Chapter 267 He is the one behind the scenes!

The struggle between the ancestor Hongjun and the Nine Swords Stargrass and Human Race shocked the entire prehistoric state, and the aftermath did not disperse for a long time.

This incident is now known to the entire prehistoric people, and everyone also knows the great feats of the Nine Swords Stargrass and the embarrassment of the ancestor Hongjun.

Nowadays, the most talked about after the dinner is the embarrassment that the ancestor Hongjun was frightened to run away with his butt in his hands. Everyone questioned the strength of the ancestor Hongjun, and questioned Heavenly Dao.

The ancestor Hongjun was also forced to hide in the Zixiao Palace because of the rumor and frustration.

I can only hide in the Purple Cloud Palace and smash the cup, beat the table, and curse the human race and break the grass when there is nothing to do to vent the anger in my heart.

The ancestor Hongjun knew that when he went out to meet own, it would be the swearing and ridicule of all living beings.

Forget it, if you don’t listen to it, you should just hide in this purple palace, just as it is nothing…

The entire prehistoric world is concerned about Hongjun’s ancestors, but Nuwa ignores Hongjun’s ancestors at all. She puts her goal back on the investigation of the Golden Crow incident.

She had already suspected this before, and went to the Yaozu to talk to Dijun about her own suspected object and reason.

But Di Jun didn’t listen to Own’s words at all, and said that she and Fuxi were deceitful words to deceive the crowd?

What’s even more exaggerated is that Di Jun has been defending Kunpeng and speaking for Kunpeng.

Kunpeng casually bewitched a few words, did this Dijun, who lacks a backbone in his head, really believe it? !

I’m afraid this is not lack of heart and soul!

He also didn’t want to think that Yaozu was heavily guarded at the time, could ordinary people enter it casually?

Except for the demon master Kunpeng, there is really no other person who can start as well as the demon master.

The demon master Kunpeng is definitely the best candidate to deliberately let go of the little Golden Crow!

Thinking of this, Nuwa’s eyes became cold, and his eyes cast coldly towards the Demon Master’s Palace.

Her instinct told her that Kunpeng was responsible for the incident in all likelihood. Kunpeng’s suspicion is the biggest, and now it is just a lack of evidence.

As long as the evidence is conclusive, even Emperor Jun will not be able to defend Kunpeng! As long as he could put the evidence in front of him, Di Jun also had to accept this fact, seeing that he would not say that they would confuse the crowd at that time!

Thinking of this, Nuwa got up and left his seat, turning into a holy light and heading towards Heaven Court.

Heaven Court.

Because Nuwa used her holy power to hide her own figure, and because she walked all the way, she easily bypassed all the guard little monsters and came to Yugu.

On the way, Nuwa drifted by silently, and the little demon of the guards played and fell asleep. So no one found her at all.

Nuwa was unimpeded and unimpeded all the way.

In response, Nuwa couldn’t help but twitched his mouth.

Emperor Jun…

This is the strong guard in your mouth? ?

What a strong guard!

Playing and sleeping, there is no vigilance at all!

No wonder my son will be lost, if this is not lost, there will be ghosts…

In Tanggu, ten little Golden Crows are playing water fights in a small pond.

The water splashed everywhere, the laughter of “chuckling” was repeated, the little Golden Crows were filled with brilliant smiles, and Tanggu was full of laughter.

Just when the little Golden Crows were having fun, Nuwa suddenly appeared in front of them, and then asked coldly.

“I wonder if this seat can ask the little princes something?”

The little Golden Crows splashing in the pond were obviously frightened by the sudden Nuwa Empress, and they didn’t move.

Seeing this, Nuwa couldn’t help but laughed. Why did she see her as if she had seen a ghost, all of them turned into wood and stood there and didn’t dare to move?

She won’t eat them again, what’s she afraid of?

“Don’t worry, I won’t eat you. I just want to talk to you about something, and just ask a few questions.”


Deathly quiet.

Little Golden Crow was still so frightened that he didn’t even dare to breathe.

It took a long time before a bold Golden Crow “Warrior” spoke first.

“Really? Really… don’t eat us?”

“Just asking some questions?”

They were taken away last time, and they were almost made into dishes, which frightened them so much that they are now overshadowed.

Nuwa nodded when she heard it, her tone softened, and answered like a child.

“Really, I don’t want to eat you, I just talk about things. This is the guarantee in the name of Sage!”

Since Nuwa Sage has said so, they have nothing to worry about.

After all, Nuwa swore an oath and got Heavenly Dao’s acknowledgment, so they don’t have to worry about Nuwa going back.

Thinking about this, the little Golden Crows all breathed a sigh of relief, and the big rock in their hearts finally fell to the ground.

Their little fate has been saved!

Don’t worry about being eaten…

Nuwa couldn’t help but admired the caution and cleverness of the little Golden Crows, and then wondered inside.

Is this really the stupid son of Di Jun?

Why is his son so clever and cautious, but he himself is so stupid?

This is not like a father and son at all!

“Manny Nuwa, just ask if you have any questions.”

Seeing the little Golden Crows relieved, Empress Nuwa unceremoniously asked her doubts.

“Why did you run to Tanggu well before you were arrested?”

“Because we saw a mysterious and dazzling light from Tanggu, and there is still a huge monster power coming out from here, we are curious for a while…”

“Mysterious dazzling light? What is that?”

Nuwa couldn’t help being alert, she knew that this clue might be the key to uncovering the black hand behind the scenes.

Little Golden Crows, look at me, I look at you, and they all shook their heads.

“We didn’t know it, we just glanced at it from a distance. When the chasing light came to Tanggu, we found that the gate of Heaven Court had been opened.”

“Yes, there was no one guarding the gate that day, and then we took the opportunity to sneak out…”

Then the little princes gave you a glance and I said, proudly telling in detail the process of their own “sneak” and the thrilling “adventure story”.

Nuwa has captured a lot of key information from the words of the young Golden Crows, and she increasingly feels that this is a deliberate conspiracy against the young Golden Crows.

Otherwise, why would everything be such a coincidence?

Suddenly, a mysterious dazzling light appeared in Yugu, attracting the little majesty to come. And when they came under them, there was no one guarding them along the way.

What’s even more outrageous is that they are all at the gate, there is no little demon guarding the gate? !

There is no conspiracy?

Ghost letter! !

Nuwa looked serious and solemn, and looked around Yugu thoughtfully.

“Then… where did you find the mysterious dazzling light, do you remember?”

Since the time has passed too long, the little Golden Crow only remembered a vague outline, so he pointed to Nuwa with his hand about a range, and said.

“It should be here…”

Nuwa walked twice around the place pointed by the little Golden Crow, and finally found some clues.

She leaned over and picked up a feather that had fallen in the corner, blew off the dust on it, and examined it carefully.

Then she took it to her nose and sniffed it again, and her heart suddenly became clear, and the corner of her mouth raised a smile.

She guessed right, he was really behind the scenes-Kunpeng! !

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