houtu empress is a friend of fellow daoist Chen, that is also a friend of our ancestors, we should meet them personally, and we must not neglect others!”

The other two Renzu also quickened their pace as soon as they heard it, and trot all the way.

I saw a woman with a perfect face and a nice face, smiling and standing at the door looking at the third ancestor of the human race.

She has a curly skin, with Zhu Dan in her mouth, and her ink hair is scattered like a brocade.

I saw that she was wearing a lotus-colored long dress, and the pale yellow shawl was lightly placed on her shoulders, which added fairy aura to her and seemed more graceful.

“Participate in Houtu Empress!”

“See the empress!”

Although Houtu has not yet been sanctified, the strength of the Realm is above their third ancestor of the human race. In addition, the Witch race is transformed by the Blood Essence of the Pangu God, and it is much noble than the human race of the Houtian creatures, so they summon the queen. It is reasonable for the soil to say “Niang Niang”.

Houtu smiled slightly and quickly made the ancestors get up.

“Three ancestors don’t have to be polite, please hurry up.”

“I have nothing special to come here today. I just heard that the Human Race has been plagued by disasters recently, and it is not very peaceful. So I came here to take a look…”

Suiren couldn’t help being overjoyed, and immediately greeted him with a smile.

Their human race is the blessing of how many generations have been cultivated, can they be so concerned about the mother of Houtu?

“After you have worked hard, the mother of the earth is worried, I have thanked the mother for the first time on behalf of the human race.”

“Niangniang, please come with me. I will show you a tour of Shouyang Mountain and a tour of the human race.”

Houtu nodded, and then left with the Suiren clan.

This Yangshan is really a nice place!

The green mountains are endless, clouds and mist linger around the mountains, vast and lonely.

White clouds drifted, and the distance was wide open.

The wind is even more mixed with a faint floral fragrance, which is refreshing.

After enjoying the beauty of Shouyang Mountain, Suiren took Houtu to the place of Human Cultivation, specifically showing her how the Human Cultivation is.

When they came to a wide flat ground, they saw that the human race was divided into small squares. In front of each square, a person led the people in the entire square to practice exercises.

There is even a dedicated password officer in each phalanx who is responsible for calling passwords.

“All have, prepare, do!”

“The first quarter, the growth movement.”

“one two three four five six seven eight……”

“Second quarter, chest expansion exercise.”

“one two three four five six seven eight!”


Listening to this thunderous password, watching the uniform movements of the human race, this majestic aura, Houtu was obviously shocked by this spectacular sight.

“Houtu Niangniang, this is where our human race cultivation Cultivation Technique is.”

“Look! They are now cultivating!”

This… is this cultivation?

Do you call this cultivation? !

Houtu was shocked, his mouth opened as big as a bun.

This simply broke through her previous inherent knowledge of cultivation!

In the impression of Houtu, cultivation is nothing more than sitting on the futon with closed eyes and meditation, which is a very quiet process.

Where is there such a place… Hi?

After not looking at it for a while, Houtu was also infected by this majestic aura and atmosphere, the nerve cells in the body were fully mobilized, and she couldn’t stop being excited.

Hou Tu was obviously also surprised, and couldn’t help but admire the magical power of human cultivation.

Will this cultivation method be contagious to people? ?

Really amazing!

Seeing that Houtu was very curious about the cultivation of the human race, Suiren couldn’t help but proudly patted his chest to show off.

“Houtu Niangniang, what do you think of our Human Race cultivation method?”

After hearing this, he nodded appreciatively.

“Good! Very good!”

“I have never seen such a novel way of cultivation!”

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